Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Anomalies and Revolutionary Knowledge

By Jake Shannon

Knowledge changes over time. Lamarck's worldview over-took the Creationist's view of biology, which, in turn, was replaced by Darwin's. Quantum mechanics has superseded Newton's classical mechanics. The cognitive revolution in psychology has left the behaviorists in the dust. Every time, a new model, offering more intension, control, predictability and falsifiability replaces the old, less scientific one. At the heart of these revolutions is anomalistics.

Anomalistics has two central features. First, its concerns are purely scientific. It deals only with empirical claims of the extraordinary and is not concerned with alleged metaphysical, theological or supernatural phenomena. As such, it insists on the testability of claims (including both verifiability and falsifiability), seeks parsimonious explanations, places the burden of proof on the claimant, and expects evidence of a claim to be commensurate with its degree of extra ordinariness (anomalousness). Though it recognizes that unexplained phenomena exist, it does not presume these are unexplainable but seeks to discover old or to develop new appropriate scientific explanations.

As a scientific enterprise, anomalistics is normatively skeptical and demands inquiry prior to judgment, but skepticism means doubt rather than denial (which is itself a claim, a negative one, for which science also demands proof). Though claims without adequate evidence are usually unproved, this is not confused with evidence of disproof. As meteorologists have noted, an absence of evidence does not constitute evidence of absence. Since science must remain an open system capable of modification with new evidence, anomalistics seeks to keep the door ajar even for the most radical claimants willing to engage in scientific discourse. is approach recognizes the need to avoid both the Type I error - thinking something special is happening when it really is not - and the Type II error - thinking nothing special is happening when something special, perhaps rare, actually occurs. While recognizing that a legitimate anomaly may constitute a crisis for conventional theories in science, anomalistics also sees them as an opportunity for progressive change in science. Thus, anomalies are viewed not as nuisances but as welcome discoveries that may lead to the expansion of our scientific understanding.

The anomalist tries to avoid both Type I and II errors, errors in deductive reasoning, as well as informal fallacies and cognitive biases. It is this balance between dismissing nonsense while being open-minded that the anomalist constantly strives for. The thin line separating protoscience from scientism (that is, pseudoscience) is where the anomalists find themselves drawn to. Marcello Truzzi, a former professor of sociology at Eastern Michigan University, has written extensively on the anomalistic perspective.

The anomalist tries to avoid both Type I and II errors, errors in deductive reasoning, as well as informal fallacies and cognitive biases. It is this balance between dismissing nonsense while being open-minded that the anomalist constantly strives for. The thin line separating protoscience from scientism (that is, pseudoscience) is where the anomalists find themselves drawn to. Marcello Truzzi, a former professor of sociology at Eastern Michigan University, has written extensively on the anomalistic perspective.

This echoes Wittgenstein's admonishment that "[w]hereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." Sadly, today new ideas (perhaps revolutionary ones) are often subject to ridicule, ad hominem attacks, and scientism, instead of being granted a respectful agnostic silence. Type I errors are commonly debunked (which is great), while Type II errors are mostly ignored or ridiculed, ultimately remaining uninvestigated (which is not so great).

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Grievance: Coping with Loss

By Ryan Crest

It's normal to lose someone dear to us in this lifetime. And because of this special bond and memories that they have had with this person or persons, it may take a while for them to get over their death. Normally, it would take up to about six months to grieve or to cope up with a death. However for some, it takes much longer even up to a year. The longer this last it gives a negative impact on the emotion to the point of no return.

People have many ways of coping up when someone special to them dies. Some people would develop new habits like smoking, cigarettes or electronic ones they can get with a green smoke cigarette. Some grievers would smoke packs and packs of these cigarettes, hoping to forget that feeling of emptiness and sadness due to the loss of someone dear to them. As it is, it is not advisable to smoke because one may get certain conditions like cancer and many others.

Art is a great outlet to grieving. Through art, they get to express what they're feeling deep inside. Friends and relatives who get to see their pieces should not be shocked if their paintings appear sad, angry, lifeless and the like. Since this person is in grief, expect their output or their work to be something near this feeling.

Those who have lost someone want to forget the pain and the sadness which is why they turn to alcohol. Their thinking is that alcohol numbs their mind and body from the feelings they get from losing someone. This is not entirely true but the minds of these grievers are already set. Some accompany alcohol drinking with smoking. While drinking the nights and days away, they smoke with a e-cigarette they got from a green smoke cigarette or real tobacco.

It is also important to take note of ones health, whatever coping mechanism you may use. Some of these mechanisms can harm you and you don't want to reach the point where you need to be taken care of. During this period of sadness and mourning, it is okay for them to be like this. This moment will just pass when they have finally accepted their loss and understood everything else around them. This is a temporary moment so you should not become too worried.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Asian Culture: The Culture Of Success

By Jayde Johanssen

The Asian continent is the greatest in population and the biggest in area. It is also very rich in resources, technologically advanced and a base of science and knowledge. The secret behind this success comes from the wise Asian culture which treats the human force as a top priority.

It's not quite surprising that the continent of Asia has established the world's manufacturing foundation for all kind of simple products. It also advanced machines and complex technological items as well. And it includes automobiles, computers, mechanical parts, in-home tools, construction equipment, ships, revived and atomic energy.

There is a significant interest and obvious amount of care given to human force. That is the reason why Asian educational facilities are multinational. Lots of Asian universities are nominated each year between the top 200 world universities. For example, Peking, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Malaya, Shanghai Jiao Tong, Singapore and Tsing Hua universities. Also Indian Institute of technology in Bombay, Institute of technology in Madras and Institute of Technology in Bandung are all in the top 200 best world universities regarding educational quality, researches done, accomplishments and employment.

By looking at Asia, countries in the region other than Japan and China are also developing. From the world view, the Chinese Republic economy is the second in place and over a few decades it is anticipated to get the biggest share, Japan is the third in place after losing the second place to china in 2010 as International Monetary Fund list stated.

The black horse of Asia is India, in 2010 it holds the eleventh position in economy and it's anticipated that India will earn a position in the top ten in a short while. Although India might be considered as a developing country, it is a base of IT and computer software industries.

Another great Asian country to take an example from is South Korea. Despite its small area, Koreans have a great ambition that they have become the 15th biggest economy on the world. The country has top notch educational facilities and a tourist attractions as well as a huge industrial capability

The whole world should learn from the Asian experience. Instead of investing on structures, items or resources as a first priority, investment on man is more useful valuable on societies. So the planet as well as your life will be stronger.

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How To Exploit Your Time Productivity

By Mila Parker

When it comes to work rate and efficiency, you will notice that you never stand on flat ground. There are times when it will take you forever to get a simple task done where as there are times when you will do it in a short time. What matters is output.

Time is a precious thing. Still, many people will take so much time doing their work to completion.

Despite all the hard work, I have with time learnt how to be more efficient and in that sense more productive. This came by learning how to observe other people's techniques around me. I have found these three tips that stood out.

1) Start with the most important work first. If there is something that really needs to be done, you should not postpone this. You better do it and forget about it. It is in that sense going to prevent you from Mac timing by doing work that is not important.

2) You should not multi task important things. This will slow you down as much as you think that you are saving on time. Instead, set some time apart for each task. For example, if you select a certain hour as article writing time, you are not supposed to be catching up on your emails.

When you dedicate time it is wonderful to experience how much difference it makes to how you achieve targets with separate tasks.

3) Whenever you are doing some job and you get a feeling that you are not quite getting your mojo, you can always step back and relax a bit before you continue. That will normally be able to give you some relaxation and some new energy.

For you to get your work complete in the right schedule, try out these simple tips, you will be surprised.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Power Of Subconscious Mind Is Simply Incredible!

By Kevin J Lockwood

Let's face it; the human mind is more than likely one of the most powerful things in all creation and as such, one shouldn't ever under estimate the power of the subconscious mind. Irrespective of what you do or what you say, it all comes from your mind, and in certain circumstances, your actions take place on a conscious level.

A perfect example of this can be witnessed when we sit down to watch TV. In some cases we don't like what we're watching and so we decide to change channels and watch something else instead. This is an action of the conscious mind. On other occasions, we reach for the remote and we flick through the different channels for no apparent reason. This of course is an action on the subconscious level, but have you ever stopped to think about what made you do it? Because this was an action on the subconscious level you probably never gave it a second thought.

How does something like this actually happen? In all probability, something came on TV which you don't really like and your subconscious mind, knowing it was something you don't like, triggered a reaction so that you wouldn't have to endure it. This just goes to show how much of an impact your subconscious mind can have on the way a person behaves. This type of occurrence also helps to emphasize the importance of training yourself to use the power of your subconscious mind so that you can use it to improve the quality of your life to an extent you probably never believed to be possible.

Providing you can learn how to harness and control the power of your subconscious, you'll be able to live the type of life you long for. Unfortunately, most people are brought up believing that there are many dangers lurking in the subconscious mind. Admittedly, mankind needs to understand the undesirable side of human psychology but if we spend too much time focusing on the negative aspects, we're bound to encounter negative experiences.

This is exactly why it is so important for people to focus on the positive aspects of their mind, and why they should look for ways in which they can use the power of the subconscious mind in order to improve their life. Contrary to what you may be thinking, this doesn't necessarily have to be a complex process, but instead, it's a series of simple processes which make it all possible. Providing you follow these simple processes, you'll discover that it is in fact possible to put the power of the subconscious mind to work, so that you in turn can develop to your full potential. Let's go ahead and take a quick look at some of the things you can do in order to achieve this.

One of the easiest ways to gain control over the subconscious mind is by using affirmations. Essentially, affirmations require you to remind yourself consistently of a certain aspect of your life in order to bring about a desired change.

If for example you found yourself in a situation where you were required to complete a task for which you believed you were not ready, you would more than likely experience a feeling of fatigue. This is essentially the way your body responds to a stressful scenario, but unfortunately it can leave you feeling drained and without energy. By using affirmations, it is possible for a person to overcome this condition which in turn would allow them to complete the task as it should ideally be completed.

The desired goal can be achieved by means of affirmations. In other words you need to remind yourself continuously and consistently that you stand to gain numerous benefits by completing the task successfully. You could go and stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself that by the time you've finished the plans, it will be the best looking home in the world.

Affirmations can of course help you in more ways than one. In fact, if you've never been successful at giving up a smoking, then affirmations can help you do just that. Affirmations, either spoken or written, allow you to gain access to the power of your subconscious mind.

Of course affirmation is not the only way to gain control over the power of the subconscious mind. In fact, post hypnotic suggestion has also proven to be successful and as such, it is a method which is often used. Post hypnotic suggestion can be done either by self hypnosis or by using the services of a qualified hypnotherapist. Those who choose to do it by means of self hypnosis will more often than not make use of various hypnosis audio recordings.

In more recent times, a new process has surfaced which attempts to synchronize the brain waves. This process takes advantage of new technology known as by binaural beats which are essentially different sound frequencies which you listen to through a set of headphones. The two frequencies are slightly different which means that a different frequency is heard in each ear and this helps to synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain. Interestingly enough, this process helps you to achieve a meditative state of mind almost instantaneously, at which point it becomes easier for your conscious mind to communicate with your subconscious mind.

In fact, this whole process can be taken a lot further, as has been demonstrated by Buddhist monks for centuries. As you may have already have heard, some monks have so much control over their subconscious minds, that they're able to exhibit what could best be described as being supernatural powers in that they are able to levitate.

By utilizing the power of your subconscious mind you can in essence manipulate physical matter on a subatomic level, and this has been proven beyond all doubt. In fact, several movies and books have gone to great lengths to explain this in scientific terms, and as a result, this phenomenon has come to be known as the 'Law of Attraction'. Providing you are able to communicate successfully with your subconscious mind, it is possible to get whatever you want out of life. Rather than just being theoretically possible, it's is a physical law proven by means of quantum physics.

Even though this may sound quite unbelievable, quantum physics is able to show us that the ancient religions have been right all along when they say that the reality we live in the simply a product of our mind. Interestingly enough, quantum physics has also been able to help us understand other amazing powers such as how certain people can be psychic.

One thing is for certain and that is that the subconscious mind is significantly more powerful than what people tend to realize. As such, you should never overlook or ignore the potential benefits you to stand to gain once you discover how to control and manipulate your subconscious mind. Not only will it enable you to change certain behavior traits such as bad habits, but it will also allow you to live a life you never thought possible.

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Losing A Loved One: Facing Sadness

By Ellen D. Dukes

Statistics have shown that people at the age of 18 are experiencing forms of depression and even children do feel depression. Depression is a critical form of grief in which a person who has experienced grief is not able to cope well with the loss of a loved one. With that, it is very important that you know how to treat and communicate with people with grief and depression.

Acceptance is the main key to getting through grief but in order for you to accept what is right infront of you, there are stages in which you have to go through. There will be periods of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and then comes acceptance. It is much better to accept the things rather than ignore them.

Learn to live with grief. If not, learn how to cope with grief. If grief is taking over your life, it will take form into depression where you will experience disinterest to everything you find interesting before. The moment this happens, it will be tougher to manage.

Be in tune with your feelings. Do not try to suppress them. Talk to your family and friends and admit if you are having difficulties accepting the fact that a loved one is good. They will surely understand what you are feeling and would help you go through the process.

Take things one step at a time. Do not try to push things you want to do. You might end up skipping the normal process of grieving. Most of the time, taking things hard and fast would suppress your emotions.

Do the things that you really love to do. If you love going outdoors then by all means do what you need to do to cope with your feelings. Do not bound yourself inside a room and pretend that everything is okay. Be out there.

Get back to your routine if possible. You might be doing a lot of things together with your loved one who just passed away but learn to do them alone. Put yourself on a daily routine to let the days pass by.

Always remember that you are not alone and that you have family and friends who are around you that you can talk to when you feel sad. Trust in them that everything will be alright.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Tell If Your Ex Still Wants You

By Aaron Andrews

The first thing in trying to get your ex back is deciding if you want to actually want to try to get them back in the first place. You must find out if the other person is willing to give things another try. He or she may not be in love with you anymore.

There are a few ways you can tell if he or she does want you back. This way you can keep from being strung along without hope of a relationship.

It's as simple as watching the way he or she treats you and communicates with you, meaning through the use of the phone.

You may just have a good chance if your ex returns your calls and actually seem happy to have you as a friend. This means you may have a good chance of getting them back.

If your ex still likes you, even if just a small amount, within that feeling could be a possibility to rekindle those flames you both once had. You may already feel something for him or her, but they may need a little time to get back there.

Your chances are not so great if your ex by chance does not return or answer your calls. This could very well mean that he or she has moved on with their life or is trying to, that is without you.

However, this may not be the end of story for you, but things will be more difficult trying to piece back together at this point. You may just need to give it some time.

A great majority of relationships that ended are often put back together and are stronger as a result of the break up. It is just important that you know how to read the situation and make a plan on how to get it back to that point.

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Advice For Those Who Are Coming From The Heartbreak Hotel

By Kyle George

If you've had your heart removed by the person you thought you loved, now's the time to break out the time stoppers and let the sadness go.

You and me and everybody we know has gone through something a lot like this pain and anguish. You are going to miss your life with that other person and have to face each day on your own. We can still feel angry, guilty and insecure. But you don't have to choose to live with that every day. The real choice is yours to make.

Have you ever tried keeping a journal? A great way to work through your pain is to write a poem or song about your heartache. Doing so can help you deal with your painful feelings. Simply face the pain directly and don't avoid anything that you can't.

Writing things down is a great way to reflect. Healing hearts can take a lot of time to really be done effectively. It is a problem that takes a bit more effort to solve.

After a breakup, life tends to take the backseat and your broken heart becomes the center of your attention. Unfortunately, the fastest way to get over heartache is to put your focus back on your life.

Something called controlled grieving can be a real lifesaver. The goal of the grieving process is learning to live with loss, which is a part of life. Take some minutes out in a day and use them in this way.

That's one way to free up your time to use as you wish the other times of the day. Healing after a broken heart may seem like an insurmountable task but it is not. Spend a lot of time on other things.

Don't think you can't find that level of feeling ever again, because it's not true. Don't play these mind games with yourself. Total communication black-out from your ex is good for you when you are suffering from a broken heart.

You don't have to be enslaved by your emotions. You can escape by remembering all the bad times, as well as the good.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Optimism - The Chief Path To Success

By Pauleen Kennedy

Positive thinking always comes in handy whether it is the matter of heart or career. If you are positive, your chances of getting what you want improve considerably. Positive attitude has helped people attain what they wish for in all cultures.

Positive thinking is really powerful. Law of Attraction is based on it. It suggests that positive thinking is a way of attracting what you want.

Think of your mind as a magnet. If you are positive, then you will attract positive people. However, if you have a negative way of thinking, then this is what you will get from your life.

In this article, you will be given a few tips. Follow them, and you will see that the results will come out in your favor.

Make lists. Enlist the things that you really want in your life. This way you will have a plan, and you will act accordingly. You should not focus on your needs. Include what you desire in that list. Such an approach can do wonders for you. Successful people have followed this approach.

To further clarify, let us say that you want money to clear your bills. Do not include earning that particular amount of money in your list. You should include earning the amount of money that you deserve to the list.

It sounds a bit nonsensical. However, this approach is what that has made many people successful. You can set things right for yourself just by maintaining a positive attitude about life.

You will not be charged for being positive but it will help you a lot. It will set your mind free. Try to be positive about things and goals in your life. Results will surprise you.

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Trying To Move On After Ending A Relationship

By Anna Austin

Are you fresh out of a relationship and not ready to move on? Still thinking you may want to get back with your ex? Whether you enjoy being single or not, getting back into the dating scene my actually be a good thing. Read the following to find out why:

No one likes a break up fight because of the way you are left feeling afterwards. Both parties say pretty hurtful things and leave feeling unwanted and unloved.

Once you start really looking at yourself for who you are and what you have to offer, it makes you feel a lot better. This usually happens when someone new actually "sees" you.

The next best thing to getting into another relationship so fast is a rebound person. That may sound a little harsh, but it can be a good thing for you. You'll branch out your dating experience and you might even meet someone really interesting in the process. Most importantly, you'll prevent yourself from sitting miserably at home in the weeks and months after your breakup.

These kinds of relationships are meant to keep you from being lonely and get you back on your feet. It isn't supposed to end in a serious relationship; it's just for fun and to make you feel good about yourself.

Your ex may also have a rebound and that's okay since it isn't meant to be anything serious. Most don't last longer than a couple weeks.

The main reason is to allow the person giving you all this new found attention to help you reclaim your cheerfulness and take away the loneliness of being dumped.

Remember this rebound situation can restore your lost confidence which in turn makes you even more attractive to others as well as your ex. He or she may notice this and decide they may want you back, which will be completely up to you if you decide you want to backtrack.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ideas That May Help You Get Your Wife Back

By John Taylor

People don't really know what to do when it comes to get back with their wife. They usually do nothing because they feel like it's time to move on.

All these negative thoughts can interfere and lead to a terrible result. You have to stay positive and be optimistic and you have greater chances to get your wife back.

No one said that getting your wife back is an easy thing but you can do it especially if you and your wife are not completely broken up. If things just started to get bad then you still have a chance if you want to. But you can also save your relationship after you two broke up as well.

The most important thing is to keep your calm even if you feel tension from your wife. The hardest thing that you have to overcome is when all hopes of getting back together are lost. You will need to regain that hope and keep fighting.

You need to know that just because you want to make it work it won't necessary work out because when you want to get your wife back you can get all sorts of surprises and you have to be prepared for any kind of ending.

Sometimes you get blinded by a happy ending and you aren't prepared for the worst results. But you have to understand that sometimes good intended efforts don't have the best results.

Keep in mind that this is not the end and a new relationship can appear out of nowhere. This thought will make you feel better and you will be able to fall in love with someone else.

But if you want your wife back you need to be positive and the efforts won't be for nothing.

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Discussing Why People Sometimes Develop A Rebound Relationship

By Lara Jones

You always wonder what to do when your ex is dating someone else. It might mean that he's over you or maybe they are into a rebound relationship which shouldn't bother you so much.

A rebound relationship is basically a relationship they get involved in on a temporary basis. Usually, they only last a couple months, 5-6 months and these are the reasons why?

Many people go for these kind of relationships just because they are hurting a lot as much as you. All they have to do is get involved with someone else in order to relieve themselves of the pain of the breakup. This relationship will be short-lived and after 4-5 months, they will realize that they were never meant to be together.

Your ex will be out of the rebound relationship and before you know it, they will be begging you back in their arms as long as you do things right.

At this moment, the best you can do is to patiently wait and give yourself time to heal over the break up so that you can improve your life. You can go out with your friends, work out a little bit so that you can get back in shape to make your ex jealous of you once again.

As soon as they are out of the rebound relationship, trust me they will, use this opportunity to make their move.

If your ex comes pleading to you, never tell them "I told you so" or any other insults because that will only makes things worse. Instead be there for them and console them in their time of trouble. Show them the good side of yourself which will help in rebuilding the relationship.

With so much hope, your ex will come to their senses and consider giving you a second chance and before you realize, you will have gladly won your ex back in your life.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Develop The Needed Traits To Become A Great Leader

By Melody Hughes

Leaders are leaders whether they like it or not. This can be an exhausting job whether you are the leader at work or at home or in your club or organization. It's hard work that wears away at you one day to the next.

Leadership compels you to be independent of many rules and regulations. You literally have to think outside the box in order to function. You have to be able to tackle situations as they come at you without the benefit of referring to a guide on the subject.

Leaders have to remain calm at all times, but also have to know when to put on an impassioned front whenever the situation calls for it. They have to be flexible while also being able to defer to a core set of beliefs in order to make decisions when all the best information may not be available to them. They have to be reasonable and analytical one minute while commanding excitement and loyalty the next.

Leaders are confronted with a variety of different situations at a variety of different times. Some situations call for them to behave in some ways, while other situations can call for them to behave in totally different ways.

Leaders have to focus on the mission to make tough decisions when the situation calls on them to make tough decisions. They can't be swayed by politicians and cowards into making the decisions that might not be in the best interest of the group or organization.

The very best leaders are open minds and flexible while also maintaining an open door so they can hear out the ideas and complaints of their underlings. They have to listen, but they also have to be steadfast. They need to know and believe in the validity of their position without being swayed every time somebody comes up with a complaint or an altering viewpoint.

Also, leaders have to be opinionated. They have to be able to ascertain their own positions and defend them from outside threats - and sometimes even internal threats. They have to stand by their ideas.

So, maintain an open mind, but know when to stand fast behind what you know to be the very essential truth. Know what is for the best and focus on the core mission but also take account of the bigger picture.

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Ash Scatterings and Cultural Beliefs

By Ashley Pearson

For the last several thousand years, cremation, as well as the scattering of ashes at sea, has been embraced by many cultures throughout the world, specifically throughout the Pacific Islands such as Hawaii. Both cremation and traditional burial have gone through periods of preference throughout history; however, in recent times cremation has proved a more desirable alternative for honoring the deceased.

Several of the East Indian religions such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, not only embrace but also encourage ash scatterings as well as cremation as a means of burial. In religions such as these, the body is viewed as a housing for the soul. Based upon Hindu beliefs, this housing is made out of five basic elements: fire, water, air, earth, and space. When one of these elements ceases, so also does fire cease, and that form is sent to the original state. The fire through cremation is used as a way to complete this cycle.

Hawaiians believe that fire is also a key element for remembering the deceased. The islands' inhabitants, knowing the Hawaiian islands were formed from the combination of fire and water, believe that this is a metaphoric cycle of life that must be carried on into the memories of those lost. By scattering the ashes of their loved ones at sea, we are all reminded of life's journeys.

Cremation has historically been discouraged by the Christian culture; however in recent times, it is much more accepted by the alternate denominations. The original criticism of of cremation during early church history, resulted due to several key issues. Primarily, the church thought of the body as an instrument through which sacraments were received. Due to it being holy, and sacramental, it needed to be disposed of with reverence. This was due to the fact that many of the cremation practices of the early church's day were viewed as pagan and unsightly. Finally, the Church believed that by burning the body's remains it meant the refusal of the resurrection of the body, however this was refuted early on. When Protestantism began to spread throughout Europe and into the Americas, cremation became much more accepted and even encouraged.

As time progresses and cultures continue to develop and change, ash scatterings are becoming a more symbolic approach to commemorating the deceased, as opposed to the more traditional burials. By opting for an ash scattering, the family and/or friends can celebrate a loved one's life by participating in a ceremony that aides in bringing closure and acceptance to those left behind. No matter what cultural and geographical differences exist, ash scatterings are a timeless tradition that will continue to serve as a meaningful way to never forget those that have passed on.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Ideas On How To Reconcile A Lost Relationship

By Lita Howling

In relationships, the way you act towards your partner speaks louder than words. Right actions in most cases mend the rifts and put out fires. The end results of a break up are always bitter and the most effective way to get back with your ex, is by being nice. This can lead to an everlasting reconciliation with your partner.

Some examples below can help to show you some of the things which have to be done;

You can give him a short "nice "call which can be a casual way to say hello though it has to be short.This can help you ask what he's doing.

If you were helping him out with something continue doing so even if you don't have to be there and when the situation is too difficult, a friend can take over or bring your messages.

It's never good to punish yourself for what has already happened instead be nice to and try to look pleasant.

To get him interested in you again, some attention has to be shown in case it has been lacking via that department. You need to portray strength to overcome the weakness experienced from the breakup.

In order to carry out whatever approach you have in mind with less resistance, just be nice for it will make him realize what a great person he has lost. This will be an advantage to you because it will be easier for the lines of communication to get re-established.

The only way to get back with your ex is being nice to them for this is a surefire technique that has been proven by many individuals worldwide. It's never advisable to be rude to your former partner yet you can make up.

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The Interesting Facts About After Death Tales

By Aaron Harden

More and more often recently, accounts of after death experiences are being documented. People who are said to have died as a result of injuries or disease and come back to life have told of their experience. They claim to have seen flashes of light and visions during the time that they were clinically dead.

Interestingly, many people seem to discuss the same experiences. These things happen when the victims have no pulse and aren't breathing, so they may in fact be considered medically dead for all intents and purposes.

They say they felt peaceful and as if they were in a tunnel. The first thing they saw was a series of flashes of light, then pictures floating in front of their eyes of the people they love, or members of their family.

There are many documented accounts that say exactly the same thing. For this reason, a lot of people are convinced this is what must have really happened.

But the medical community tends to be disdainful of this theory. They explain the vision of a tunnel as a lack of blood in the retina. Also, the brain is dealing with a crisis and this might explain the flashing images before the eyes.

Victims, on the other hand, swear by what they saw, claiming that everything was as real as could be.

Whatever the case may be, this is one of those mysteries that may take a long time to figure out, if ever at all. No one will truly know what the case may be, and if they do, it might not be until the moment arrives when they do in fact cease to live.

At any rate the mystery is still being investigated by doctors, as it could help us understand the way the brain functions.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Poor Self-Esteem - An Issue That Can Be Resolved

By Evelin R. Ratliff

It is very difficult to have confidence issues when the world is full of it. People around you exude confidence and you find it difficult to find it yourself. In a world where confidence is the key to getting everything, it makes it more important to regain your confidence as fast as possible. The following are tips on how you can get your confidence back.

There are several aspects as to why people who have high self-confidence crashes to the bottom. One of which is their insecurities to other people. When someone much better and have all the skills that you want to have appears, you hide under yourself and get discouraged.

Begin to trust yourself with everything you do rather than doubt yourself with the things that you are doing. The reason with insecurities is doubt and when you begin to doubt you begin to lose confidence.

Another major aspect about confidence is the physical aspect. In a society where people are being judged with their physical look, it is easy for one to lose their confidence. If you have a physical flaw, you are easily ridiculed. But now, thanks to science, you can easily hide that flaw or better yet, remove that flaw and regain your confidence.

Most people are not able to handle criticisms very well. They are narrowed down next to nothing when people throw criticisms at them. The next time you hear someone criticize you, listen up and ask yourself why they criticize the way you walk or the way you talk. There must be something that other people noticed that you did not.

Learning how to accept yourself for who you really are makes up a lot of ground in recovering your inner confidence. Knowing yourself and knowing your limits makes you feel good about yourself and when you feel good about yourself, your inner confidence surfaces.

It is sometimes good to go back to your past and see which ones have been able to get your confidence up. For instance, if you found out that people love the way you look back then and it made you feel confident, do get back on that look and see if it still works for you.

Having your confidence restored will ultimately mean having your life restored. When you are able to face any adversary with confidence, you know that you are able to take it down and make it your own.

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Power Mind Practices

By Marc Bolyn

Human minds and its awesome flow have been subjected to many researches and debates. Physicians and psychiatrists are finding new definitions to describe mysterious character of it. If your mind is so powerful, you can win your body and attract others minds quickly and easily. Great scientists, historians, philosophers and many people who made wonders in their lives were owners of powerful minds.

Just look at the history and personalities who made the marvelous change, with in a spur of the moment you will resume them as people with enormous capacity. What is this capacity? Is it physic? Never psychic but psych. They set a list of ideals for the world and that was created out of their power mind and they call the people to follow them or in other words, they attracted the people with the power of their mind. That shows nothing can substitute powerful mind.

Powerful mind is a significant solution to tackle any issues in your life. You can make imperative results in your career and job. There are many ways to increase the power of your mind. Increasing psychic skills is one of the best ways. Psychic power is what it is a high stage of mind where you will be able to perceive information in uncommon ways. Everyone has number of psychic abilities that may vary to one individual to another individual

You might have heard that many people claiming that they have psychic skills such as clairvoyants. Those people may not be hundred percentages true but history proves that there were many people living with enormous psychic skills. They could perceive hidden information and read others minds. They collect information from other people's hearts that they may never want to tell anybody else. If you are practicing psychic abilities, you also can reach this stage.

Most us fail to move because our frustration. Our past that is unhappy incidents of our past casts shadows on our future. That pull back your legs and you keep static without taking any initiation. People with powerful mind will never hesitant with to move even after the series of failures. Haven't you some people who are always energetic? Do you think that they don't have any problem? Never, they too have the struggles; they too have fears and all then. Then what? Power mind, it helps them to keep on success.

Encourage your mind: encourage your mind with positive thinking. It means wipe away your negative thoughts that is memories of failures and unhappy events and fill it with fresh new feelings. That can inspire you to run to future.

Vision your success. Never allow your failures to cast spell on your future. Always dream your success. Imagine the enthusiastic applauses that sing your ears. Wipe out negative thoughts, and find energy from beautiful things.

Meditation: meditation is the best and unique method to success. Make your mind free of unwanted thoughts. If you practice meditation you can control your body and mind. You can control your mind from unwanted thoughts will be a fantastic experience.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Do Clairvoyants Become Psychic?

By Mary Shell

Understanding why and how clairvoyants are psychic, or how they even become one, is something that has been questioned since long ago. Are they simply the rare lucky ones who are gifted with these abilities, or can anyone learn to be one?

It has been widely thought of that we all, in some shape or form, have a type of psychic ability, if not many at the same time. It simply is a matter as to whether or not one can or chooses to recognize that they have it, the magnitude in which they do, and how well they learn to develop those skills. We may all have some form of psychic experience at some point and time, with some of us being born to naturally sense it, while others learning to do so gradually.

We may not always understand what is happening around us, but we, nevertheless, feel its influence on us. For some, it may frighten or seem odd and out place, with no real explanation as to what is happening around them. Others may sense things around them from day one and learn to hone the ability without a lot of effort. Then there are those who may or may not possess the skill, but learn to do so over time.

Those who are naturally born as clairvoyants are more than likely to gain their skill over time, often in either large or small spurts. Some may never be able to see what abilities they have, or simply write them off as illogical or feel there has to be some reasonable explanation as to what they're experiencing, often due to fear and misunderstanding.

For those who do learn to recognize their skills, even if they don't understand what it is their feeling or seeing, generally start to do so young if they are naturally born with the skill. What they experience often confuses or scares them due to not having the proper guidance to help them. However, with TV, movies and books, many are now becoming aware that they are not alone and that there is an explanation for what's happening to them.

Other natural clairvoyants may not develop or show signs until later in life. This is can be triggered by an event that somehow managed to awaken or ignite that ability within them such as a near-death or traumatizing experience by physical, emotional or spiritual means. Others may simply just be late bloomers whose abilities are lying dormant for another time. Development can be either drastic and sudden, or it may be something that occurs gradually and subtly over time.

Many may not experience any type of psychic abilities at all or find that they possess any. However, we all have, at one time or another, felt some sense of psychic awareness that couldn't be explained away--it was just a matter of looking at it a little more closely. For instance, you may have felt watched by someone who you couldn't see, or felt a presence around you when there was no reasonable explanation. Perhaps you get a certain opinion about a person and dislike them or feel good about them straight away, even when you don't know anything of them other than the vibe that you get.

Often times, the skills that clairvoyants use are simply just a heightened sense of self, which can be explained much like that of what animals do whenever they sense danger it. It is a mental sixth sense to compliment the five senses we use every single day of our lives to guide and protect ourselves. With clairvoyants, however, it is merely a matter of fine-tuning those skills to a more advanced level that can come naturally or with practice.

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Tips To Deal With Your Financial Problems

By Elizabeth Barret

Most of us are not born wealthy. We will hit rock bottom when it comes to our finances especially at times when the economy is slowly declining. This is a good time to hold on to whatever finances we have but if the time comes that we do get to the bottom, here are ways for you to get back up.

Acceptance is the key to making a move on finding a solution to your financial problems. People who ignore having money problems are those who refuse to believe that they need. Upon accepting the fact that you are running out of money, you will surely feel the urgency to seek out a solution.

Knowing that there is a problem with your money is one thing, and trying to solve the problem is another. Decide that you want to solve this problem and act on it. Money problems do not develop on an overnight basis, they are problems that happen for a span of time. Be honest with yourself.

Get a financial plan and stick to it. Whether your plan is to create a budget or get a loan to fix your current money problem, make sure that you have a solid plan and you play by the rules to get it fixed. Never be tempted to spend the money that you currently have from the loan.

For couples who are experiencing money woes, both of you should have a fair share of solutions to the problem. Problems like these never rise when one is able to control the other so you also have a fair share of the solution.

The main reason why people are having problems with their money is the lack of respect. People do not respect the money they earn which is why they do not think twice in spending it. Respect is the key aspect to avoiding money worries.

If you are running out of ideas to make a solution, you can always ask for an advice with a financial expert. They have different angles to tackle the issue on your finances and most of whom know what they are doing.

Fix your relationship when everything is settled. Once you have rebounded from your financial downfall, make sure to fix what is left of your relationship with others.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Aries Guy With Taurus Woman And Taurus Guy With Aries Woman Compatibility Astrology

By Maria Rowntree

Aries and Taurus As soon as Aries and Taurus type a friendship, theirs is a natural union of amicability, represented by Taurus, and ambition, represented by Aries. This relationship represents balance. Aries requirements to start to the friendship, and Taurus is going to be a lot more cautious. An Aries-Taurus connection is often a very good learning experience for both Signs. Taurus can help rein in some of Aries' far more overthe-top impulses, and Aries can support Taurus be more spontaneous and adventurous.

Taurus is patient and gentle. Aries is attracted to their Taurus friend's tactile method to life, and Taurus is also Aries' rock, stable and loyal. From Aries, Taurus can accomplish a willingness to eat the risks that result in true success. Taurus is much more reserved and practical, even though Aries is impulsive and assertive. These Signs are a good balance for each other -- both can teach a single an additional a lot about obtaining the most from life.

Sometimes Aries may perhaps try to push Taurus into producing hasty decisions, but the Bull can generally calm Aries and convince them to slow down a bit. Aries brings excitement towards the pair, while Taurus brings security. As soon as Aries wants instant gratification, Taurus can show the significance of deliberate consideration. Aries is ruled by the Entire world Mars, and Taurus is ruled by the World Venus. Venus and Mars go well together.

The symbols are universally recognized as masculine and feminine, so this friendship is often a beneficial balance of masculine and feminine energy. Aries is a Fire Sign, and Taurus is an Earth Sign. Aries needs to take charge of their personal destiny, whilst Taurus should be assured of stability. Sometimes Taurus can be possessive, which can chafe on a far more independent Aries friend. When Taurus understands that their connection is strong, they is going to be additional accepting in the Aries require for freedom; Aries needs to reassure Taurus that they're a loved, valued and important component with the Aries friend's life.

Aries is really a Cardinal Sign, and Taurus is often a Fixed Sign. In this friendship, Aries just isn't heading to obtain their way no matter how difficult they try. Taurus is a Fixed Sign, and this friend don't budge. Aries needs to realize this trait in their Taurus companion. Each Signs wish to lead, so once more compromise is important. Instead of feeling confined, Aries can understand to get much better judgment and to believe things via before acting; Taurus can discover being more spontaneous and find higher excitement in their life.

The very best aspect of the Aries-Taurus friendship stands out as the enthusiastic nature of their shared energy. This really is an very good balance of energy in between masculine and feminine, impulsive and deliberate. Their contrasting personalities and capability to discover from 1 an additional make theirs a mutually beneficial friendship.

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How A Church Organization Raises Its Funds

By Margaret Young

Like any other organization a church needs money to run and function properly. Running and maintaining a church program of taking care of the homeless, orphans and the old people requires funds. Churches also have to pay their staff such as pastors, secretaries, and cleaners.

During holidays like Christmas and Easter they might need support with decorations, gifts for the poor. Weekly offerings and donations don't always suffice. Churches then need to hold fundraiser to meet expenses.

A good church will not rely only on donations but will become proactive and turn to fundraiser to raise funds. There are various fundraising events that the church can use to raise money. Examples of such events are raffle's, car wash, car sales, talent shows, dog shows, fundraising walk/race, a sports tournament, holiday card sales.

The church can foster community cooperation in their events through donations from members of the community, or through their support in buying the items on sale.

To hold a karaoke event church member can distribute invites to for people to participate and get information on what kind music they like and which songs they would like to sing. Each contestant pays a registration fee with proceeds going to the church. The church can also hold a sale for donated items such clothes, food, home decorations, or a candy sale.

Church construction projects such building and extra block of rooms at an orphanage or old people home are expensive a hard to raise funds for. You can organize a brick sponsorship fundraiser where people pledge to buy or donate a brick and return they get their name written on the brick.

Cars can be difficult to sell on the open market, and there is always the hassle of tax. The church has a great opportunity to fundraise through car donations. The owner of the car doesn't have to worry about tax or the hassle of trying to get a good buyer.

With car donations everyone benefits the church gets a share of the money from the sale of the car and the person or company that sells the car keeps rest.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Good Understanding Of Love Is Important Between Married Couples

By Adrian Weaver

Love is a many splendid things; the phrase commonly heard when love is defined. Often than not, this word is used but not truly thought of the deeper meaning of it. There are a lot of cases of divorce in any place on the planet and that is because of misconception on what love is. If love is truly understood, it could be the only reason to save a marriage

Looking back at the times, long before your problems began, your relationship is still strong and going well. Things back then were better and love was the blooming reason for it since you both had each other for when times got tough. You loved each other once; why not take another shot on love again for your own sakes? You just need to sort out the things and the reason you made up to get a divorce.

There are many factors on why a certain relationship could just die. Those factors include but are not limited to communication, coldness, no common interest, insensitivity and many other reasons. If only these causes can be surmounted, then a healthier marriage could be easily obtained.

Women always speak their mind and express their emotions more than men do and this is the most essential part of a relationship to remember because men and women are very different in expressing themselves.

Men on the other hand do not mean that they are not that expressive but they just tend to hold their emotions inside their heart. A woman has always been in the talk section and a guy just usually hides it.

Discussing problems with one another is perhaps the best thing for a couple to do when they are having difficulties. Talking about problems in a peaceful manner can resolve many issues between individuals. All you have to do is have someone help to mediate the situation, as well as keep emotions in tact so no one blows up.

On the other hand, if 2 people are unable to talk each other, then hiring an expert marital adviser can be extremely useful, since a third person can always view matters and issues from an objective point of view and help you out in correcting your mistakes leading to problems as huge as to ending up a relationship.

Love can indeed save any relationship and marriage if it is ingrained in their nature to truly respect one another. Try this out and see for yourself. You might just be surprised how much you do discover when you try to work it out.

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Past Lives Reincarnation - Just A Myth?

By Julian McCartney

Past lives reincarnation is the journey of our soul from life to death and then life again. Reincarnation if taken in the literal form means, to be in the form of flesh again. It is the core of the term 'eternal life'. It is a belief which states that a component of our living being is reborn after death to be in the new physical body. This component is nothing but our immortal spirit or soul.

Mostly, you will find individuals who believe that past lives reincarnation is a process that will go on forever. But, many are of the view that this journey of the spirit through birth, life and death and rebirth is actually the journey of the soul from a stage of darkness to the final state of spiritual enlightenment. However, a question that keeps on lingering in our mind is why the soul needs to go through this journey of past lives reincarnation?

There are people who are immensely interested in this subject and have undertaken studies and research on this having found to an extent answer to this lingering question. According to them, the answer is that our soul goes through different sorts of experiences with each lifetime. Each life is a manifestation of it, an expression of creativity. It helps the soul to learn more and proceed towards greater spiritual wisdom.

The basis of this finding is that we will go on through this process of past lives reincarnation until we are able to set our souls free from the delusion that separate us from god. There exists usually, three renowned paths to do that. One of them is the Bhakti yoga which is the path of complete submission or devotion. The other one is Jnana yoga or the path which will help us to gain knowledge and the third one is Karma yoga or the path or service.

Be it Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga or Karma yoga all the three lead to the same destination of unification with God, or in other words achieving the highest spiritual knowledge and attaining everlasting peace and happiness. But, regardless of the path we follow, it is our decisions, our choices and the experiences that we have that describes us and also sets out our limitation. Thus, we stay away from unison with God.

The day we learn to accept what God has given us and start to live on that, we will completely trust Him. This will eventually lead us to the path of self acceptance and thus we will gain peace in our heart. The peace will help us to increase the desire within us to make others happy thus, we will be able to understand to what great capacity our heart can go of loving others and also caring for them So, we will move towards the path of freeing ourselves from past lives reincarnation.

In the writings of sages, prophets and philosophers, from different countries and cultures, we can find reference to past lives reincarnation and the concept behind it. Mostly, the Eastern philosophy speaks about the principle of past lives reincarnation but you can also find many Westerners also believing in it, although majority of them do not have faith in this concept.

The ancient Egyptian civilization was built upon the foundation of reincarnation. The ancient Greek historian by the name of Herodotus who belonged from the fifth century says, ""The Egyptians propounded the theory that the human soul is imperishable, and that where the body of any one dies it enters into some other creature that may be ready to receive it." Moreover, even Plato an ancient Greek philosopher, famous writer and mathematician says on this, "Soul is older than body. Souls are continually born over and over again into this life." We will find that three fourths of the Asian population are a strong believers of the concept of past lives reincarnation.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Good Thing About Seeking Help From Life Coaches

By Kenneth Roberts

Many people who like to manage their lives in a correct way have now opted to ditch the assessments of high charging professionals such as psychiatrists and psychologists and have chosen to employ life coaches.

There are doubts however as to whether the life coaches are actually in a position to help guide people through their concerns in life. These doubts are based on the fact that they do not hold any form of professional license to help people.

If your concerns are non medical concerns then there is absolutely no reason whatsoever why life coaches cannot help you through your concerns in life. Life coaches are adept at helping to give people motivation and reassurance as well as giving them re-direction in life.

The idea of having life coaches is to find somebody that can make you see that it is you that is accountable for your life. As such it is you that needs to accept whatever it takes for you to achieve your goals in life.

Good life coaches can help you to overcome your fears and gives you the confidence and self belief that you will need to succeed I life.

These life coaches do not glean their experience from textbooks they are taken from real life situations. They will give you strategies that have already been proven to work in the field and which you can easily follow.

If you are thinking of choosing a life coach then choose one that has had plenty of experience. You can always ask for references from past clients to see how good they are.

Life coaches can be very easy to work with as they can set out a road map of your life for you to easily follow. This way you can clearly see how you are progressing in life.

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Recovering From A Misunderstanding With Your Friend

By Kimberly C. Caple

When a friendship is broken, it is sometimes very hard to fix knowing that you have hurt the person you trust the most. The deeper the friendship has become the harder it becomes to solidify it back again. Here are some ways for you to reconciliate with your friend.

Say sorry to your friend and mean it. It does not matter who fault it is as long as you are willing to accept that you have also done something that has hurt your friend. The most effective way to patch things with your friends is a sincere sorry.

Talk to your friend about what happened. Take your time to discuss what just happened and what are the reasons behind the animosity between the two of you. Both of you have been friends for too long and that you already know each other's behavior when it comes down to this.

Be respectful to your friend and give him a chance to talk to you to let you know his side of the story. There are always two side of the coin and do try to listen to him as he tells you what happened to your friendship in his own point of view. Once he is done, then you can tell yours.

Think first then speak what you need to speak. There should be a screening process to what you are going to say to your friend when both of you are locked in a conversation. Always screen what you have to say to avoid hurting your friend again.

After a big comeback with your friend, it is never easy to do the things that both of you enjoyed. There might be some awkward moments between the two of you so it is better that you take it slow but steady.

Give your friend the time and space to think about what happened and see if he comes into his senses when the dusts have settled. People's hearts are sure to melt when they realize that they have hurt their friends.

Your friend is like your partner in life, so make sure you treat them as such. When a friend leaves, a part of you goes missing and it is a sad feeling. No one likes to leave a friend behind and with these tips, you are surely going to solidify your relationship with your friends. Get going on these tips right away to keep your friends together.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Discussing The Traits Of A Good Leader

By Micaela Jones

An awful lot is expected of our leaders. They are on 24-hours per day oftentimes, whether they want to be or not. This goes for our bosses and managers as well as for our civic group leaders or church leaders.

Leadership compels you to be independent of many rules and regulations. You literally have to think outside the box in order to function. You have to be able to tackle situations as they come at you without the benefit of referring to a guide on the subject.

A leader has to be dynamic while also remaining calm even when the stresses of the moment threaten to break them like a stick. They have to be ideologically flexible while also being able to fall back on a set of beliefs to inform them of what to do when they don't have all the information of a given situation.

Situations can become quickly complicated and leaders have to be able to contend with these situations even as they change moment by moment. Leaders have to rise to meet these challenges even if they are afraid or don't have the courage to do so.

A leader has to always decide what is best for the group or organization and stand behind their own convictions and not run away like a frightened mouse whenever a difficult situation calls on them to issue a difficult order or decision. They have to focus on the mission at hand.

Leaders have to be open minded while also being sincere in their beliefs. They have to be able to hear out an employee or partner when they come to them with an idea or a criticism. They have to listen, but they don't always have to act. They have to be able to defend their own convictions even when they might be unpopular or ill-informed.

Also, leaders have to be opinionated. They have to be able to ascertain their own positions and defend them from outside threats - and sometimes even internal threats. They have to stand by their ideas.

So, maintain an open mind, but know when to stand fast behind what you know to be the very essential truth. Know what is for the best and focus on the core mission but also take account of the bigger picture.

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Optimism - The Chief Secret To Success

By Allisa Bennet

Positive thinking always comes in handy whether it is the matter of heart or career. If you are positive, your chances of getting what you want improve considerably. Positive attitude has helped people attain what they wish for in all cultures.

Law of Attraction is alternatively known as the power of positive thinking. The basic principle is that if you have a positive mindset, then you will get whatever your mind is on.

Take your mind as a magnet. Consider that your mind pulls what you want towards you. In this manner, you will be able to gauge the importance of positive thinking. On the other hand, if your approach is negative, then you will surround yourself with people, who are similar to you that are pessimists. With negative thinking style, you will expect the worse from every situation, and therefore, results will be in line with your expectations.

In this article, you will be given a few tips. Follow them, and you will see that the results will come out in your favor.

It is seen to be the case with many successful people that they keep a list of things that they wish to have. The list comprises of objects of their desire. It is not composed of things that they need at a particular point.

To further elaborate, let us say that you have a bill to pay. You need money for it. If you will focus on getting enough to pay the bill, then you are missing the point. Focus on the money that is out there in the world that you can earn.

To some of you, this might sound a bit far-fetched. However, it is not. You can make things happen for you if you set your mind to it. Many people have done that, why cannot you?

Doing so will not cost you a single penny but you will gain much. Even if you are not able to achieve what you want, it will help improve your psychological well-being.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

These Are Frightening Times As We Come Closer To The End Of Mankind

By Earl Peterson

There are a multitude of prophecies and predictions that were written describing when will the world end. However, there are many who have an uncanny way of syncing in how they describe not only how the world will end but, also when these events are predicted to occur.

Many books and even movie productions have focused on the infamous year of 2012, mainly because of how believable this particular prophecy is. A prediction that is based on a 5125 year calendar, developed by an ancient but mysterious civilization known as the Mayans, that is planed to end precisely on December 21, 2012 denoting the time when the world will reset itself. What makes this prediction so frightening, is how precise the Mayans were in their developing of calendars along with their advanced skills in interpreting the movement of the skies.

Even the Book of Revelations (The Holy Bible), describes a mushroom cloud that will cover a third of the world and flying objects that were made out of metal with "wings that sound like many chariots rushing into battle". The bible describes many signs and events that appear to be clearly describing today's times.

Even the infamous Nostradamus, famous for his many predictions that miraculous came true, described an event known as The Winter Soltice. It's quite amazing on how consistent the events in his predictions are actually supported by modern day astronomy regarding a major solar event that will have transformational effects on our planet.

These many predictions and how they land together on common ground to predict that we are approaching the last days for modern day man. But, in further study of these prophecies you will discover that there is some hope. They are not necessarily describing the extinction of mankind but, more regarding a transformational change in the way we live our lives. By studying these prophecies, you too may find that there is a means to survive these end time predictions. Therefore, providing us time to prepare for survival for the end of the world.

What makes these predictions so very fascinating and frightening at the same time, is how they all appear to agree in timing to this transformational event. With the year 2012 quickly approaching, there are more and more people taking the time to do some investigative work to determine the validity of these prophecies. Additionally, as more commonalities surface within these ancient prophecies, they're finding that even today's events are beginning to provide support to what is expected to happen, You will discover the real truth behind....Swine Flu pandemics, signs of devastating natural disasters and the government cover-ups that are keeping this information from the public.

With there being so much in common with ancient prophecies and how modern day events are beginning to support these predictions, there is a heightened awareness as more people begin to uncover the uncanny truths behind what is being predicted. From the infamous Mayan 5125 year calendar, the Aztec Calendars, The I-Ching prophecies, Hopi Indian teachings down to the trusted Holy Bible, we simply cannot ignore the commonality regarding when will the world end.

Can we simply write these off as a mere coincidence or do we accept the inevitable possibilities that a transformational event is approaching and it's coming our way sooner than later. How do we ignore these ancient prophecies that describe so accurately today's times as when will the world end. Or, can we ignore how modern day events and even scientific predictions all sync to the same conclusion. Perhaps, we're given the unique opportunity to realize what is approaching and what can be done today to prepare for survival of tomorrow.

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What Is An Out of Body Experience And How Does One Happen?

By William Courcey

An out of body experience, which is sometimes referred to as an OBE, occurs when a person feels like he or she is floating outside of their body. It is a scientifically proven phenomenon that typically occurs when a person is about to die.

In addition to being called an out of body experience, the experience of perceiving your physical body from some location outside your body is called an astral projection. It is not a concept that should be scorned, because many who have come near death have returned to recount their memories of seeing their physical body lying in a room. These people are also able to describe activities that occurred in the room during their experience.

People began to refer to this experience as an out of body experience or OBE in 1943, instead using the term "projection." This transition in names occurred in response to the perception that "projection" was more of a belief-centered term. In the past, however, OBEs were referred to as "spirit walking." Scientific research into this type of experience is ongoing, because it cannot be considered imaginary.

Approximately 10% of the population may have been through this type of experience at some point in their lives. These are some very large numbers, so one should not look at the concept of an out of body experience with scorn, disdain or skepticism.

Sometimes, some people undergo an out of body experience spontaneously. On other occasions, this might be brought on due to mental and physical trauma, the use of psychedelic drugs or even when a body has slipped into a state of trance or coma.

There are plenty of places on the Internet, which promise you the joys of astral travel and projection. Astral projection is not difficult if you know how to go about it in the right way. This is supposedly a natural process, which was used very often by the ancients. Unfortunately, a large number of their modern descendents have forgotten the art of astral projection. An out of body experience does not need a large level of spiritual and mental power.

However, you should have the power to concentrate on one point -- your conscious mind is holding you back, because it has the fear that once you project yourself out of your body, you would not able to come back. This is the subconscious fear which prevents astral travel and astral projection.

The belief is that one's astral body can leave the physical body for a little while. If one believes in the idea that yes, he can project his astral body outside his physical body, he is already on his way to success. That is because he has auto suggested himself into allowing his conscious mind to "let go." However, if there is just this brief bit of fear that one's astral body is going to escape one's physical body and he is going to end up in the state of limbo, one is better off not trying any sort of experimentation.

If you know you believe in this phenomenon, silence your fears. You'll need to use meditation and self-hypnosis to have a successful OBE. Begin having positive thoughts and tell yourself you want to experience astral projection. As your mind takes over, you will find yourself accepting the possibility of successful astral travel.

Lie down in a place where you are not going to be disturbed. Lay your arms to your sides. Let your aura harmonize itself with that of Mother Nature. Breathing deeply, start focusing on relaxing your physical body in such a way that it lets your astral body go forth to explore the dimensions outside your physical and mental knowledge and ken. You are going to feel your body start to tingle; encourage this sensation. If conscious thoughts keep popping up in your mind, brush them away and keep concentrating on breathing deeply and gently.

Normally, an out of body experience is heralded by vibrations and a rapid pulse. Allow those vibrations to sweep over you. Avoid becoming excited; instead, you should remain calm and let the vibrations control you entirely, your body and soul. You will soon be leaving your physical body behind and embarking on an astral journey into another realm or dimension.

A number of people who have gone through an OBE say that the out of body experience ended because of the fear of getting far away from their physical body. According to them, the experience which they had was definitely not a dream, because they had been existing in some other realm or sphere and undergoing experiences there. So if you want to take part in this exciting new world of astral travel and believe that you can do it, you Can Do It.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Past Life Reincarnation Not Such A New Thing

By Alistair Macdonald

Many people thing that with the New Age religions that are coming out past life reincarnation is something new. This is nothing of the sorts. Just the opposite is true. This idea that you were once something else and are now this human form has been around for quite some time. It started with the idea of Buddha.

There are two common religions that have warmly accepted this idea. These were the Buddhists as well as the Hindus. The biggest of believers are those with a Chinese background. However as the New Age movement is sweeping through nations upon nations, this idea is becoming even more widespread.

People of those cultures have a long line of ancestors believing this theory that you die and come back as something else. Many say that you come back because you have unfinished business. Others will tell you that you will come back no matter what. This means whether you have passed peacefully or not.

Others find this a little too good to be true. They think that once you are gone you are gone. They cannot fathom how someone could actually believe in this. Therefore, they question those who do believe to get the answer of how this could be. How do you know what you were? These are the true questions they ask.

For those who do believe, they take great comfort in knowing that this life is just the journey to another life. They look for ancestors everywhere they walk. The simplest tree could be a cousin who has passed. It's something like the Lion King. We all become something else.

If you feel that this has occurred, then they say that you need to really focus. That when you start to recall times of the former life that you once lived, this can help you through the hard times that you are facing in this time and life. For some, this is rather confusing. For others though, this is so normal.

For those who do believe, they commonly find that those who meditate can often remember as to who they were in a previous life. This is just a tip for those who feel that they do believe in this concept, but who might not necessarily remember what it was they were or the previous life in which they lived. For some people, their religion will help with this, if not there are tutorials out there that cna help you with such a task of remembering.

Whether you believe or not, this concept of reincarnation is becoming more wide spread. While there are many who don't bleieve in this and feel that the people who do believe in this only do so because they want something to help them through tough times, who are we to judge? It's nothing new. It's been around for a number of years, more are just accepting it.

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The Secret To Inducing Lucid Dreams

By David Axel

When during sleep you are completely aware that you are dreaming and in some cases even have the power to control the images that you see in your dreams, you are said to be lucid dreaming.

Thus, from what we understand from the above, if you know that you are dreaming and moreover have the power to dream about whatever you want and manipulate it as you wish then the ability for inducing lucid dreaming might be stated to be one of the best special powers or abilities anyone can possess. More so because with the knowledge that you are dreaming with the aspect of control, you can actually go ahead and do whatever you feel like in your dreams without any restriction since you know that once you wake up it can never harm you in real life.

In the light of all the above it can be understood why people so strongly want to develop the skill of inducing lucid dreams. It acts as a doorway in your life through which you can occasionally visit a world where you can do and enjoy whatever you want to and then come back to your normal life. Ability to induce lucid dreams can be developed by regular practice of the below mentioned five techniques.

Firstly, being able to recall your dreams is one primary and important aspect in inducing lucid dreaming. Even if you do experience a lucid dream but is not able to recall after waking up then there's no point at all. Hence, dream recall capability is to be developed first and the foremost. This can be done by regularly maintaining dream journals, affirming the mind in remembering your dreams, recording yourself saying what you dreamt about each day with an audio recorder are some of the things that you could do in this respect.

Secondly, the most difficult to develop and thereby the most rare is the WILD or Wake Initiated Lucid Dream, where the individual is fully awake and aware and in control of themselves while they pass from the state of wakefulness to that of the dream realm. Ability to do so mostly includes the ability to control and manipulate the dreams as well. Extremely difficult to achieve, it involves being awake during the hypnogenic stage which is the border between wakefulness and sleep. In other words, if you can keep your mind awake during this time simultaneously letting your body rest and go to sleep then WILD can be achieved. You can keep your mind awake and focused during the hypnagogic stage by visualizing yourself ascending a flight of stairs and counting the no. of the same, chanting in your mind or even counting your breadths.

Thirdly, the MILD or Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams technique in inducing lucid dreaming involves continuously affirming your subconscious mind about remembering a particular object in your dream. In this way, when you actually see it in your dream your mind will note it down, in the process giving you the knowledge that you are dreaming.

Inducing Lucid dreams can also be done by a alternate sleeping-waking exercise. In this case, you should go to sleep in the usual time but only for a few hours. Set your alarm and get up in between a deep sleep phase and then occupy yourself with something for 45mins to an hour or so after which you go back to sleep again. In this way, your mind or your brain will not be completely sure whether you are asleep or not, suddenly when you get up from intense sleep. This will help in inducing lucid dreaming when you go back to sleep again.

Lastly, it must be said that a discussion can never be complete without stating the techniques that technology has provided us. In this regard mention may be made of the binaural beat method which involves using a pair of headphones and hearing two different kinds of sound vibrations in each of your ears. This results in the synchronization of the different vibrations in you brain which in turn creates a mental state in which inducing lucid dreams can be much facilitated. Other technological objects include specialized lights or dream masks that can be used for lucid dreaming purposes. It can be concluded by saying that whatever the technique used, affirming the mind regarding remembering and realizing a dream and communicating the knowledge to you is what is most important.

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