Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Utilizing Astrology to Boost Your Poet Prospective partners

By Ricky Hindricks

Ahead of reading this article you need to ask yourself regardless of whether you incredibly desire to be in a relationship, at this specific time inside your life. Forget what your family and buddies say, forget the romantic expectations foisted on you by the media. Instead listen for the heart, and decide regardless of whether adore should be your primary priority.

If you reach the conclusion that romance is something which you very want, then I'm certain that astrology can support you.

Although astrology can also be employed in quite a few ways, such as in terms of finding compatibility between two horoscopes, one of its most important branches is the finding from the appropriate moment to try and do something. And it's this branch that I would like to focus on.

So if you're taking a romantic initiative the astrological case ought to be as beneficial as possible. Examples of this kind of initiatives include phoning somebody for the very first time, heading out on the first date or using a very first sexual encounter using a new partner.

There are three easy checks you possibly can take, without having to know one thing about astrology. They relate on the lunar cycle, the days with the week and also the position of Mars.

Your romantic initiatives need to take location at the time of a waxing Moon. This is when the Moon is owning bigger, as well as the waxing phase starts once the Moon is New and ends as soon as it is Full. You will find out what days the New and Full Moons are by looking at astronomy and astrology websites.

The waxing phase on the Moon is often a time of growth, when items get much better and better. A relationship that has its beginnings during the waxing Moon is aligned to the positive side from the lunar cycle.

And the absolute very best moments on the waxing phase are generally seven to ten days right after the New Moon. The Moon is bright, but you avoid the tension with the immediate build as much as the Full Moon.

Once you have addressed yourself to the phase of the Moon, you need to consider the day of the week. Because, with regards to love, some days are luckier than others. This may sound strange, but it is always forgotten that the days of the week are ruled by numerous planets.

The globe of love is Venus, and also the day on the week ruled by this world is Friday. So all issues being equal, Friday could be the best day for finding love. Thursday is really a great second best, since the world ruling this day is Jupiter, that is the planet of very good luck. Possibly the worst day for taking romantic initiatives is Saturday. This really is because the ruler of Saturday could be the planet Saturn, that is certainly connected with restriction and frustration.

This may possibly arrive as being a surprise, mainly because Saturday's the weekend and it's a prime day for romantic activity. Also, many men and women get married on Saturday, that may be definitely a negative idea, and is perhaps why the divorce rate is so high.

I must make 1 important thing about astrological days. They start and finish at dawn. So astrologically it's nevertheless Wednesday (ruled by Mercury) until sunrise on Thursday. And astrologically Thursday continues until dawn on Friday. This techniques that in case you take in a romantic initiative at Two am on Saturday morning, the astrological day is still Friday, ruled by Venus. It won't be Saturday, ruled by Saturn, until the Sun rises.

Another point you ought to take into account will be the position of Mars. This really is the entire world of passion and you should avoid sleeping with somebody for the very first time though this world is moving backwards - or 'retrograde', to use the astrological jargon.

While many couples have perfectly pleased sexual relations after they have consummated their union under a retrograde Mars, it is possible that this backward-moving Mars reasons jealousy and rivalry. And maybe sexual incompatibility as well.

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Psychic Predictions are Ubiquitous

By Tana Hoy

Psychic predictions are fascinating. Some psychic predictions seem very realistic, while others seem like they are very farfetched. Unfortunately, communication is not easy for most of us. This is because we continue to stay plugged-in and tuned-out.

This static noise is a distraction that blinds and numbs us to the energy that surrounds us. It prevents our guides from getting through to us. In order to 'feel' and 'see' the guidance coming forward from our spirit guides, we must be learn to be still and receptive.

In some cases, it may even take a miracle for some of us to receive their communication. And, that is exactly what happens at times. When you hear amazing stories about formally skeptical people having near death experiences, these are actually situations where their spirit guides communicate their presence and provide support in their time of need.

Such experiences and tragedies are often wake up calls designed to get the 'victim's' attention. In order for this to happen though, a new form of balance must be achieved. A balance which offers the opportunity for the 'victim' to be quiet and still long enough to hear the messages their guides wish to share with them.

Fortunately, one does not have to have a near death experience to communicate with their spirit guides. They are always there for us once we are willing to be quiet so that we can 'feel' and 'see' their messages. If you are having difficulties, you may also consider consulting a psychic who has the ability to communicate with your spirit guides.

If this is something you are willing to try, the next step is to listen and be open to receive the information that your guides want to share with you. It is all for your enlightenment and all about your growth forward.

Psychic predictions can give you awareness about the other signs, for example, what to be careful of, and what to expect. After all, isn't that why you are here?

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