Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Breaking Sugar Addiction

By Marinthe Sijstermans

Contrary to what many people believe, sugar can be as addictive as any drug. While you fortunately can't die of an overdose on sugar, you definitely can be trapped in a powerful addiction to sugar that you might find nearly impossible to break and that may take a severe toll on your health over the years.In fact addiction is a complex phenomena, involving both physiological and psychological components. When you respond to your sugar craving by eating sugar, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released in your brain in much the same way that dangerous and addictive drugs cause dopamine to be released. Dopamine is involved both in providing us with those little rushes of pleasure that make life worthwhile, but also in causing the brain to initiate movement towards the things that give us that pleasure.[]

This helps to explain why anything that is pleasurable can potentially also be addictive. If you want to break your sugar addiction, I therefore recommend a two-pronged strategy. On the one hand you need to deal with the psychological side of your addiction, but you also need to think about how to reduce your cravings physiologically, by doing things that will help to make healthy alterations to your brain chemistry.One of the most pernicious aspects of sugar addiction is that it can easily foster binge eating in general. Repeatedly consuming large amounts of sugar can cause your insulin system to become somewhat reactive and unstable. Dips in blood sugar bring about general food cravings, and tend to push your appetite to get out of control. The presence or absence of an addiction to sugar can well make the difference between being able to control your eating habits, and being completely out of control

L-Glutamine is an amino acid (a building block of protein) that the brain can use for fuel when blood sugar is low. It also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. 2 tsp taken three times a day between meals is usually enough to eliminate cravings, but if you do still get cravings, try sprinkling a little glutamine powder underneath your tongue and letting it dissolve - your cravings will disappear almost instantly.Research has shown that 3000 mcg per day of a B vitamin called biotin helps eliminate cravings and stabilize blood sugar in people with both low blood sugar and high blood sugar. In addition, zinc, vitamin E, several other B vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids can all help maintain blood sugar and reduce cravings.

Signs and symptoms you're a sugar addict.Up to 60% or more of your diet is made up of high glycaemic carbs.You have strong cravings for sweet, sugary foods throughout the day.You struggle to give up bread, chocolate, alcohol and sugary drinks.You often finish whole packets of sweets or biscuits in one sitting.You serve yourself extra portions of rice or pasta even when you're full.You finish leftover bread, rice or pasta from other people's plates.You buy chocolate or sweets for your family but eat them yourself.When you are denied access to sugary foods you become irritable and low.When you eat sugary foods after withdrawal just one piece triggers a binge.The moment you eat sugary foods after withdrawal you feel an instant rush.

There is only one way to overcome sugar addiction and that is the same way you overcome any addiction. You go 'cold turkey' on the addictive substance until you are weaned off it. It's not easy, but it's something you're going to have to commit to.or you better start praying elasticated waistbands come back into fashion.This doesn't mean you have to out all carbohydrate as some diets suggest. It just means you have to go 'cold turkey' on high glycaemic carbs to prevent the sugar rush and re-balance your blood sugar levels. Here are ten simple steps to achieve this, without dieting and without having to give up your social life. Remove all refined sugar from your diet - sweets / cakes / biscuits.Moderate your alcohol intake to just one or two nights a week.Eat a good breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.Increase your fibre intake from wholegrain cereals, fruit and veg.Fill yourself up with good quality, low glycaemic carbs.Choose wholegrain bread, brown rice and wholewheat pasta.Avoid eating carbs on their own, always combine them with proteins.Avoid large gaps between meals that cause blood sugar lows.Snack on fruit, full-fat yogurt and high protein snacks if you have cravings.Do at least 15 minutes of exercise a day to balance your blood sugar.A study from Princeton University yielded results that show a striking similarity between sugar addiction and heroin and cocaine addiction! If you are having a problem with sugar addiction, then read on! You will find plenty of useful information and tips to help you break that sugar addiction for good!

I remember a two-week period of time where I ate fast food every morning before work. Every morning! I also remember sitting in my car before work one morning, not having stopped for fast food (lack of funds), and wondering just how I was going to get through the whole day without my sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit and vanilla ice coffee. I actually called my husband and begged him to bring me my fast food breakfast or my day just wasn't going to start!After I got what I wanted, and the day went on, I began to wonder just how did I end up a fast food breakfast junkie? Why was I reduced to calling my husband away from his daily routine in order to bring his wife fast food across the other side of town? I found the answer sometime later, and it has something to do with sugar addiction (really, it does!).Fast forward a year later, where I had received some pretty interesting and enlightening information about the majority of fast food: over 70% of the foods served at many fast food restaurants are made up of high fructose corn syrup!

Good combinations to try for fruit salads are:apple, banana, orange,melon, grapes, banana,Peach, orange, melon Don't be tempted to use canned fruit. For reasons that I don't understand, it just doesn't seem to curb sugar cravings in the same way. And as for dried fruit -- stay off it! It is so high in sugar that it may make your cravings worse.You also have to be careful of fruit smoothies, which can be high calorie if mixed with cream. However, sometimes when I find myself back in the grip of a strong addiction, I like to use the 'nuclear option' of banana milkshakes to help get myself off sugar. Use a kitchen blender to blend ripe bananas with semi-skimmed milk. You can also freeze ripe bananas and blend them while still semi-frozen for a deliciously-sweet drink that tastes so good you won't believe it's good for you.Alongside consuming fruit daily, also consider getting aerobic exercise. Aerobic, or cardiovascular exercise ("cardio") has powerful appetite-suppressing and craving-suppressing effects. Amazingly, recent studies show that this type of exercise even causes parts of your brain to grow in size, leading to higher mental acuity.

The type of exercise you need to reduce sugar cravings is the type that makes you breathe harder to a degree that feels taxing but comfortable, and your heart beat faster. Preferably you should be sweating. You don't have to go to the gym or run around the block; you can buy an exercise bike or cross-trainer and use it in the privacy of your own house. Even a skipping rope will do the trick. While very cheap exercise equipment may be unusable and put you off exercise, a good exercise bike or cross-trainer can be had for as little as around a hundred dollars online, and you can often rent out equipment locally.Try to get at half an hour's exercise every other day. Start your exercise with a five minute gentle warm-up. Listen to music while you exercise; find the most upbeat, up-tempo song you can that you like, and listen to them on an mp3 player while you exercise. Once your warm-up period is done, allow the music to entice you to exercise harder.

Why Manage Sugar Addiction.The good news is that if you lower your consumption of sugar, you will also lower your risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. But for many of us, this is easier said than done. Most Americans eat and drink sweets without giving much thought to damaging effects it has on the body. This is why you need to end your sugar addiction starting now!

Make sure to eat a sufficient amount of protein; maybe even more than usual. Detox is hard on the body, so it is important to keep your body nourished during the process.Avoid breads that are enriched in any way, including enriched wheat breads. Stick to whole grain, whole wheat breads, cereals, and rice. As far as bread goes, it would be wise to temporarily use sprouted grain bread or rice spelt bread as they are "slow burners", meaning they hold the blood sugar for longer periods of time.Stock up on low glycemic foods such as dark green vegetables. Click here for a list of low glycemic food.Clear your cupboards of all foods containing sugar and derivatives of sugar. Actually remove them from your house.If you're prone to headaches, stock up on some Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Also expect possible diarrhea, mood swings (possibly severe), fatigue, and general aches and pains.Need something sweet? Stock up on fruit! Just because you are working on eliminating sugar from your diet does not mean that you have to deprive your sweet tooth.Abstain from alcohol use.Mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for at least four days of no sugar. It will seem painful, maybe even excruciating at first; but after just a few short days, your body will have kicked its addiction to sugar and you can go on with your life.Should you choose to delight in sugar products after you successfully detox, be sure to only keep it at a minimum. Also, always keep an eye on the ingredient lists of the foods you buy to ensure that sugar addiction doesn't sneak up on you again.

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