Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cosmic Ordering And Its Effect On Your Life

By Samantha Hill

More and more people are looking for ways to enjoy their lives and fulfill their desires these days. They are trying to accomplish their goals and also satisfy their materialistic and other aspirations. In today's world there are more and more ways of getting the kind of life you want but nothing is as good as cosmic ordering.

Cosmic ordering is nothing but a different form of a spiritual practice which enables you to get all your wishes and desires fulfilled by the universe. All you need to do is to ask or just order and you will get it. Though this may be some what a spiritual process but it doesn't mean you need to be a saint to get the results. Yes, if you are one, then it will only help but this process works for normal people as well.

In simple terms cosmic ordering means manifesting your goals and dreams through the spiritual way. You can ask for anything or order anything that you desire from the universe from changing your life to getting the partner of your dreams.

Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer believe that to manifest your order with the universe, you need to be in something known as the 'field of intent'. This is nothing but an invisible energy field which aids and catalyses the connection between the spirit and the universe and helps in manifesting our desires.

There is a high probability that you have done cosmic ordering before without realizing what it really was. If you jog your memory, then there must have been a time when you really wanted something badly and you got it. Most people term it as a coincidence and don't realize the true power they have. It's never a coincidence, it was just cosmic ordering.

Power of intention is vital to cosmic ordering since intention is nothing but an amalgamation of our innermost faith and desires. We need to have complete conviction that we deserve what we want and really want it. This is the only way to make cosmic ordering work.

People may express their desire for a new car or a new pay raise. However nothing works till you believe that you are not worthy or you didn't work hard for getting them. You need to actually be dead sure and have complete conviction that you deserve it and you will get it.

Its one of the most straightforward and easy processes in the world and it can help you to completely change your life. The only problem here is that if you believe and focus on the bad or the negative instead of positive, then cosmic ordering may manifest the negative as well.

Hence, people who are always scared of losing their job may even see their fear coming true one day. Therefore just think of the good things that you want. Don't think about the bad ones.

Living in negative and pessimistic mindset and circumstances for years together has led many people to believe that they don't deserve to be happy. Hence, for these kind of people manifesting their desires is a Herculean task; almost unattainable.

Your subconscious mind can also become your biggest enemy and hindrance in manifesting the things that you desire because the beliefs fed into it for years may not allow it to believe in the cosmic ordering service.

To really be successful in ordering what you need from the cosmos, you need to prepare your subconscious mind to believe that you are worthy of being happy and getting what you want. It's not a tough thing to change the beliefs and innermost thoughts of your subconscious. There are various tools like meditation, affirmations and hypnosis which can change that

Lot of people world over have used cosmic ordering to manifest the life they want. Its time for you to also use this tool and get the life you really want. Now is the time to use cosmic ordering to have a great and prosperous life.

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Can Anyone Try Lucid Dreaming?

By Trevor Albitt

Sometimes known as conscious dreaming, lucid dreaming is the art of keeping self aware and knowing that one is dreaming while in a dream. This includes being conscious that the events unfolding around you are only part of the dream and being able to exercise control over the dream. All of this is possible for the person who has learned how to use lucid dreaming.

Having control over your dreams is an incredible experience. Everything which you thought you couldn't keep from holding you back from your goals just falls before you and you have new found mental clarity, even when awake.

But is it as simple as it looks like? Can everyone experience lucid dreaming and bring to life what otherwise seems difficult or impossible in this reality?

Luckily, it's really not that hard to begin lucid dreaming, as long as you are determined to learn it. There are proven ways to help you access this ability and use your untapped mental power.

Foremost, you must be absolutely clear about your objective in trying to master the art of lucid dreaming. Do you just want to have your own private playground in the form of lucid dreams, or there is some specific reason for developing this skill? Whatever may be the reason, it should be crystal clear in your mind.

The next step is to learn the techniques of reaching the mental state where lucid dreaming is possible. You'll have to begin learning dream recall, which is simply remembering your dreams. To begin lucid dreaming, you need to first be able to recall every detail of the dreams that you have.

The process is slow, but it can be achieved by maintaining a Dream Recall Register in which you enter as many details as you can remember about your dreams daily. Slowly but surely, you'll realize that you can remember even the most vivid details of your dreams. Periodic reality checks during the course of dreaming will train your mind to be aware in dreams.

Many people have found that hypnosis can drastically reduce the time needed to prepare your subconscious mind to experience lucid dreaming. Often just one of two hypnosis sessions will allow you to consistently remember all of your dreams. Once this occurs your mind is then conditioned for lucid dreaming.

While in a lucid dream, it may happen that suddenly, you are wide-awake. However, with the power that you have attained so far, you'll be easily able to recollect all the important details of the dream. Now, just try to relax and sleep again, while continuing the dream with the desired directions. When you wake up, you'll realize the real power of conscious dreaming you just experienced the night before.

Another good way of inducing lucid dreams is to wake a few hours earlier than usual, then go back to sleep. The dreams you will have in these few hours are the easiest to make into lucid dreams. You may even find yourself unsure whether you have been sleeping or just thinking to yourself as you lay in bed. Just set your alarm for a few hours early, wake and reset the alarm and then go back to sleep and you will be more likely to have lucid dreams.

In this regard, it's extremely useful to keep track of your sleeping patterns so as to discover the best time to have lucid dreams.

Lucid dreaming can help people with insomnia and other sleep disorders. If you have trouble sleeping, just tell yourself "Sleeping equals lucid dreaming" and your subconscious mind will help you become free of the thoughts keeping you awake.

Lucid dreaming used to be something which took a very long time to learn. Recent technological advances, particularly in the field of audio technology have made lucid dreaming something which anyone can easily accomplish.

One of the quickest and most reliable methods of inducing lucid dreaming is to listen to binaural beats audio.

Binaural audio involves listening to two slightly different frequencies in each ear. This synchronizes brain waves to the state where lucid dreaming is most likely to occur and at the same time causes deep relaxation.

Before binaural audio technology, meditation was the method of choice for those wanting to learn lucid dreaming, and this was a process which could sometimes take years to master. Many simply gave up, not having the determination to pursue the practice.

Particularly in conjunction with hypnotherapy, binaural sound waves can get your mind ready for lucid dreaming, sometimes as early as your first attempt!

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Monday, September 28, 2009

The Magic Of Telepathy

By E Lucas Cox

The basic definition of telepathy is feeling anothers reactions or thoughts without using what is categorical called the five senses. Telepathy is often referred to as the sixth sense. This allows us to sense things without being face to face with someone.

Telepathic communication is therefore communication on another level entirely. Indeed, many animal trainers and scientists researching the ways animal communicate have become convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that animals are using telepathic communications in addition to other means of reaching each other, and sometimes their telepathic communications extend over vast distances.

Some anthropologists are also fully convinced that there are some primitive tribes who today can still use the power of telepathy to communicate with one another.

There are many common cases of telepathy, though it is still considered by some to just be witch craft or that telepathy does not exist at all. While the reality is that one can learn this ability as one learns other aspects of human life such as writing and talking to one another in a way that is comprehensible. If we have problems with these tasks, we do not say they do not exist because we can not learn them, we just adapt our learning to circumvent the block or problem that causes the learning disability.

It is sad to say that we have lost much of our telepathic ability when once it was as pronounced in some as being musical can bring out a response from another.

Some people consider this another sense altogether. That is considered to be the sixth sense to many. It also comes in many other names depending on the era and region. It is now basically considered an instinct.

Intuition is a form of telepathy. You know that feeling that someone is watching your or the hair on your arms starts to tingle? That is telepathy in its purest form. Most of the time when you have these feelings, you are correct in your assessment. How many times have your children woken you up by just looking at you while you sleep, intuitively, even in your sleeping state you sense that someone is there and wake up.

It is difficult to pinpoint why most of humanity would have lost touch with their telepathic powers and stopped believing in them. One problem with learning telepathy today definitely has to do with ascendant religions. Religions today, especially Christianity and Islam, tend to distrust telepathy as being some kind of Satanic tool or proof of demon possession.

These religions among us have come to have such power over society that a great many people have been taught to put no faith in telepathy, but only in 'the Messiah' or 'the Savior' or 'the Prophet' rather than in their own natural abilities.

But this does beg the question, why would religions come to be so distrustful of telepathy in the first place? The answer is likely to lie in the power hunger of so many religious 'leaders' and authorities who don't want their own alleged divine powers challenged by telepaths. Of course, not every religious leader is like this, but too many are and have been throughout history.

With our new scientific age, scholars scoff at the thought of telepathy. It can not be explained in a way that makes sense so it does not exist. Because we do not use our other five senses to access telepathy, the theory is that it can not be a true sense as we know it. The fact there is a plethora of data to prove that telepathy does exist does not matter to those who choose to close their eyes to the facts.

It is hard to explain why there is no scientific belief in telepathy. Other senses can be felt by every human being, yet telepathy is only well known to just a small portion of the world. But even with the proofs in place, some will just refuse to believe or even contemplate the existence of telepathy. Some other things that require a trust in a sense to believe in are widely accepted, such as animal instincts.

Whether scientists choose to call it instinct or just refuse to believe because they do not experience it themselves is mute, the point is it just because you do not feel it does no mean it does not exist.

As to why humanity began losing touch with telepathy at all, perhaps it's as simple as the Tower of Babylon story--perhaps the languages that were confused by God or the gods were not just those of speech but also the language of telepathy.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind

By Jean D Kerr

Your subconscious mind is easily the most powerful force on the planet and it shouldn't be underestimated. Everything you do or say or think begins in your mind. When you can tap the power of the subconscious, that power can be manifested to your conscious mind.

Have you ever done anything throughout your day on complete auto-pilot? Simple tasks that you just get done without thinking about why you're doing them are those controlled by your subconscious need to do them.

Your sub-conscious mind acts and reacts according to the stimulus it receives, whether you recognize it or not. This can mean that negative or upsetting images on the TV can have an effect on your sub-conscious thoughts in the same way as those negative comments you tell yourself when you feel doubt have the same effect.

Through the proper harnessing of the power of the subconscious mind, an individual can truly live out his or her true potential. Far too often we are told about the 'evils and dangers' that lurk in the subconscious. While there is certain value in understanding the dark side of human psychology, only looking at the negative comes with many unfortunate consequences.

That is why it is helpful to also look at the positive aspects of the human mind and how we can approach the subconscious as a means of self-improvement. Now, some may read this and think it refers to an overly complex process that is difficult to attain. In reality, it is the opposite that is true. The guiding of the subconscious mind is no where as difficult as some assume. Through a series of simple processes, it is possible to use the power of the subconscious mind so that it helps one harness unlimited potential. So, let us take a brief look at some of the ways this is achieved.

The simplest as best known way of communicating with the subconscious mind is by using affirmations. This is basically a constant repetition of positive words.

This is why it becomes important to train your mind to always look for the positive aspects of everything you do. By learning to utilize the power of affirmations to help reinforce your own subconscious power, you're able to unlock large amounts of potential you never knew you had.

One way this can be achieved is through constantly reminding oneself about how many benefits can be derived from performing the task. You could also look in the mirror and affirm that you are the absolute best person for the job. In fact, you are so good at the job the end result will be a complete work of art!

You're also able to change your habits through use of affirmations. You might want to stop smoking or learn to stop overeating or even feel more motivated about exercising more regularly. These affirmations confirm the things you want to your subconscious, which then creates the impulses that remind your conscious mind of the things you should be doing.

Hypnosis is another way to tap directly into the subconscious mind. You can do this using a qualified hypnotherapist or you can use self-hypnosis by listening to specific audio recordings. This can help you to change habits, like stopping smoking or over-eating. You can also change your entire attitude toward certain activities or actions to become more positive if you wish.

Another way to harness the power of the subconscious mind is to use brainwave synchronization or binaural beats. This is where you listen to specific sound frequencies through headphones. The sounds are different within each ear and create a synchronization of the two sides of your brain. This induces a deep meditation state that accesses your subconscious mind.

Buddhist monks utilize the full power of their subconscious minds to display mastery over themselves and on occasion even the environment around them. Able to break items without pain or levitate their physical bodies, this is achieved after years of mastering their own subconscious powers.

The law of attraction, explained in films and books such as The Secret, works by learning to harness the power inside your own subconscious mind. It is possible to manifest the life you always dreamed of, or the perfect partner or the ideal job.

More traditional sciences, such as quantum physics, are beginning to recognize the significance of the power many ancient civilizations accessed by understanding their own subconscious minds. The ability to alter and influence your own reality comes from tapping the power within yourself.

The power of the subconscious mind is far more vast them most people realize. That is why it is important to never overlook the benefits of manipulating the subconscious. Not only can you change your behaviour; using the power of your subconscious mind is also the gateway to a truly amazing new life!

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Past Regression - A Life Enhancing Process!

By Lesley Lockwood

More and more people these days are starting to believe in the possibility of reincarnation. With different techniques that help you to recall your past lives available, it can get tricky trying to choose the method that best suits you.

A very good starting point is keeping a journal. Later on it will help you to identify patterns when you refer back to it. It is important to record all your thoughts, even over things that seem irrelevant. Because it is generally believed that emotions play a significant role in linking us to past lives, it is also important that you record yours in your journal as well. This could be anything, such as an irrational fear of heights.

A good way to start this journal is to write down things like your likes and dislikes, phobias, food, being drawn to certain time periods, architecture, food, cultures, and climates. Also add things like times of Dj Vu, talents and occupations, the kind of animals and your personality and maybe even birthmarks.

Another important detail you should record in your journal is when you dream. Although our dreams are also current they can still reveal important clues and information. Assuming you are able to recall your dreams, be sure to record all the details of them.

There exist another method called past life regression.

This involves a visit to a professional past life regression therapist. They are trained to guide you through the regression and then with your help interpret what information that came through. This technique involves the professional doing hypnosis. Sometimes this can be done by self-hypnosis.

Many people use Meditation as a way to find out about their past lives.

When meditating there is usually no professional assisting and so many people find it difficult to trust the information they get during their sessions. But trusting your feelings as well as your instincts is necessary with meditation.

While meditation may feel like daydreaming to you, something of importance may come through as images start to flow through. Your journal maybe of help here too.

Things to help you in your meditation maybe things like music, a visual focus point or burning a pleasant smelling incense or a combination of them. Prerecorded guided meditation tapes maybe what you need or a soothing sound like water will be of help. If that isn't helping this may.

Binaural Beats

Binaural Beats is an audio recording that allows you to listen to different frequencies in each ear which aligns the two hemispheres of the brain. Using this tool can assist you in achieving the same meditative state that Zen monks reach. It is important that you choose somewhere quiet and free from distractions when you meditate. You need to ensure that whether you are lying down or sitting that you are completely comfortable and relaxed.

It is important to relax your muscles and not get distracted by daily concerns. When that happens just acknowledge them and dismiss them. At first, this going to take some practice to get the hang of it. So don't be surprised if nothing happens the first few times. Meditation takes practice. But when the true state of meditation happens questions will start to come. The answers may come to you when you are not looking.

Among other things this method can also assist you with regards to issues you are faced with in your present life, including relationship issues. You might, like others have, discover that you have shared lives with people in past lives that you know in your present life. A bit of research will confirm, or not, the information you received.

Reincarnation is present in every religion from Christianity to the Hindus. Some of these religions so strongly believe in reincarnation that they believe that any thing you do in one life for either good or bad will be paid for in the next life known as Karma. Then again knowing what happened to you in the past life may help you make a positive change in this one.

As with many things it is important that you keep an open mind about what you discover. You need to be able to accept the information you receive about your past life, because that will enable you to not only learn from past mistakes, but also afford you the opportunity to correct them in your current life, making it better than the previous one.

Many experts are of the opinion that past life regression can be very beneficial for the present life, even when the person concerned does not or cannot accept the information they receive. The subconscious can be unblocked and this can help, especially if it has negatively impacted the body. However, there are other benefits that come from past life regression.

As already mentioned past life regression can help us by identifying the mistakes we made in our past life or lives, and not repeating them in the present life. The way we do that is by confronting those past life issues head on.

Another way that past life regression can be beneficial is that from it you may discover that you have talents and/or abilities that you did not know of and that will aid you in enjoying your current life that much more. It can explain talents or abilities that you may have that you never understood before. For instance, perhaps you are good at singing while the rest of the people in your family are tone deaf! The fact that you were a singer in your past life will explain why you ave that ability in your present life.

Past life regression allows you to get to know yourself better, thereby making better decisions and choices n your current life. Therefore it is beneficial to investigate it further, as it helps you to discover just who you are and why you are the way you are.

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Hospice Grief Counseling - A Compassionate Shoulder For Your Family

By Ben Pate

Everyone suffers grief at one point in his or her life or another. When a loved one dies or becomes terminally ill, the emotional consequences can be extremely difficult for the average person to cope with. The grieving process is never easy and can often take weeks and months for a person to fully recover from. Regardless of when the grieving process begins to set in, whether it is before the death of a terminally ill patient or weeks after their passing, people in these situations should take extra care to maintain their welfare. Many turn to a Hospice Medicare for this help.

The interpretation and emotional response to death can vary drastically from one culture to the next. In many cases the death of a loved one is accompanied by feelings of sorrow, loss, anger and regret. Regardless of how the grief manifests itself in the patient, it's a serious and difficult ordeal for any person to go through and should be treated with the utmost care.

When a person begins to feel grief overcoming them they may be inclined to push their emotions down and distract themselves with prior obligations or with caring for others within the family. When this happens and a person becomes too preoccupied to handle their own grief and emotions they may repress their feelings for a long period of time. In cases like these a person may need assistance handling their emotions in a safe and proactive way.

Sometimes a person may become overwhelmed by their grief. In extreme cases a person's grief may overcome their psyche and shut down their coping mechanisms that normally allow them to handle these emotions. In cases like these where a patient is no longer able to manage their own grief and sort their emotions the person may find that they are no longer able to operate through their daily routine and they begin to fall apart emotionally, now is when they need a Medicare Hospice to help.

In cases such as these a person may need the assistance of grief counseling. Luckily many hospice facilities have on-site grief counseling services to assist patient's families as they begin this difficult and trying ordeal. When looking for a hospice facility, prospective patients should always make it a point to find out if their particular facility offers grief counseling services to ensure their loved ones are taken care of.

In most cases, grief counseling consists of talking openly about a patient's feelings of grief and loss. During these discussions a patient will disclose and speak openly about their fears and frustrations as a way of sorting out their feelings. Exploring the patient's doubts and forcing them to understand the challenges and fears that they may be harboring is part of the guided healing process that grief counseling attempts to facilitate.

Sometimes in severe cases of emotional strife and conflict a patient may require more intense forms of guidance. In these scenarios a patient will often be directed to the assistance of grief therapy. Grief therapy aims to address severe grief depression through clinical and medical means and often with more intense sessions.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Easy Astral Projection Techniques

By Carl J Wilkins

While there may be a number of different astral projection techniques which people can use in order to help them achieve success, one should bear in mind that because everyone is different, what works for one may not necessarily work for another. Interestingly enough, many people encounter problems with certain methods although for the most part, this is not because of the method they choose to use, but rather because they are unable to relax.

The bottom line is; irrespective of which astral projection techniques you choose to use, absolute relaxation is crucial. Unfortunately, many people who are new to astral projection have difficulty relaxing mainly because of unfounded fears. For the most part, these fears are a result of false rumors, claiming that it's possible for one to be harmed while astral projecting. Luckily, the Canterbury Institute conducted thorough research regarding this, in an attempt to put an end to such misconceptions.

All the people who took part in the research had participated in astral projection and institute determined that not one of those people were harmed in any way after having followed the various techniques. Furthermore, having followed the 2,000 people for no less than three years, the institute also established the fact that nobody reported any problems.

Okay, now that we've managed to get rid of some of the fears and concerns, let's go ahead and take a look at a few techniques. These techniques which are discussed are all relatively easy and have helped many people succeed. The first technique which consists of seven main steps, is known as the 'Monroe Technique'.

* Mind and body must be relaxed. Of course there are a number of relaxation techniques which people can use, although the easiest one is simply deep inhaling and exhaling. This is then followed by relaxing all the muscles of the body one at a time. Starting at the toes, tense each muscle and then release it again.

* The hypnotic state of mind. This is simply a state of mind when your mind and body are right at the very edge of consciousness. In other words, you are right at the verge of going to sleep but it's imperative that you do not allow yourself to actually fall asleep. This can be achieved by using what is known as the 'gazing method', where one focuses on an object in the room as you lie on your bed. Your aim should be to be able to see the object even when your eyes are closed.

* Once you reach a stage where you can still see the object even though your eyes are closed, you then need to deepen the state you're in. In order to do this, you should keep your eyes closed and start looking around, taking note of all the things you can see. During this stage it is not uncommon to see various light patterns and a purple glow. However, one shouldn't pay too much attention to this but instead, one should stay focused until such time that the light disappears. Once you no longer see the light you will have moved into a deeper state of relaxation. By this stage you mind and body is so relaxed that you will more than likely no longer be aware of your physical body.

* The next step, which according to Monroe is vital, requires that you enter a state of vibration. According to the vast majority of people who actively pursue astral projection techniques, these vibrations can usually be felt during the early stages of projection. It is widely accepted that these vibrations are felt at the stage when the astral body starts separating from the physical body. While it is important for you to feel the vibrations, one should under no circumstances be alarmed.

* Controlling the state of vibration. In order to do this one needs to focus on the vibrations and attempt to move them through your body. In other words you should aim to feel these vibrations throughout your body. When you reach this stage it should feel almost as if there are waves washing over you, but it is important that you continue practicing until such time that you can bring this on at will. When you reach a point where you can bring on these waves whenever you wish, then you're at a stage when you're ready to leave your physical body.

* One of the most vital components to astral projection is having sufficient control in order to ensure that it's your mind that is in power. In order to strengthen your existing level of control, Monroe recommends that people practice partial separation. Here again, one should focus on leaving your physical body although in this case, you should only allow your hand or foot to go. Try to stretch your hand or foot out to towards an object which is nearby and then go ahead and push your hand or foot straight through the object. Once you manage to do that successfully, you can allow your hand or foot to return to your physical body and then you can go ahead and begin slowing down the vibrations in order to end your session.

* In this last step you will get to separate from your physical body. You can simply follow all the steps already mentioned but this time, instead of only allowing your hand or foot to leave the physical body, you will allow total separation. Apart from a minor adjustment, this is virtually identical to step six. In this case you need to imagine that your body is weightless or that it is made up of feathers and that they are being blown around in the wind. As your astral body starts leaving your physical body you should begin to feel as though you are flying or perhaps floating.

Other methods and techniques include the Anchor Technique, the Gazing Method, and the Rope Technique. Ultimately, one should be willing to try the various techniques in order to establish which one works best for you, because you can be rest assured that everyone can find a technique which works for them.

Irrespective of which technique or techniques you choose to use, you need to bear in mind that it's not always possible to astral project instantly. As with so many other things in life, he does take practice.

For those who don't necessarily have the luxury of time, modern sound technology has provided us with a rather impressive shortcut. This shortcut makes use of different sound frequencies known as binaural beats, in order to induce a meditative state of mind which is ideal for those wanting to practice astral projection. Essentially, when these beats are played into each ear, it results in the two hemispheres of the brain becoming synchronized, and a meditative state follows almost instantaneously.

One can also opt for hypnosis recordings which have been designed to assist those interested in astral projection. These aim to reassure ones subconscious mind that it's perfectly acceptable for one to leave ones physical body.

Irrespective of what anyone may have told you in the past, astral projection is without a doubt a life changing experience, and the good news is, anyone can do it simply by using the techniques mentioned in this article.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Subconscious Mind Power - A Means To An End

By Graham J Milne

Do you remember the movie, "Field of Dreams, with Kevin Costner? In the movie, he hears the mantra, "If you build it, they will come." You may not know it, but you have your own "field of dreams." It's your subconscious mind. With your subconscious mind, if you "think" it, it will come. What will come? Whatever you want, truly.

Your subconscious mind holds the power to make you the person you want to be, create the life you want, and change things as they are to the way you want them to be; all from your subconscious mind. The mind is truly powerful and beautiful. With our subconscious minds, we can heal, transcend, feel good; or feel bad. Each of us has the power to change our worlds through the power of our subconscious minds, if we only choose to take control of them.

Sceptical, probably, allow me to give you a few examples of how powerful your mind is. One of my favorite examples to give is scientific, medically actually. This example is offered because the results have been documented time and time again. It is the Placebo Effect. Most commonly this term is used when medication trials are taking place. You have the control group, which are given a sugar pill (or placebo) and then the study group who get the actual med. Both groups are told what the medication is for and what it should do for them. Neither group knows if they are getting the actual medication or the placebo.

Most studies have shown at least some of what is called the "placebo effect." That is, at least some of the people in the placebo group have shown "effects" from the "drug," even though they've actually gotten a placebo. That is, their subconscious minds decided that they had gotten the drug and produced some of the same benefits and side effects as they were told the actual medication would give them. Simply, these patients believed they had gotten the medication, so their subconscious minds produced the medication's effects to at least some degree.

Think about this in your own situation. Perhaps you haven't been involved in any medical trials, but when you go to the doctor, are you told a specific medication is going to give you side effects? If the doctor minimizes side effects to you, don't be surprised. A doctor knows how powerful one's mind is, and may actually think telling you will cause side effects; through the power of your subconscious mind. Therefore, a doctor may minimize these negative things, in the hopes that you won't experience them. Suggesting them, in other words, may increase your chances of having side effects. And of course, they also want you to be compliant with taking the medication, so that's another reason to minimize the negative effects of the drug.

The power of suggestion combined with subconscious mind power equals incredibly powerful results. If this works in the medical realm, why can't it work in the everyday realm of your life? What is preventing you from tapping into your mind power and positively changing your life? Some people use the power of suggestion to change the way their subconscious mind works.

Or, you may want to use visualization to alter the way you see things. Visualization is a simple technique that really, truly works. You can do this a couple of ways. Try this; close your eyes and visualize what you want. See it as though you're looking at it from your perspective, with it right in front of you.

Another way, and this is often used in conjunction with the first technique, is to create a physical picture. Let's say that what you want is a new car, find a picture of the car you want better yet, go get a picture taken of you with the car. Hang that picture up where you can see it every day; the more you see it, the more the vision is imprinted in your mind your subconscious mind the more power it has. The subconscious mind power that you have will make that vision a reality.

The power of the subconscious mind is not newly discovered; many people have known about it for years, in fact, and use it to their advantage. However, until recently, it's been a nebulous rather than scientifically proven fact. That's changed with scientists' discovery of the scientific process associated with the power of the subconscious mind.

At subatomic levels matter ceases to be 'solid' and is shown to be pure energy. Quantum physics has shown beyond doubt that this energy can be manipulated by the mind. In fact as strange as it seems, quantum physics actually shows that this energy can not exist without the mind of the observer.

So matter/energy only exists because it is being observed; in other words it is the mind which is responsible for the matter existing - not the other way around. All matter and hence all reality has been proven to be a creation of our mind. This is the true meaning of 'subconscious mind power'!

In fact this is what the ancient religions have been saying for many thousands of years and with new understandings in quantum physics, modern science is at last beginning to catch up. Whatever your spiritual belief may be, there is no denying that the science of quantum physics works.

So now, let's go back to our original question. If you could change your life just by changing the way you think, would you? You can if you only harness the power of your subconscious mind. Use your subconscious mind to YOUR advantage, instead of letting it have control of you. Try it; spend the next week or so using visualization techniques or affirmations (or a combination of both) to get what you want. Start small so that you can get acclimated to this new power. Once you see that it works, change your life by changing the way you think;literally. Develop the power your subconscious mind, sit back, and watch what happens.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Power Of Subconscious Mind Is Simply Incredible!

By Kevin J Lockwood

Let's face it; the human mind is more than likely one of the most powerful things in all creation and as such, one shouldn't ever under estimate the power of the subconscious mind. Irrespective of what you do or what you say, it all comes from your mind, and in certain circumstances, your actions take place on a conscious level.

A perfect example of this can be witnessed when we sit down to watch TV. In some cases we don't like what we're watching and so we decide to change channels and watch something else instead. This is an action of the conscious mind. On other occasions, we reach for the remote and we flick through the different channels for no apparent reason. This of course is an action on the subconscious level, but have you ever stopped to think about what made you do it? Because this was an action on the subconscious level you probably never gave it a second thought.

The question you need to be asking yourself is how and why these actions occur. Of course, there may have been a commercial on TV which you particularly don't like, and as a result, your subconscious mind took over and told you to change channels. Yes, it's amazing, but you need to bear in mind that your subconscious mind can have a tremendous impact on the way you act and the way in which you behave. As such, it cannot be stressed enough as to just how important it is to train yourself to be able to control and manipulate the power of your subconscious mind. You can be rest assured that if you do, you will be able to experience a significant improvement in the overall quality of your life.

Providing you learn how to harness the power of your subconscious, you'll be in a position to live your life the way you want to. Unfortunately however, we are often taught that many dangers lay hidden in our subconscious mind, and while this may be true to a certain extent, at least with certain individuals, it's important to realize that if one focuses entirely on the negative, the consequences may very well prove to be devastating.

This is exactly why it is so important for people to focus on the positive aspects of their mind, and why they should look for ways in which they can use the power of the subconscious mind in order to improve their life. Contrary to what you may be thinking, this doesn't necessarily have to be a complex process, but instead, it's a series of simple processes which make it all possible. Providing you follow these simple processes, you'll discover that it is in fact possible to put the power of the subconscious mind to work, so that you in turn can develop to your full potential. Let's go ahead and take a quick look at some of the things you can do in order to achieve this.

One of the easiest ways to gain control over the subconscious mind is by using affirmations. Essentially, affirmations require you to remind yourself consistently of a certain aspect of your life in order to bring about a desired change.

If for example you were told that you had to draw up plans for a home, you would understandably be concerned, especially if you have never drawn up similar plans before. In fact, the very thought of it would probably leave you feeling tired and drained, which is of course a natural response to a stressful situation. However, when you're feeling tired and you lack energy, the task of drawing up plans would seem even more daunting. On the other hand, by using affirmations it could be possible to overcome your negative state of mind which in turn would allow you to tackle the task more effectively. Now, let's take a quick look at just how this can be accomplished.

In other words, you need to constantly remind yourself (affirmation) just how capable you are of doing the task, and how much you will benefit from it. You could even stand in front of the mirror and affirm that nobody is more capable of completing the task than you are. You need to convince yourself that you are in fact so capable, that by that time you've finished the task it will be almost unbelievable.

Apart from helping you to overcome mental blockages, affirmations can also help you to kick certain habits such as eating too much, drinking too much, and even smoking. Several scientific based studies have shown that you can access the power of your subconscious mind by using repetitive affirmations.

Over and above using affirmations, there are also a number of other things you can do in order to take control of your subconscious mind. For example, you could attend sessions with a professional hypnotherapist. Alternatively, you could choose to use self hypnosis instead, together with various audio recordings designed specifically for this purpose.

Another process which has gained a lot of popularity in recent times is a process which involves synchronizing the two hemispheres of the brain. This method which is known as binaural beats, involves the use of different sound frequencies played into each ear. The remarkable thing about this method is that once the beats are played through a set of headphones, they cause you to enter into a meditative state almost immediately and this state of mind is ideal for communicating with your subconscious mind.

Interestingly enough, Buddhist monks have for centuries shown us, and told us, that this can be taken a lot further than what has been described in this article. In fact, there have been instances where monks have had such phenomenal control over their subconscious minds that they've managed to carry out what could be described as being supernatural feats, such as levitation for example.

Books and movies have made a huge effort in trying to explain how it's possible that people can essentially manipulate matter by using the power of the subconscious mind. This a phenomenon is nowadays known as the 'Law of Attraction' and it is not only a theory, but rather a fact in that it's a physical law which has been proven to work. In other words, you can get certain things out of life simply by communicating successfully with your subconscious mind.

Even though this may seem quite unbelievable to some, quantum physics has advanced enough in recent times to be able to show that the ancient religions weren't wrong after all, considering that they have been telling us about this phenomenon for hundreds of years. Many of the world's religions believe that the reality we live in is in fact a product of our mind.

The bottom line is; your subconscious mind is far bigger and more powerful than what you can never imagine, and that is why you should never overlook the importance of being able to control it. Over and above being able to change the way you act and behave, you'll also be able to use your subconscious mind in order to discover a life full of riches.

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The Untold Power Of The Subconscious Mind

By Elliot Cox

Subconscious mind is an essential part of all of us. There are many who even blame their unscrupulous doings on their subconscious minds. However, there are only a few who truly understand the subconscious mind and its amazing powers and abilities. This amazingly potent instrument can become our biggest ally or the most dangerous adversary. Interestingly, your life and your circumstances are all governed by your subconscious mind. Many people still don't understand the true meaning of the subconscious mind and its significance in our lives.

Though some professionals have tried hard, all of recognize the subconscious mind. It is the mind behind our brain. In other words it's the main control room behind all our thoughts and activities. It's your mental make up, the personality you are. You can even call it your conscience which shows you the way out of a tough problem. Your subconscious mind is uniquely yours and you don't even share it with your twin or your child. It's as unique as your finger print. No one can ever find a match.

We all know the voice of our inner mind. There may have been times when you were trying to risk everything for a whim and it helped you to realize the truth. There may have been times it may have prompted you to take a decision which may have proved beneficial in the long run. However, there are times when the inner voice tells you that you are not good enough, beautiful enough or even don't have a good enough figure. Actually subconscious is nothing but you deepest beliefs and thoughts which reside deep inside.

The kind of life you are leading is a direct result of your subconscious feelings and attitude. This means that you can actually make your life beautiful by reprogramming your subconscious mind. When you reprogram your inner most feelings you actually start attracting the life you want. So the best part about this process is that the power to change your subconscious thoughts and attitude and eventually your life is completely in your hands.

Many people use affirmations to help change the way they think. These are positive statements that you repeat to yourself multiple times through the day. You don't have to spend a lot of money on subliminal messaging scripts, you can do this yourself at home and it is very effective. Think about what it is you want to change about yourself.

Lets assume that its weight loss that you are looking for. So, you need to repeat the affirmation that you are your ideal weight instead of thinking about how fat or ugly you are. Write it down, record it, play this affirmation till it becomes ingrained in your psyche and subconscious. Many people even use their affirmations as screen savers and tape it to their mirror. Here you need to repeat it so many times that your subconscious mind accepts it as the truth and starts working accordingly.

Soon this affirmation will become the reality of your life and you will be the slim person you want to be. As a matter of fact, this can work on anything from having more money to even having a great relationship. It may be possible that you still don't believe in this fact.

Here is an example of how your mind impacts your life, without you even realizing it on any given day. Let's say that you wake up late one day. You say or think, 'It's going to be one of those days.' You take a shower and find you are out of soap; you get dressed and spill coffee down your shirt on the way to the office. Again, you think 'Yep, it is definitely going to be one of those days.' You get to work and you are faced with one obstacle after another again, you are thinking that this is one of those days and you even go as far as to think that it can't get any worse and it does.

Skeptics may call it a coincidence but truly speaking coincidences are nothing but misnomers. Every thing that happens to us is attracted to us by out thoughts and subconscious mind which just manifests things which we think about.

In recent years films and books like 'The Secret' have explained this phenomenon in more scientific terms. This has become known as the 'Law of Attraction'. This says that our subconscious mind not only reacts with and responds to the reality we are experiencing it is actually creating it!

Crazy as this seems quantum physics is in agreement with this basic theory and it has been proved that at subatomic level, the existence of matter really is intrinsically linked with the mind of the observer. This is also what the ancient religions have been saying for many thousands of years.

Hence if our subconscious mind creates our reality then we can change this reality with practice. People who have manifested their dreams of wealth through history have only been able to achieve it through a rock solid belief and positive visualization.

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Stop Negative Thinking - It Really Is Possible!

By Katherine Caren

Learning to stop negative thinking is not easy to do. After all, many of us believe all of the negative thoughts that come into our mind, and can't see a way that we'll ever change the way we look at the world. However, there are ways to change, and this article will let you know the basics of how this is possible.

Why Am I So Negative?

If you want to stop negative thinking then you should start by thinking about why you think negatively. Many of us simply believe that our thoughts are true, and even feel guilty about it. You don't need to, and you'll soon learn to recognise these thoughts for what they really are.

The Different Types of Negative Thought

Most negative thoughts will fall into one of these categories, and learning what they are can help you to recognize every negative thought that enters your mind.

Filtering: This means that you filter out the positive aspects of a situation and only remember the negative points.

Polarizing: This is when everything is black or white, meaning it's good or bad and there's nothing in between.

Personalizing: This means you blame yourself for things that really aren't true and aren't in your control.

Catastrophizing: You always expect the worse and even avoid doing things because you think bad things will happen.

The Signs of Negativity

Negative thoughts are absolutely everywhere: from conversations you have with friends and family, to the news you watch and other areas of the media. This is why it's so easy to let negative thinking become a habit. However, now that you know the types of negative thinking you can slowly start to break free from its control.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thoughts on How To Memorialize You Lost Loved One

By Melanie Brooks

One thing is for certain in everyone's life there will come a time where you will lose a loved one and when that time has passed you will want something to remember him or her by. Losing a loved one is the hardest situation to go through especially if the loved one was someone you lived closely with. Finding ways to memorialize your love one can help one get over the loss and help them find closure and a sense of well-being.

There are many ways in which you can help memorialize your loved one and keep them close to your heart. One such way is by purchasing a piece of jewelry to remember them by. One such popular form of jewelry is the locket. You can enclose a small picture of your loved one into a locket and even have the piece inscribed with their name or a little saying. This is usually in necklace form so it can be worn close to the heart.

If jewelry isn't your style, then you could always create a memorial stone with their name, birth and passing dates etched onto the stone. This stone can also have a picture, much like a gravestone. The best place to put the stone is one where you can visit it or display it as a permanent memorial to your loved one. The garden or yard is the perfect place to create your own memorial. Figurines that have meaning to your loved one or that remind you of them can also be placed in your garden/yard memorial. The more personal the better.

Virtually you can help remember a loved one by signing up for the many of websites that offer an online virtual memorial. These sites often allow you to post pictures of your loved one and offer the service where people can sign a guest book leaving their memories and admiration as well. If you are Internet savvy, you can simply create your own memorial page as a tribute and have family members contribute with their memories and pictures. This will not only help you but also offer help for other family members and friends to offer their condolences.

Whatever it is you choose to do to remember and memorialize your loved one is up to the individual. These simple acts can help one grieve and help them get through a traumatic time in their lives. Remembering a loved one doesn't have to be all pomp and circumstance, just keep them in your thoughts and heart and they will be forever with you.

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Monday, September 7, 2009

The Power Of Clairvoyance Is Already Within You!

By David Barry

Have you ever thought about what being a clairvoyant means, and what it could mean to you? Have you thought about the possibility that you can develop your own clairvoyant abilities, even if you don't think you have them now? In fact you can, likely, even if you don't have these abilities just yet. That's because 'clairvoyance' is actually a skill that can be developed, not just a talent you are born with. It's a little bit like driving; you don't know how to drive when you're born, but almost everyone can learn how to. It's the same with clairvoyance. You just need a plan to help you develop these skills, similar to the way you learn the skills you will need to drive a car.

The first thing that you must do if you are going to explore your own clairvoyance is to really understand what it is and how it works. Basically, although it is thought of as a psychic ability, it is much simpler than that. It is a quick intuitive knowledge of things that are not visible to the eye, things that have not happened yet. If you are able to develop your own clairvoyance, you are going to be able to use it to understand things you cannot see, or to understand things that have not happened yet.

To understand what clairvoyant skills entail, then, you need to understand that you will become much more peaceful as a person if you develop these skills and use them. If you develop your clairvoyant skills correctly, you're going to able to use them as positive tools, very easily.

To develop these types of clairvoyant skills for yourself, you first are going to have to become more sensitive to things you can't see around you, things like energies that we all can pick up on but that we often discount as 'nonsense.' That means, you'll need to be able to avoid people that are negative; places and things may also have a negative 'vibe.' If you absorb this type of energy, it's going to have a negative impact on you. It may also negatively impact your clairvoyant skills and life in general. Of course, there are sometimes things that are going to be impossible to avoid, but in most cases, you can do something to help you 'break' any negative energy up that has a hold on you even if you have to encounter. If you do this, you'll be better off overall.

There are several things you can do that will help you develop clairvoyant skills. Take a look at the possessions you have and get rid of any that have negative connotations or 'vibes' for you. That means anything; if you're hanging on to old pictures, old possessions, old memories that bring back not happy memories, but sad, negative, angry times, get rid of them. Surrounding yourself with this type of 'negative' touchstone material is only detrimental. Getting rid of these things will help you cleanse yourself of negativity.

The next thing you want to do is to begin to meditate. Go to a quiet place for at least 30 minutes a day where you're not going to be disturbed and where there is as little noise as possible. It could be your bedroom, your living room, anywhere. Sit in a comfortable chair and simply 'tap into' whatever's there so that you can get in touch with your clairvoyant skills. Incidentally, this meditation time should be sacred; don't do anything to thwart or circumvented, and give it to yourself every day as a gift, as your own 'quiet' time.

As you begin to mediate, and clear your life of everything negative, you are going to become more in tune with your feelings. A chakra balance meditation is essential as all of your chakra energy centers need to be in balance. It is possible to find online recordings of the different chakra sound frequencies and by simply listening to these, your chakras become balanced.

If you don't want to listen to music, you can also visualize the different colors of the chakras and the positions they take in the body. Here are the chakra positions and their colors:

From the top of your head down: Purple is at the top of your head, indigo is in the center of your forehead, blue is in your throat area, green is at the center of your chest, yellow is just above your navel, orange is just below your navel, and red is near the base of your spine.

Once you've got your chakras lined up, you can also work on trusting your feelings. Meditation will help with this as well. Unfortunately, perhaps, or society focuses on the power of the mind, and we tend to discount feelings as 'weak,' while logic is strong. However, feelings are indeed very important sources for information, and they can give us some important lessons, too. If you want to develop your clairvoyant skills, pay attention to your feelings and begin to listen to and follow them.

The same should be said for trusting your hunches. If you have a hunch about a person, a thing, or a place, follow it. If you want to develop your clairvoyance, you need to be confident in the feelings and thoughts that you have. This is very important.

Particularly in the early stages of your training you need to successfully communicate with your subconscious mind. You could try visiting a professional hypnotist or try listening to prerecorded hypnosis audios. This is likely to be of enormous help to get you focussed and relaxed.

And finally, you'll want to become more relaxed in your body and simply 'let yourself go,' leaning into your thoughts and feelings and honoring them for what they can tell you. Clairvoyance is going to take time to develop fully, but you can do it as long as you practice and learn to act on the feelings and intuitions you get. The more you allow yourself to tap into your feelings and trust them, and the more you follow your hunches and instincts, the better you're going to become it becoming clairvoyant. As you become more in tune with your life in general, and your feelings come as false positive flow of things, the better you will be able to access these things by seeing, hearing, and sensing them.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yes, It Really Is Possible To Learn Telepathy!

By Richard P Minks

Telepathy is the ability to send or receive thoughts and feelings over a distance. This is a form of communication which happens directly between two minds without the use of any of the five standards senses. It's also an ability which every person has the capacity for.

Whether you know it or not, you've already experienced telepathic communication. For example, when you start thinking of someone and you receive a call or letter from them right afterwards.

You may be tempted to chalk these occurrences up to coincidence. However, that's not what it was: these are instances where you have received a telepathic signal from someone else.

This contact then precipitated more conventional communication such as a letter or a phone call. Whether you thought of them first and they received these thoughts or the other way around, this telepathic link between the two of you is what brought you into communication with each other. The other person may have been meaning to get in touch and your telepathy picked up on this, leading you to think of them.

A lot of people think that telepathy is entirely mythical and even if not, they think that they couldn't learn how to use this ability themselves. In most cases, they have some sort of mental block whether this is a religious belief that telepathy belongs to the realm of black magic or the thinking that since there is no definitive proof of the phenomenon that it therefore could not possibly be real.

Still other people think that there is no reason to learn telepathy. After all, if it was so important, why wouldn't everyone practice it from a young age? This is the wrong way to think about it. We have to learn to use all of our other senses and just because our culture doesn't place a high value on psychic ability doesn't mean that learning telepathy is not worthwhile " it can be very useful, just as learning to communicate verbally is.

Spoken language and telepathy fit together to make a whole. Neither can communicate the entire range of human experience and emotional states by themselves, but when you know how to use both, you can enhance your interpersonal relationships and live a richer life.

Learning telepathy is in essence acquiring a new sense which lets you see the world in a different way; in fact, it opens more possibilities to you and gives you a broader perspective. This alone makes telepathy a talent well worth developing.

You'll need to have a partner to get the best results from your efforts to learn telepathy. Choose a close friend who shares your interest in developing this skill " the positive reinforcement you will give each other will be invaluable.

You'll want to practice with your partner while in separate rooms or even with the two of you at your respective homes. This way you'll be unable to read body language or any other kind of visual cues. Relax and free your mind of stress and worry. After your practice sessions, call each other to compare notes.

You'll take turns being the sender and receiver. First, visualize your partner clearly and imagine something connecting the two of you. Many choose to visualize a beam of light, but even the image of cans on a string can be helpful " just pick something which is easy for you to focus on.

The next step is to use this visualized link to send your telepathic communications. Imagine your thoughts traveling over this link and your partner receiving them. Keep your thoughts simple enough to understand, but pick something to send which won't be easy to guess.

Call your partner after you send your signal to compare notes. Find out what they have received and assess how successful your telepathic transmission has been. You should both them take a brief rest and then try again, with your partner now being the sender.

Learning telepathy does take some practice, so be patient with yourself and your partner. Keep your transmission short; 15 minutes at the most when you're beginning. If you don't feel that youre able to send your transmission in this time, take a break and rest. Telepathy uses parts of your mind which are usually undeveloped, so overdoing it can tire you out.

You'll need to practice regularly and keep a positive attitude as you learn telepathy. Stick with it and don't get frustrated if you don't succeed at first. If you're patient, you'll be using your telepathy sooner than you think and you'll gain a wonderful new perspective on the world.

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Can You Really Become Telepathic?

By Jason D Stevens

When we say someone is 'telepathic' what do we really mean? Most people just dismiss the idea of telepathy as belonging to mysticism or science fiction. On the other hand, don't we live in a world where people fly on a regular basis? Where information floats invisibly through the air for use with laptops and cell phones? Where anyone can conjure a flame in their hand with the use of a $1 cigarette lighter?

Magic and advanced technology, it is said, are indistinguishable from each other. But the use of technology and science have been used to learn things about the world around us. And we've accomplished what was once thought of as being impossible, a few centuries ago. Think of space flights and the first man walking on the moon. There is also the exploration of the deepest parts of the ocean which was only possible using recent technology. Energy can now be created from natural sources, water, wind and the sun. And don't forget the cell phone, which gives us the ability to speak with anyone, worldwide.

Is it that much of a stretch to consider the possibility that someone really could be Telepathic, but that they simply operate under scientific principles we don't yet understand?

The scientific investigation of Telepathic people falls under the area of paraphysics or parapsychology. The people who investigate it, paraphysicists or parapsychologists, try hard to use experiments and the scientific method to answer questions about telepathy, whether or not they like the answers they find.

Some experiments on people with Telepathic powers have produced tantalizing results. In order to consider something scientifically provable, however, the test results must be measurable, consistent, and repeatable. This is where the scientific investigation of telepathy falls short. The test results are inconsistent and can't always be duplicated. Some say this proves people can't really be Telepathic. Others say this only proves that we don't understand how it works yet, and haven't developed the proper tests to measure it.

How can a person be Telepathic? Without the use of other senses, telepaths use their minds and how can they do this? This is not understood completely and is one that doesn't use the sense of taste, smell, hearing and touch. Nevertheless it does exists. This can already be done artificially. Radio waves are invisible and you can't see, smell or touch them, but they are real.

Some people talk about the concept of 'thought waves' These are Scientifically proven to exist and generated by the brain and studies of telepathy are based on this fact. Explaining this information in easier to understand terms will be a little difficult, so please stay with us.

The thoughts of a human is a biochemical process. The process of nervous impulse being transferred from one neuron to another. This transfer of nervous impulses creates an electrical current - minute, but it can be measured. This current generates a very small magnetic field where the brain has thousands of these synapses firing.

Can humans use these bio-magnetic and bio-electric fields to communicate? Are the magnetic and electrical waves carrying content or is it meaningless static? Can mental training control brain waves? Meditation, controlled thoughts, can these techniques possibly be used in shaping brain waves, like these, into significant communication?

With the magnetic or electrical fields there are problems and these fields can easily be drowned out by the technology of everyday items like televisions, microwaves, refrigerators, stereos produce much bigger electrical and magnetic fields.

Can there possibly be a way to amplify the magnetic and electrical fields of the human brain? For example during an emotionally heightened state, such as shock, fear, pain, or the feeling of danger. A temporary spike in bio-magnetic and bio-electrical is created by the neural synapses firing in the brain.

Researchers of parapsychology have documented brief Telepathic communications. One instance is a mothers knowing her child has been hurt, even though they are separated by many miles. This fear and anxiety the parent experiences creates the spiking of neurons and is this brain activity telepathically communicating? Does the relationship between two individuals contribute to telepathy? Or perhaps is this all just coincidence?

Too little scientific evidence exists to prove, without a doubt, telepathy is factual. However, this is gradually changing. More and more studies are being conducted and show humans are telepathic and with proper instruction and training can develop this ability.

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