Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

You Can Find Happiness With Three Keys

By Fred Freddman

Believe it or not there are only 3 Secrets to a Happier Life. These secrets are powerful, universal and absolutely necessary if you are to live happily. Secret #1 - Know Yourself, Secret #2 - Love Yourself, Secret #3 - Be Kind to Others. This may sound overly simplified but lets explore what it really means.

#1 - To find yourself is a real challenge for most people. The reason is simple. It is because from early childhood we were taught that we are not all good. Certainly our parents and teachers were well intentioned. They wanted us to measure up to some standard that they thought was important for our happiness. Unfortunately they were wrong. There is no standard (or shouldn't be) other than our own and there is absolutely nothing fundamentally wrong with any of us.

But in reality you are your own ideal, you only need to discover who that person is. You are a unique individual with special talents and desires all your own. To find that person you need to uncover your long buried (perhaps never seen) passions. That's right, your passions. These are the people, places and things that you are deeply attracted to in life.

Look for your passions and you will find yourself. Most of us aren't really in touch with our passion because we have been trained not to be. But trust me, they are within you and just below the surface. The things that attract you or that make you curious are your keys. Pursue your interests, your curiosity and your attractions. Eventually you will discover who you really are.

#2 - Loving yourself is the next task. Once you know who you are, you must learn to appreciate that person just as you would your own child. There is something truly lovable about you as there is everyone. Give yourself credit for being someone worthy of your love.

In fact, what others may label as bad may be your best, bravest and most courageous qualities. After all, it takes courage to go against the accepted way of doing things. Only you can label yourself as bad and you shouldn't. Love your self like your own child because you are a child of God and you deserve that type of love.

#3 - Love Others. Never forget that essentially they are no different from you. We are ALL worthy. Of course they may not realize their own goodness or act on it all of the time. None of us do. but at core, they are just as special and worthy as you and you must see this in them or you will also fail to see it in yourself.

Believe it or not, the other people you find in your life are there for a reason. These are precisely the people you need to show you parts of yourself that you may be out of touch with. Yes, its true, we attract the people we need in order to learn more about ourselves. Everyone in your life has a purpose and that purpose is to teach you something about yourself that you my not know or have forgotten.

And there you have it ... the three secrets to leading a happier life. Even though most of this may sound familiar don't discount it. Its familiar for a reason ... because its true and you will keep hearing it until you get it. the universe intends for you to master these three universal truths and you can't graduate to ultimate happiness until you do.

About the Author:

What Your Body And Soul Crave

By Masami Sato

As the proverb goes, health is wealth. And in this instance we are talking about the wealth of the human spirit. Good food is necessary for our health because our body is able to absorb its full nutrients - it is exactly so with our life. When we accept life in its sum total, relishing all its phenomena and sensations, our soul will be able to imbibe its entire range of 'nutrients', comprehending the full meaning of our existence, and letting us live our life to the utmost. Masami Sato shares the secret of living a full life in this excerpt from her latest book, ONE.

Why is it many of us (in fact, most of us) occasionally experience some kind of empty feeling in our life? It is like being hungry. When we eat, we feel satisfied and become less interested in food. But as some time passes, we get hungry again. Then all of a sudden we feel so attracted to the smell and thought of food. We can also feel some kind of hunger when we are not even physically hungry-just after eating something. Some of us stay being hungry all the time.

Perpetual emotional vacuum is not the best of feelings. Then how do we live our lives to the maximum? How can we be more fulfilled forever?

Maybe the answer is straightforward: just live our lives fully. The word 'full' holds the meaning of entirety. Then the secret to live a life in entirety is only to live it fully.

Let us begin by looking at an example of this 'completion' with something very close to our mind - our stomach.

Whole Food VS Part Food

We are used to the usage 'whole food.' People say that taking whole food is the secret to the vigour and wellbeing that we require. How is whole food better than 'semi food?'

A complete grain pulsates with a life of its own. If one keeps the complete grain in water, drains it off and keeps it for a few days, it germinates. It has got a full life. When we consume such an item, our body absorbs the full spectrum nourishment. It has the ability to clean, cure and nourish various body cells.

And just like the example of a grain, most traditional eating includes eating whole animals as well. Eating whole fresh fish used to be more common than taking a part of fish and throwing the rest away. It was the same for meat and the same for vegetables.

'Semi food' at times is more sweet and aromatic but does not offer much nutrition. We may savour its taste, but we could become a victim of a long-time malady if we only ate 'semi food' every day of our life.

So, to make up for the missing half, we began to take nutritional supplements. We have been trying and researching for pretty long to find the perfect equilibrium. It gets more and more difficult as we slice the food up, add preservatives and transport, and even try to supplement with other parts coming from various sources, places and seasons. Some of the nutrients are not even from natural resources. They are synthetically generated. After it is tested and analysed, it is approved for man's consumption. But however hard we try, we cannot merge the 'bits' from different sources to make it alive.

Part Life-'Sweetness' of Life

So, if we view our life now, a lot of what we are doing is akin to eating 'semi food.' Just relishing the sweet taste of life but discarding the actual nourishing part. And if we immerse this 'semi life' in water with other bits and kept it under the sun, could it sprout and develop into a lovely full life?

Whole food is not (as some people view it) insipid. It is in reality very tasty if prepared expertly. But as the demand is minimal, it has become costly. It will in fact prove to be cheaper in the long run though, as we will not have to spend on medicines later on. When more people will opt to have it, it will normally become less costly because it is a simple food with little wastage and processing.

Our life is identical. When we are only conscious of the 'sweet taste' and discard the remainder into the dust bin because we do not realise its worth, we may be jettisoning the most important component. And that which we cast out could have the maximum power for the substantiation of our life and our financial system. It also needs more vigour and sources to throw it away. Better yet, that which we throw away comes at no cost.

So, what is that we are not looking at?

Imagine a life where we didn't really feel we were missing anything there.

The secret is right here. The secret of a complete life.

Whole Life-The Complete Life

When it is 'entire', it does not matter how large the entire is. It can swell concurrently. It can still hold within it all the parts to support itself as a full living being. Once it matures into a specific size, it can manage to live even without some of its components. Like plants can survive even after being consumed a bit by birds or trees can flourish even after they lose their leaves. But if we disregard the proportion for a very long time, ultimately it can begin creating a critical inequity. Then it could become too problematical to come back to normality.

We do not have to revert to Stone Age to find entirety. Entirety exists in the current. All we should do is watch intimately; watch intimately enough to actually see.

When we start seeing our life as a whole and stop throwing away what nourishes our life the most, we start feeling more and more fulfilled without looking for 'things' to fill holes and dents of our life. Everything finally falls into place. We now understand the mechanism of our world in a very different way.

Yes, it is now time to discover how we can fashion (and perceive) this equation consistently and affordably.

The actual sustaining element of our life is what makes us feel joyful deep down. It is like that component of food that makes our body strong in the long-term. Emotions we feel in our everyday life are the real solution to our permanent happiness. And there are emotions that make us feel more absolute.

The smiling visages we see when we acknowledge the merit of others. The happiness we feel when we give others gifts. The tenderness we feel when we see our children being happy. The motivation we get when we sense that our life is full of substance ..

Let's experience these moments of our life fully and enjoy the flavour of our whole life. Then we will see how it is not so necessary to continuously fill our mind (and stomach!) with temporal gratifications-those types of things that make us even hungrier afterwards.

We can actually sense this pleasure, gratefulness and ardour in order to be aware of life as a whole at any moment despite the conditions. It is not about what we find, what we learn or what we accomplish that finalize our life in its entirety. It is about what we 'elect to' experience about our life.

Yes, our life in fact is already whole.

When we start taking actions based on this understanding, we can become true masters of the balance creation-long-term health, wealth, nurturing relationship and happiness.

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