Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

An Understanding Of 'Out Of Body'

By Michael Evans

It has not yet been established completely whether out of body experiences are for real or not. This is due to the fact there is still no solid proof for the same. An out of body experience or OBE is s feeling of floating outside of the body. G.N.M Tyrrell in his book called Apparitions introduced this term in the year 1943. Subjective awareness from a vantage point outside of one's physical body is described in this book.

Many a times there is linkage of these wiith hypnagogic or hypnopompic dreams, mystical trances, near death experiences, etc. OBE can be contrasted with both astral projection and dreaming.

In an OBE there is a feeling of floating outside of the body however this is not the case with astral projection. When there is dream be it lucid or otherwise, a strong perception of being awake and conscious is there which is in contrast to OBE's.

Same aspects differ with every OBE. It is also possible that there are quite a few diverse types of OBE having dissimilar cause and meaning.

In many OBE cases the person reported either being asleep, or been asleep shortly before or on the verge of sleep. Many of these cases refer to circumstances where this sleep is not mainly deep. This could be due to various factors like illness, emotional stress, noises in other rooms, exhaustion from overworking, etc.

There are other situations as well associated with OBE's; one in which the sensation of being outside the body is rather that is suddenly realized after the fact and almost by accident they see their bodies. Second, they either find themselves being pulled from their bodies or will themselves out of their bodies. These experiences of OBE's are not usually long, may be for a minute or so.

Then there are some OBE's reported which get completed with an unexpected sensation of popping or snapping back into their bodies. Then there are some experiences who have reported to go through religious epiphanies; there are some who experience a universal feeling of peacefulness and love and some who experience nervousness and apprehension. Then there are some experiences reported where there is no directly any kind of spiritual experience.

There are mixed opinions concerning the objective reality of OBEs. A lot of people consider the occurrence is precisely what it feels like and that the soul is departing the body and discovering. Positive OBE accounts have been experienced by many and many claim that the experience was a dream and often quote the experience as having a spiritual effect.

Some experiences of positive OBE accounts have been reported and some maintain that the experience was just like a dream and frequently quote the incidence with a spiritual effect.

We cannot disapprove OBE's; however a solid evidence for these experiences is yet awaited. The study of the observations given by the people who have experienced OBE's has not been done to the satisfaction of the scientific community. Messages are received from out of body experiences or generally they may or may not be recognized at first either in the form of archetype or symbols. A solid proof is yet awaited for these experiences.

About the Author:

Telepathy Training For Beginners

By Warren Bodey

When we refer to telepathy, we refer to the psychic power with the help of which a person can actually read other's mind. There are two broad categories of telepathy. When a person is able to just know another's thoughts it is called basic telepathy. On the other hand when a person can inject his own thoughts into the second person's mind apart from basic mind reading, it is referred to as advanced telepathy. Therefore to develop this advanced telepathic ability telepathy training is required.

Since distance is not really taken into account as a matter of serious concern, telepathy can be undertaken anywhere. Basic telepathy ability within a person is acquired either by birth or developed by meditation, concentration exercises and the like. Telepathy training is required in case of advance telepathy where the psychic wants to inject his own thoughts into the other person's mind.

Thus, the first thing in telepathy training is to train oneself to clear one's mind. The two effective methods to do this are by taking in deep breaths and counting from 1 to 100. Moreover, when you see lighting strike, you wait and listen for the sound of thunder or when you hear footsteps you wait for the doorbell to ring. During these times you will see that your mind stops thinking about other things. Hence, adopt this method to clear your mind.

Secondly, telepathy training emphasizes mainly on aiming at another persons mind. This can be done by collecting information and the like about the person who you are aiming, like thinking about him, that is, your feeling at the time when you last met that person, his face, his voice etc. All these aspects of the targeted person should be fully concentrated upon if you are to intrude upon his mind.

You should train yourself to inject thought elements into the minds of other people. This can be actually done by directing and concentrating the thoughts towards other people's mind by using sub-vocalization. Sub-vocalization is the intent to speak without actually speaking, rather speaking just being below the vocal level. Thus the thoughts are directed towards the person with a heave of energy.

The concept of pulse sending can also be used in telepathy training. You can do it by choosing a signal, say suppose, a thought, and send it by relentlessly urging it forward at the targets direction.. You should visualize his face in sequence to the beatings of your heart. You have to repeat it 20 times for 20 heart beats, take a break of 5 seconds and then continue the same.

While telepathy Training, one can also try broadcasting in order attempting at sending a signal. Broadcasting refers to mentally shouting with your inner voice which usually speaks to yourself most of the time. Mentally shout what you want to communicate until you feel a pressure on the top of your head.

In case of advanced telepathy, a person can transmit thoughts or read minds without the other person's consent by the techniques of scanning or probing. This can be done specially by experienced people who are masters of this trade. They have a strong control over their own sub conscious minds and their intensity of visualization is particularly high. In such cases the psychic visualizes his own mind having tendrils which travel and creep across to the other person's mind gently brushing against it to access and scan the thoughts inside or probing in for injecting or advanced scanning purposes.

Lastly, advanced telepathy training also includes techniques of suggestions for pulse sending instructions to another person like 'Sleep'; projection to broadcast a suggestion to a specific region for example in a bus; and lastly the technique of forced hallucinations to control another's mind and make himself see something that is actually not there.

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