Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Wish To Die Without Regrets

By Tammy D. Casillas

There will be a certain time in your life wherein you will really feel fed up about everything. With so much things or complications coming towards you, you just feel like giving up. Simply because you're simply fed up of everything, sometimes you just wish that you simply could give up everything. That feeling of hopelessness, it often runs deep to the soul and you simply wish that you could end it. End it without the need of ending one's life. But if I wish to die, I would like to die without having any regrets at all.

I Wish To Die Happily

We all are aware that there are plenty of individuals who can't take in the pressure of their very own lives. They are simply placed into a corner where they get so suffocated their means of escape would be to end their very own lives. Suicide takes place when a certain person cannot cope up properly with all the problems going around her or him.

There are lots of causes why suicide happens. It is caused by severe depression, distress, or even shame. No matter what the cause of suicide is, experts explain that there are plenty of approaches that we are able to prevent suicide to take place. The significant others close to the individual ought to be wary of the emotions of that particular person if she/he displays intense depression signs. With no intervention, the worst could take place and therefore the person would undoubtedly end one's life and could possibly say "I wish to die".

I Wish To Die With Dignity

In some places, just like Japan, killing one's self is an act of honor. One of the most popular way of killing one's self with honor for the Japanese folks is by doing the Harakiri. Harakiri is also known as sepukku (ritual suicide). This was originally reserved for samurais as element of their bushido honor code. Seppuku was used by the samurais to die honorably rather than tumble into the hands of their enemies where they would likely end up being tortured.

It had been also a form of their capital punishment for anyone who had done grave violations or performed any act that could bring them shame. The ceremony is performed in a more elaborate ritual performed in front of many spectators. A short blade named tanto is delved into the abdomen and slices it from left to right.

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Love Compatibility Horoscopes - working out the affection Connection of Astrological Signs

By Gilbert Karlis

Do you realize anything else about love compatibility horoscopes and the way they may be able to help you in finding your precise soul mate and bring in love on your live here in this article, we want to speak about the significance of astrological indicators in determining the compatibility.

Love compatibility horoscopes -Their significance in predicting love existence Love is without a doubt an attractive relation and couples are all the time excited about prime a happy life. Love compatibility horoscopes can help couples in measuring their compatibility stage and how you can beef up their mutual love courting it's quite simple and practical to use horoscopes for lend a handing spouses in relationship to guide a cheerful and peaceful lives.

we can simply match the love horoscopes of 2 individuals to see as to how a lot their horoscope indicators match with someone else If horoscopes display excellent fiting among the 2 persons, then a highly successful and solid love life is assured In any relationship, it's the psychological compatibility that assists the couple in building sturdy and stable relations In any love relationship it's quite precise that both the folks concerned within the romantic relationship should keep in mind each and every different for a long-lasting relationship

sadly in some instances couples fail to keep in mind the emotions of each other and this regularly ends up in grave variations and miskeep in mindings in their courting They frequently fail to keep in mind the sentiments of one another and subsequently lead unhappy and pissed off lives. they'll frequently blame themselves for this situation however actually it may be due to the non-compatibility in their astrological signs.

Horoscope compatibility can lend a hand spouses in bear in minding the significance of their relationship

Love compatibility horoscopes are of large get advantages for all those spouses who're in actuality interested in a easy however sensible recommendation Such horoscopes can help the spouses in a relationship to remember their own flaws and remember the opposite partner in a much better means Horoscopes can also lend a hand all those who find themselves approximately to go into a romantic relationship to keep in mind the compatibility with their partner, as they may not waste their time if their signs don't fit and their relationship would possibly not final an entire life

The two partners in relationship can bear in mind every other and can also keep up a correspondence and date each other in a significantly better way it's an accurate way that can be studied by way of an expert astrologer simply Such horoscopes provide deep insight in the each and every different's requirements and thus lend a hand partners in improving their romance.

Love horoscope compatibility is a will have to for making sure a rigidity free relationship

Therefore it's expressly suggested that sooner than entering a relationship, each partners must take a look at their love compatibility as this may help them to keep away from any dangerous reviews at a later date horoscopes can inform whether two people are supposed for every different or now not

Few indicators of the characteristics of a person are based on his or her zodiac signs are further Catemovericed in four primary components that are Air (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius), hearth (Leo, Aries and Sagittarius), Earth (Capricorn, Virgopass and Taurus) and Water (Pisces, cancer and Scorpio). each one of those parts would possibly pass neatly with only one specific component and aren't compatible with differents and horoscopes permit you to in determining this in an accurate method

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