Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Bible Timeline And Instructing Scripture

By Neil Baulch

Many people who study the bible can have a hard time getting a handle on the bible timeline. For this reason, an understandable explanation of the bible and the times that events took place was created. If you want to learn the bible and the subsequent time frame of events that took place in history, you need to get this great download.

Anyone who has ever read the Bible knows that for the most part, you are not given actual dates of happenings. You more or less have to figure them out based on the era that they are referring to in the stories. This can get confusing if you are not learned in the complete Bible.

This tool solves a lot of that confusion and puts everything in a much better perspective. Anyone teaching the Bible would be well served to use this tool with the children to make learning the actual timeline of events more comprehensive. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

When you are looking for ease of use, the Bible Timeline is exactly that. Downloading only takes a few minutes and from there, it is pure enjoyment for the entire family. Instead of leafing through page after page of notes trying to get your scripture timeline down, it will all be right there for you to see on the computer.

Something else to consider is that not only can you have everything on your computer for ease of use, but the entire timeline can be printed out in various sizes of paper. It would be very easy to make a simple study guide out of it or if you are a teacher, perhaps a runner for around the perimeter of the classroom.

No longer do you have to listen to a hundred experts give a hundred different answers to the information in the bible. This bible timeline is going to put into perspective the bible and the events that took place. You can then teach these to your children or church.

About the Author:

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's Not Where You're From, It's Where You're Going.

By Jay Kubassek

It has been a few weeks since I have written one of these. With the holidays and the year beginning to wind down, I felt the timeliness of this message could not be better.

Oh the Holidays... The crisp snap of the winter breeze, lights emerging from every corner imaginable; illuminating the evening skies like the sun just squeezed itself through the screen door. It's a time for celebration, a time for reflection. For smiles, and long overdue embraces that have sat on shelves collecting the dust of neglect.

For too many people the world over, this holiday brings with it a new anticipation. The close of the year is upon us, the months passed have been marked with a collective anxiety of what is to come. Will it get better? Has the worst of it passed? What will I do next year?

Entrepreneurs are not immune to these same moments of uncertainty, however when one has the reigns in their hands the navigation of these troublesome times is infinitely easier.

This Holiday season holds a special anticipation for me personally. The birth of my second child is imminent (and I mean imminent, the bag is packed by the door). I know many of you reading this are parents as well. You know all too well the worry and the hope. The desire for everything to be better for them, than it was for you. It's why we put in the hours, sacrifice daily, sleep less, desire more.

As I think of all the things I must teach my baby girl in the coming years; reading, potty training, table manners and the like, it has occurred to me that what I want her to know most of all is that it matters not where you're from or where you are, it's where you are going. (I've also gotten some great advice from experienced family man and my business partner, Aaron Parkinson.)

We are all someone's children. We all have a hometown, a first kiss, a first disappointment, a first job. But the reality is these things, while important in the shape of our being, have no bearing on where our lives may take us. What we desire in life, what we desire for our children, lies ahead and not behind us.

As we come into this new year, let's embrace the promise of infinite possibility. Forget whatever hurdle or misstep may have plagued you this past year and focus on where you want to be.

After all, it doesn't matter where you're from, it's about where you're going.

About the Author:

Friday, December 25, 2009

About Frequent Headaches

By Rose Williams

A great many of us live with headaches that afflict us for seemingly no reason. Some of these headache types occur once and then we may live for several years before we get them again. Other types of headaches seem to occur very often in our lives. These latter headaches are known as frequent headaches.

Usually, frequent headaches seem to be tension headaches. However, frequent headaches can also be the result of over-dosing on over-the-counter (OTC) medications. This type of frequent headache is called a 'rebound headache', because, while it is safe to take the recommended dosage to treat headaches, rebound headaches happen because the dose has been exceeded.

So, one of the ways to alleviate the pain that frequent headaches bring is to methodically reduce the amount of method that you are taking. For people who may find this step hard, talking with their GP can help find the best method to achieve this without making their headaches or other condition worse.

Besides overdosing on headache medication, there are also other factors that can bring the onset of frequent headaches. These can be excessive amounts of smoking and drinking lots of alcohol beverages. Reducing your alcohol intake to a moderate level can help with reducing the severity of your frequent headaches.

As smoking any form of tobacco will increase your risk of experiencing frequent headaches, it is definitely advisable to stop smoking completely. While it might seem to be easy to control these frequent headache triggers, you may actually need professional assistance to reduce the occurrence of frequent headaches.

Therefore, when you talk with your doctor you should find out about headache clinics and if they have the facilities to help you with your rebound and/or frequent headaches. People who would like to cope with controlling their headache medicine themselves can start by reducing the dosage little by little.

Afterwards, when your body can deal with that reduction, you can lower the dosage a bit more. Should you feel that the headaches are becoming too severe, you have the choice of taking a little cortisone to help tolerate the pain of the headaches while your body slowly gets used to to the new regimen.

Because frequent headaches seem to be caused more by the misuse of headache tablets, it would be a good idea for you to take the medication only when you really need to. This way you can control your dose of the medicine that causes you get other headaches in addition to what you originally started the pain medication for.

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MC Means Motorcycle Club

By L.J. James

Think about the words Motorcycle Club! Why is it that when those words are heard together many think Crime or Criminal Organization? Say you are having an event and you are looking for a place to have it. You can have a book club and everyone will welcome you in! A cooking club and everyone really loves you. You say Motorcycle Club and right away its, Sorry we are busy on that day!

Motorcycle Clubs are even turned away from bars where they want to have events by Independent Bikers, Why is that? We need to let the world know that Bikers independent or in a Motorcycle Club can be good people! We can not show people that Motorcycle Club Members are not all bad if we are not allowed in a Bar because we are wearing Colors, Its the same thing if you are an independent biker and some one will not let you in some sports bar because you are wearing a leather jacket! I hope when an independent Biker who has turned away Motorcycle Clubs from his bar and is then turned away from a bar he wants to go in Understands the irony!

Some Motorcycle Clubs have even gone so far as to changed their name, they call themselves Riding Clubs, Motorcycle associations or some other type of group so they can leave out the words Motorcycle Club! and try to avoid the problems that come with being part of a Motorcycle Club! They say they are different from a Motorcycle Club ! They look and dress and act just like a motorcycle Club but they just call themselves something different! I say a rose by any other name !!!

These Clubs are just trying to get around all the prejudice associated with the words Motorcycle Club ! They are not part of the solution but are part of the problem! This is America and You can call your Club what ever you want, But the thing that unites you and your Club is the same thing that unites all who Ride! It is the Motorcycle! How can anyone leave out the word Motorcycle? It is the heart of what you are!

If You are a Motorcycle Club be proud of it and don't try to get around any problems by playing word games and calling yourself something else by using different words!!! This is just my opinion I would like to know what others think, Please email me at

Your Bro LJ James AmericanBikerX. com

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Learning To Become A Clairvoyant Online

By Deborah Reed

Did you know that many people who want to become a clairvoyant are starting to study online? They're using the internet to learn how to develop their paranormal skills! And many are discovering how to enhance their basic clairvoyant abilities.

Clairvoyance is sometimes described as a sixth sense that everyone has deep inside their mind. Most people, however, are totally unaware of it. Others will see little glimpses of it from time to time when they have a dream, a premonition, or a moment of dj vu. For a small minority, clairvoyant gifts are strong and just waiting to be developed. Anyone who is interested in discovering and developing their clairvoyant abilities to a higher level can learn more about techniques they can practice at clairvoyant sites online.

Clairvoyance has been part and parcel of mankind's history since the dawn of the earliest civilizations. Sometimes revered, often feared, clairvoyants have played a pivotal role in helping to shape the lives of many great people. But for what was once considered to be something like a secret cult, the secrets of clairvoyance are now available on the internet. Those wishing to discover more about this, and those who harbor a desire to get actively involved in this realm of the paranormal, becoming a clairvoyant online is now a real option for the first time.

People who are attuned to their clairvoyance almost seem to have a sixth sense. They can often discern things about the future, the past, or something happening somewhere very distant from where they are with remarkable accuracy. All of this discernment comes through their mind and no other communication or technology. Some discover this ability when they encounter a fearful, dangerous, or even near death experience. But now anyone can practice techniques to help discover and nurture this talent via the clairvoyant online sites.

In the universe, all things are connected-the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, and even the molecules and atoms that make up every part of every thing. Clairvoyance helps you tap into this universal source of all things in an almost spiritual way. Everything is already there and all around you all the time, but in order to perceive it, you need to disconnect yourself from the material world.

You must achieve a sense of calm and empty your mind so the communication may be received. Many clairvoyants or people who want to discover their clairvoyant powers use yoga and meditation to prepare them. The clairvoyant sites online teach specific techniques for helping to prepare the mind and clear your thoughts to be receptive.

The first step along the path to becoming at true clairvoyant is a total acceptance of the world of the paranormal and in particular clairvoyance. It is almost means returning to that mental innocence that we first had when we were little children; a time before skepticism, sarcasm and irony were bred into us. If we can learn to accept the realism, the existence of the paranormal, we will have lain the foundation stone on which to build our clairvoyant talent.

When you believe, you will be able to achieve the meditative state required to open your mind to the possibilities of clairvoyance. You will focus on achieving this sense of calm and well being, free from all negativity. And then you are in a place where the universe can communicate with you-through sounds, feelings, words, thoughts, or images.

The next thing that a clairvoyant online site can explain and help with, is how to recognize and interpret any messages that you will receive. Until you begin to adjust and fine-tune your clairvoyant power, the messages may seem fragmented and even unimportant, although in reality, anything that is of the universal truth is important somehow. It just may be that it is difficult at first to understand where and how it fits in.

So these sites help you learn what the signs you receive mean and how to interpret them. The first thing these sites will teach you, however, is critical-and that is this: You must never try to force the process or the result. As soon as you consciously begin to try to direct or control the situation, you will lose all touch with the universal truth and power you seek to embrace.

If you are a complete novice, the process will start gently. You may for example just see a color, feel some sort of external emotion, or even hear something. You may of course see a whole event happening in front of you, but only if your mind is totally clear and uncontaminated will you know it is true clairvoyance. But once known and experienced, you will know it forever.

About the Author:

Monday, December 21, 2009

Remote Viewing. What Is Really Going On?

By Hugo Preis

Have you ever thought about having the ability to see things, people, even places that are not within the range of your five senses? The thing to remember is that we have more than just five senses and it is entirely possible to reach out with your own innate psychic ability and to make observations that are otherwise impossible!

Remember that remote viewing is not the same as an out of body experience. With an out of body experience, which is also called astral travel, you travel in a spirit form to see things or places far from you.

On the other hand, with remote viewing, you are looking at a form of psychic dowsing, where you can use your innate psychic power to find out what you need. Essentially, you will be using ESP to find out what you need.

When we are young, the psychic ability comes much more naturally, but it is still something that we can pick up as we get older. Consider the fact that we only use ten percent of our brain; it might be a good time to put the other ninety percent to good use! When you train yourself, you will be able to do just that.

For instance, think of how comforted you would be to check in on your kids when they are away. This kind of security and peace of mind is just one of the benefits that you can get when you are looking at remote viewing

When you are thinking about learning psychic abilities like this one, you will find that it takes no natural talent. As soon as you are taught to enter the trance-like state where the remote viewing takes place, you will be able to use it to your heart's content, no matter what kind of talent you might have.

There are some simple techniques that you can try.

*First, sit yourself down in a quiet comfortable place and close your eyes. Get rid of as many distractions as you can.

*Start by breathing slowly and deeply through your nose and see what you can do about making sure that your tongue is pressed to the roof of your mouth. This can keep you from yawning while you do this!

*You need to believe in your own ability to succeed. Remember that as you put yourself deeper into your relaxed state that you need to tell yourself that you are capable o seeing things that you are not physically seeing.

*As you get started, start by thinking of a very simple target. One good exercise to get you started is to think about viewing your relaxing body from the side or from straight ahead. Construct the image of yourself slowly and carefully. While it can be difficult to view yourself this way, just remember that it will come with patience. Think about where other people stand when they view you and think about how you must look to them. This can be a good regular exercise for you.

*When you have mastered the mental controls that you need to maneuver yourself through the viewing process, why not cast your gaze a little bit wider? Consider all of the different options that you have when you are thinking about moving forward and learning about remote viewing. Picture a place that you are very familiar with and think about the small details that will surround it. When you have a picture in your head, go to the place itself and look it over. What kind of details did you see?

One interesting thing that you might be interested in doing is to see how these remote viewing exercises can involve two people. Start with you and your friend sitting in different rooms. Your friend performs a simple movement and as you concentrate on what is going on, you should try to see your friend doing this. Then let them do the same or you. This can be something that allows you to instantly compare results.

After you have finished your remote viewing techniques, you are going to find that entering a relaxed state is much easier than you think. Consider how you can use a trance-like reaction state to hypnotize yourself. Even if you are still wide awake, you are going to be relaxed enough to get into your own subconscious.

The truth of the matter is that your psychic abilities are much easier to get to than you might think, and remember that practice is the key!

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Trees as Memorial Gifts

By Gareth Z Mitchell

Whether you have lost a loved one or you know someone who has, there are many different reactions that you might have. You might be shocked that they are gone, you may be regretful for the opportunities that you missed or you might find yourself looking for a way to celebrate the life that they led. Many people who are grieving over a loved one find themselves looking for a meaningful memorial, and this is where memorial trees can come in.

Trees are wonderful additions to any area and in many ways, you will find that these are bereavement gifts that can be a benefit to the people who are mourning as well. A tree is not a graveyard where you focus on lost chances; instead, you will be outside, standing under the shade of a living thing and rejoicing underneath it.

Remember the way that the departed touched your life or the lives of the everyone around them. Remember the way that a tree reaches out and provides shade and cover to everyone who comes near it. If you are mourning a person who you learned a great deal about life from, a tree would be a beautiful way to commemorate that.

One thing that people won't forget about trees is that they will live for a fairly long time. They can serve as a reminder for the people who are left behind that life does go on, and that just because someone is no longer alive, it doesn't mean that their presence is gone.

Think of an area that the deceased cared about very much, whether it was a park, a yard, or a natural preserve of some sort. Talk to the people who oversee it or take care of it, and the chances are high that they would love to have a new addition to the property. Adding memorial plaques can help everyone recognize the tree as the garden memorial that you want it to be.

When you are looking to remember someone who was important to you, try to look off the beaten path. A tree is something that everyone can benefit from, and when people are in a place where they want to have a living reminder, and not just a stone or a plaque, a tree stands in quite well.

When you are thinking of trees, think of all the positive associations that you have with them. Do you find that you are in a place where you are going to be able to move forward and to feel comforted? Consider how trees make you feel and what kind of memories of the deceased that you want to remember.

Trees can commemorate loss as memorial gifts in a deeply meaningful way, so think about what trees might mean to you and to the people you care about!

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Healing Your Mind And Emotions Properly

By Richard West

Experiencing physical pain is terrible which usually depends on the body condition of a person. This kind of pain could be healed in a day, a week, a month or a year. This form of physical injury can be cured in a little time with proper medication. But how can we cure emotional pain? Emotional healing can be applied to the depressed individual that is suffering emotional pain. This pain is not usually related to physical injury, this pain is more in the inside feeling of a human being. This pain is normally experienced when you lose somebody that you treasured the most. Emotional pain is difficult to heal and it needs proper attention.

After you lose someone that you love, your emotions will try to heal itself in a very similar way that your body deals with physical injury or pain. Sorry to say, but several of us prefer not to deal with the pains of our emotions, thus implying that the emotional pain that you experienced may never go away. The losing of someone that is close to you is very difficult to face and hard to experience. It is very difficult to cure the emotional pain, without proper action.

The procedure of emotional healing does change much whether you have been in pain for 1 hour or 10 years. The emotional healing is presented in the present moment. Contentment is our normal state, and the subconscious part of mind is persistently seeking for comfort. There are many kinds of emotional healing that can be applied to heal the pain. You can use the behavior therapy, psychoanalysis process, therapeutic hypnosis technique and simple guidance counseling. In this problem, the therapy needs a psychiatrist or a good counselor. The healing process is not instant; it needs several days or weeks to make well.

The most efficient and straightforward technique to focus on emotional pains is the therapeutic hypnosis. Therapeutic hypnosis is a unique and special type of communication to the subconscious part of mind, where all behavior are created and recollection is stored. The verbal communication of the subliminal mind is visual, and then the main objective is to complete your representation. With this process, the subconscious mind will generate the emotional healing faster that you require attaining peace of mind and creating the way of life that you want.

Therapeutic hypnosis is a common type which connects our conscious state of mind our sleep. It allows making contact with the subconscious mind that is 90% of the brain. It's a kind of method that is perform, build up, and release the way of viewing in making life a desirable section. Therapeutic hypnosis can attain quicker result, very proficient, and useful rather than psychoanalysis process or the behavior therapy. The state of mind is calmed and open for new changes when it's under hypnotized.

In this mind state, you can simply discover the feelings and thoughts that are connected to the painful experiences which stimulated the emotional pain, distress, ignominy, remorse, and low self esteem. If you are experiencing emotional pain, then it's best to consult an excellent psychiatrist to properly heal that emotional pain.

About the Author:


By David Anttony

Definitions of words often change quite quickly these days. In the distant past the meaning of words was often set in stone. Today the meaning can change in a blink. With new faster ways to communicate with wider and more culturally, socially and education

There's a significant global movement happening where consumers are asking business to take care of the things they care about such as the less fortunate in society and the environment. The request is mainly tacit and despite it being an ironic request it by far indicates still that we are in a time of vast change. Consumers these days want their cake and eat it. They not only want cheap products, they also want the environment to be preserved and they want workers to be well looked after.

Until recently there was no real answer to this complex puzzle but today one actually exists. It exists in the reforging of a simple single word - GET. Today there is a new movement of consumers wanting to get and at the same time give. They are reforging the word GET into the word GIVE.

Every day automated email notices arrive in my inbox from Google Alerts for two keywords - BOGO and B1G1. I see all the new places these words are turning up on the Internet. Little by little these two words are gaining a their new meaning as more and more people take up the Buy One Give One cause.

B1G1 and BOGO, despite sounding like characters from a Marvel comic are acronyms for Buy One GET One free. You buy one and they give you an extra one for the same price.

Look up BOGO on (there isn't a definition yet for B1G1) and you will discover these definitions for BOGO:

* An acronym in the retail industry that stands for Buy One Get One. For example, you could say "Buy 1 DVD, Get 1 FREE!

* An acronym in slang British that stands for Britons Of Greek Origin or Greek Britons.

* Bogo, Cebu, a city in central Philippines.

* An alternate name for the Bilen ethnic group of Ethiopia or their language, Blin.

* Norway, a village in Norway.

* The mascot of the ITESM CEM.

* BogoMips, an unscientific measurement of CPU speed

* Bogosort, an ineffective sorting algorithm

BOGO light

There is a business in the USA called SunLight Solar founded by Mark Bent. He has created a special torch that not only is an amazing and sturdy solar-powered light; his company also gives a free torch to those in need in developing nations for each one bought. If you look on their website you will learn about their "BOGOlight".

"The BoGo - our Buy one/Give one - program has successfully provided lights to many, many thousands of people in the developing world, changing lives because of your purchase and participation." -

Mark Bent has flipped the BOGO acronym upside down when he started to use the word as part of his product name. For him now and the thousands who buy his lights, BOGO today means Buy One GIVE One. Each person gets to give a light every time they buy one for themselves. So now with each sale people who do not have the benefit of electricity can tap the power of the sun to support them in their lives.

There are many other well known and less well know businesses now doing Buy One Give One giving or transaction based giving as it is becoming known. Some of the famous ones are One Laptop Per Child and TOMS Shoes. Some of the less well-known ones (in the USA at least) are based in Australia, New Zealand and the UK - Maple Muesli, Blinds Couture, Earthstar Publishing, Figure 8 Body Chains, Honestly Women magazine, Sunsplash Homes and Thavibu Gallery based in Thailand are just a few special businesses that are leading the Buy One Give One movement in their parts of the world.

There are many Buy One Give One businesses now uniting under the common brand banner of Buy1GIVE1 managed by a Singapore based social enterprise which is becoming the home of transaction-based giving. Any business in the world can now integrate Buy One Give One giving with ease. It's like a 'CSR plug-in' allowing a business to instantaneously start giving from each and every sale, starting from just 1 cent. It's also no longer about giving an equivalent product to someone else. Instead it is about contributing to a project that resonates with a company's activity. For example a restaurant can feed a child, a television retailer can give a cataract blind person the gift of sight (Get Vision-Give Vision), a magazine publisher can plant a tree every time they sell a subscription and a property developer can build a low-cost family home for those in need (Buy1BUILD1) - the list is simply endless.

The stats now add up saying consumers do care. The 2008 Goodpurpose global study of consumer attitudes revealed that nearly a huge 68% of consumers would remain dedicated to a brand during an economic slump if it supported a charity cause. This study also highlighted some other key points as well such as:

* 52% of consumers globally are more likely to recommend a brand to others when it supports a good charity cause over one that doesn't.

* 52% of consumers globally are more likely to tell others of a brand when it supports a good charity cause over one that doesn't.

* Consumers are now voicing a clear desire for marketers to associate their brands to social causes. 42% say that if two products or services were of a similar quality and price, commitment to a cause outranks factors like innovation, design and brand loyalty when selecting one brand over another.

Getting becoming Giving

The new concept of Buy One GIVE One is starting to replace Buy One GET One as the global giving movement led by Buy1GIVE1 ripples out. Right now if you search for the terms B1G1 and BOGO you will find that websites that do Buy1-Give1 giving are on the first page of Google results. Certainly with the large consumer demand shown for products from companies like TOMS Shoes, BOGO lights and OLPC - One Laptop Per Child, this tide is set to continue and spread.

I did a Google search on the 25 topmost key words connected with the keyword BOGO as an experiment to see what would show up. The results were interesting so I have displayed them below. You may notice that right now the word Give doesn't show up. It will be interested to do this test again in twelve months time to see what changes. Consumers are now driving change and yes they want to receive free gifts (traditional B1G1/BOGO) but equally they also want to give to others or see others being given to.

Here are the results:

Free, photography, blogging, discount, networking, African, boots, groups, music, dallas, togo themes, wallpapers, buy, applications, skins, values, coupon, gift, sharing, shopping, pics, join, prose

Transactional or transaction-based giving

Unlike normal charitable giving Buy One Give One giving is transactional. What is meant by that is: every time you buy something you give something. In the case of SunNight Solar they give a physical light for every light sold. In most cases, businesses that become part of this special form of transaction-based giving, give in a different way. At Buy1GIVE1, giving can start from just USD 1c contribution per sale. At this amount no business in the world can say they cannot give and 100% contributed goes to the cause.

The amount contributed from each sale is not the point of focus with Buy1GIVE1 transaction based giving. The focus is instead on the story and sharing the simple joy of giving. In the end, if you think that 1c is not a lot to contribute and is unlikely to make much of a difference think again and consider the following idea.

From its origins in Ethiopia, where the main coffee production is still from wild coffee tree forests, coffee consumption has spread globally. Brazil is still by far the largest coffee producer in the world producing on average 28% of the world's total coffee. In 2006 Brazil produced enough coffee to make 216,400,000,000 (216 billion four hundred million) espresso coffees. If we were to calculate across global production then we get a daily global consumption of around 2,117,416,830 cups of coffee - wow. The figures are somewhat hard to track down but let's guess that 40% of the world's coffee is sold and consumed in coffee shops then we would get that 846,966,732 cups are sold commercially each day globally - nearly 900 million. This would equate to about'5,485,714 cups in the US on its own seeing they purchase around 21% of the world's coffee.

If we considered the impact of the coffee industry alone taking up Buy1-Give1, imagine now that for every cup of coffee sold a child in a developing region like Sub-Sahara Africa received clean drinking water from a well and it only costing 1cent to do this. Surely any coffee shop could afford to contribute this amount from the sale of a single cup of coffee. Imagine the different that this one action alone would make in the world.

Transactional giving is the story of the thousand-mile journey starting with that first single step. Digging a well costs a few thousand dollars so it's a big barrier for communities in developing nations. However if you break the cost down it only takes the sale of a cup of coffee to give clean water to a single person for a day1. This is the power of transactional giving. It is like the compound interest of giving - a little turns into a lot very quickly.

So many companies are used to doing things on their own. Doing transactional giving is no different. A company can go out find a cause and start doing Buy One Give One giving. And yet they are missing the point when they do this. Buy1GIVE1 giving is about sharing the joy of giving and not trying to change the world. As soon as you step up and say you are going to change the world then the world will step up and challenge you. Within a heartbeat a company would experience the sharp scrutiny of the media inspecting their every move. And yet when a company steps up and says it is supporting what its customer want and joins with others in its industry to do that in a win-win way, the story is different. When companies choose to join together under a commonly recognised banner/brand they can have a powerful joint effect. The ripple that a single company creates is added to that of another and the ripple grows into a tidal wave that benefits so many. This is the power of giving and doing things together.

Everyone wins with Buy-One-Give-One transaction-based giving. The consumer wins - at no extra cost to themselves they've made a difference to the lives of others through their purchasing choices. The business also wins in so many tangible and intangible ways. And of course the charity partner wins because they are now able to receive small amounts from numerous sources aggregated and paid in a lump sum on a regular basis allowing them to focus on what they do rather than raising funds.

A new start

If you check Wikipedia today you should find that a new definition has been added for BOGO. It is time for a change. A change from focusing on GETTING to focusing on GIVING. The subtlety in the words that we use so often point to a deeper underlying meaning. I added this small addition to Wikipedia, "... an acronym in the marketing industry that stands for Buy One GIVE One."

Simply imagine our world where every time you go and buy something you give something automatically and seamlessly - giving a gift forward to someone in greater need than you. This is the simple joyful magic of transactional giving.

This is the world I choose to be a part of.

Just remember - you don't 'get' giving till you get giving.


Footnotes: 1 The daily cost for clean well water per person is calculated by taking the average cost to dig a well then dividing that amount by its average expected life without major maintenance then divided it by the number of people in the community benefiting from the well on a daily basis.

About the Author:

Friday, December 18, 2009

How Chakra Balancing Can Help You Achieve Health and Happiness!

By Jonathan Benjem

A consequence of modern science has been the eradication from peoples minds of the survival and significance of the spiritual being within the physical being.

Conversely, the Hindu idea of life has kept alive the practice of spiritual-healing despite the developments in science and technology.

Our body actually consists of seven primary and thousands of secondary Chakras. The word Chakra, is a Sanskrit word meaning Wheel of Light, and according to the theory, these Chakras rotate and vibrate continuously in a healthy human body.

If the charkas become unbalanced, then this will result in an imbalance in the overall healthy performance of the body. As a result, Chakra Balancing is essential to a healthy body, mind, and soul.

Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura and the centers of activity that receives, assimilates and expresses life-force energy. Located along the central line of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head the seven main Chakras absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe, nature, celestial entities, and even from people.

How can the balance of the Chakras become distorted?

If one or more of the Chakras is blocked, the energy does not flow smoothly through them and the end result will be an imbalance between the Chakras that result in physical or emotional problems.

The correct functioning of the Chakras can distort due to a number of factors, like bad health, stress, unbalanced diet, toxicity, not enough exercise, repressing emotions, untrue beliefs, detachment from a higher power, childhood traumas, cultural conditioning and emotional traumas, etc.

Chakra Balancing Key to Health and Happiness

The natural harmonious functioning of Chakras is a utopian idea. Therefore, human endeavor has always been to correct this distortion and strike a fine balance between these Chakras. The concept of self-healing is also loosely based on Chakra balancing.

Chakras manipulate our body shape, glandular functions, chronic physical illness, thoughts, and behavior. Chakra balancing ensures that these parameters are working towards a healthy body, mind, and soul.

The advantages of Chakra Balancing are:

* Overall happiness and inner peace

* Physical health with individual strength

* Awareness and constant feel with ones body

* Sexually satisfied life without lust

* Awareness of ones feelings at the ethereal level

* Superior capacity to attract and convey love in ones life

* Accelerated spiritual growth and development

* Religious healing with higher ways of realization, attentiveness, and acceptance

* A sympathetic and adoring heart

* Wonderful confidence levels, but short of being over-confident

* Realization of the True Self

Attaining chakra balancing

Chakra balancing in individuals body can be accomplished by utilizing different techniques. Any of the following techniques will work to balance your bodys Chakras.

* Therapeutic Therapies for example Reiki,

* Yoga (along with breathing exercises) and Meditation

* Physical exercise

* Color & Light Therapy

* Gems and Crystals

* Harmonizing with Hands and Pendulums

* Aromatherapy

* Touch Therapy

* Optimistic outlook

* Sound Frequencies

* Affirmations, using Hypnosis, etc.

Our body is a reservoir of energy, in which the spent energy is released and disposed of by the body organs, and replenished, with new supplies of energies.

Chakra balancing ensures that this energy is received and consumed by the body, and all of the bodys cells and main organs get the correct amount of this energy.

When your Chakras are returned to their natural frequencies, inner peace, well being and happiness follows. Chakra Balancing is simply getting the Chakras back to their normal state of vibration.

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Cleansing Our Chakras

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

Since our chakras are directly influenced by everything around us such as the technique to regular cleansing of our chakras logically follows that we should take our environment into consideration as well. To achieve balance and harmony, the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual aspects of our being also needs cleansing in order to heal our energy systems. This is necessary since all aspects of our existence are interconnected and are necessary to function harmoniously for healthy and vibrant living.

Following are some of the highly effective chakra cleansing practices man has used for thousands of years in the past:

1. Smudging is an effective method of removing harmful energy obstacles that affect our chakras. White sage is proven to be a highly effective smudging agent.

2. Undergoing auric brushing or having someone run their hands down chakra line from top to bottom also frees energy jams. Some people recommend the use of crystals and gems can be used to clear out blockages in your auras but some of the gems and crystals are too strong and requires very good experience in order to prevent serious damage rather than effect healing.

3. A wholesome lifestyle, drinking plenty of clean water, tea and fruit juices, plus enough sleep and moderation are highly suggested in order to preserve the function of our chakras.

4. Regular physical workouts and breathing exercises are very important to the maintenance of healthy and strong chakras. Aside from making the heart healthier, regular physical activity and proper breathing also ensures unrestricted blood flow to all parts of the body.

5. Connect with the wonders and magic of nature. Learning to appreciate the nature has a wonderful influence in the function of our energy systems.

6. Since each individual colors have different vibrations that affect different elements of a person, you can effectively perform chakra cleansing by looking at real color or simply by visualizing them.

7. Listening to music also heals our energy system. Music is an effective chakra cleansing technique and can be used to activate our chakras, which in turn activate the entire endocrine system.

8. We should not tire of pursuing learning situations. In fact, it is highly recommended to continually pursue learning and intellectual challenges to keep us on our toes and keep our energy points active.

9. Allocating a few minutes daily for reflection on the days events is also a powerful chakra cleansing method. Spending some time alone and giving serious thought to our daily happenings and situation gives us a clearer perspective and awareness of everything that affects us and our environment.

10. Practicing love of self is also important as it teaches us survival and self preservation. It also makes us more able to love others.

11. An awareness of our feelings and emotions coupled with the ability to express them in a constructive manner to people around us is a very vital chakra cleansing and maintenance strategy. Restrained thoughts, feelings and emotions can invariably cause energy jams that can disturb our health and well being.

12. Introducing creativity in our daily activities helps us keep healthy and calm. Creativity is not the exclusive domain of the arts we can apply it to our everyday activities!

13. Coming to terms with our past lives and understanding its significance can provide us a deep awareness of our purpose as a human being.

14. Maintaining sincerity and reliability in all facets of our lives keeps us healthy and righteous. Living a life anchored on moral values help make us more productive, creative and dependable, not only to ourselves but for others as well.

15. Prayer is a fundamental element of our health and energy systems. It is a way to connect with a Higher Being who can help us attain emotional balance and stability. Prayers can put our minds at ease and interested to everything that surrounds us.

All the above methods of chakra cleansing are very important. However, it takes practice and a realization of your love for yourself and others before you can truly understand and use them for chakra cleansing. It is not necessary to use them all at the same time but it is recommended to start off with one or two or three and continue to add methodologies over time. Chakra cleansing is not achieved instantaneously, it is a constant and lifetime process (just like chakras are continually in motion) in order to achieve and maintain a healthy balance among all the elements involved.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Making A Difference With B1G1 Transaction-Based Giving

By David Anttony

B1G1/BOGO (Buy One Give One) connects businesses with charitable cause right around the globe so that every business transaction makes a significant difference somehow, somewhere, every second, every day. And it does much more than that. It adds a potent marketing 'engine' building your own attractiveness.

Michael Porter, probably the world's most respected business strategist says this: "I used to see this area of corporate social philanthropy as the last thing on my agenda 10 years ago, but now I agree that social and economic issues are intertwined. Corporate philanthropy - or corporate social responsibility - is becoming an ever more important field for business. Today's companies ought to invest in corporate social responsibility as part of their business strategy to become more competitive."

Everyone we talk with about Buy 1 GIVE 1 gets it instantly. It's an idea that totally resonates. And it's an idea whose time has come.

You can step up to make a continuing difference and literally play a significant part, not just in leaving a legacy, but also in transforming our planet. It could be the best business and personal choice you've ever made. After all you will leave a legacy the question is : will it be one of consumption or one of choice.

Bill Gates has become key to this paradigm shift, calling for 'Creative Capitalism' in response to the vital question, he shares in TIME Magazine:

"How can we most effectively spread the benefits of capitalism and the huge improvements in quality of life it can provide to people who have been left out?"

Buy1GIVE1 is about Sharing the Joy of Giving; and giving, results from giving thanks for what we have in our lives.

Remember - you don't 'get' giving till you get giving.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Manifesting For Beginners

By Claire Skaysbrook

We have all heard many new age gurus tell us that life is what we make it. If most of us spent a few moments and thought about it, we heard those sentiments before. Perhaps it was our grandmother that was trying to encourage us when we were down and out. It may have even been a Jiminy Cricket as he sang when you wish upon a star.

The point is that at some point in our life we have each had someone tell us that we are the masters of our own destiny that we can make our life be whatever we wanted. The power to manifest abundance is within you and only you can manifest abundance in your life.

The reason our life is the way it is, is because we made it so. We need to face this fact of reality. All those mounting bills, the jobs that go nowhere and all our unhappy relationship are things we created all by ourselves.

You need to realize, it is you who has created the life you live. Then you need to know that the power is within you to make a change. You can begin right now to manifest abundance in your life. You simply need to change your way of thinking.

Your thoughts are you most powerful possessions. The way you think creates the life you live. If you think about how to pay all those bills while worrying about them, you will simply create more bills. You create money problems when you worry about money. You create relationship problems when you focus only on the bad things in a relationship.

The key to manifesting abundance will depend upon your positive thinking. You need to concentrate on the good things in your life. Waking up this morning and breathing on your own, having a roof over your head, something to eat and clothing to wear are all good things to concentrate on while creating abundance. You need to realize you are fortunate right now and then be thankful for all those good things. Being thankful for these things opens you up to manifesting more good and worthwhile things.

Do not blame others, since in reality it is the way you think and say is that which creates your current life. You may say that you want happiness, success and wealth; however, you must focus your thoughts and words on being happy, successful and wealthy.

They these experiments, they will work for you. They can help you change your life. Do not spend another minute worrying about money or even how to pay the bills. Start right now, thinking about how much money you do have and how it helps you pay for the things you need.

You need to think and believe that you have all the money you need. Pay close, conscious attention to your thoughts, so that they do not slip away and allow your old thinking patterns to sneak back in. You have to think that you already have everything you want in your life when you want to manifest abundance.

Like attracts like, which means if you are focusing on the good it is going to bring more good in your life. You can improve your life, you can have the life you want you and only you can manifest abundance in your life.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thinking About Clocks in an Abstract Way

By Jim Slate

Slate and Artstone - As you listen to the tick tock of the clock as it sounds its rhythmic beat, you can almost feel time moving, in its steady pace, floating past you stoically as it leads us into the future.

What does a clock do to the psychology of a person? For one thing, it makes you intimately aware of time. Without a clock you can float in the void, content in your isolation from the time and space of everyday life. But as soon as the steady tick starts to sound, you are suddenly grounded, brought back into the slipstream flow of action and events.

Time itself is actually an illusion. It is not a substance which can be felt or experienced, instead it is an idea, an idea that we can measure how much action occurs, by comparing it to other actions. The clock, with its steady rhythmic movement, gives us a constant action, against which we can measure our own lives. How many ticks did the clock move since I started this paperwork? How far did the clock move while I was taking my lunch break?

The clock is really an agreement, by all humans, to abide by this particular measure of time. Without steady timekeeping every person would be free to choose their own understanding of time, with some looking at the sun, others the moon, and still others watching sand flow through a glass.

This agreement allows us to work together, to plan, and to collaborate, even from across the world. That is why accurate timekeeping is so important. Everything that occurs in the modern world has to be coordinated, or the machinery of life would run into itself, and break.

But what is the philosophy of the clock itself? What effect does it have on us as humans? The simple answer is that it is a reminder that you live in a world with other people, and animals, and things, all moving at every moment. During each tick of the clock there are an infinite number of things happening. And you, whatever you are doing at that particular moment, exist in relation to and in comparison to all of those other actions from all of those other people and things.

It can be quite maddening. And yet, at the same time, it gives us a competitive edge, making us stronger, fiercer, and more ready to have meaningful and worthwhile actions, every moment of the day.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Secrets Of How To Develop Abundance

By David Elsey

To have abundance in life does not necessarily mean you have to be wealthy. You can experience abundance even if you do not have everything in this world. Being happy and satisfied in life is enough reason to say that you are living in abundance. In developing abundance, you have to reflect on your inner being and change your approach in life. This will help you attract success and experience abundance. Developing abundance is indeed a great challenge but you will reap the rewards once you succeed.

A good indication that there is a lack of abundance in people's lives is if they are chronically dissatisfied with any area of their lives. Generally, people tend to think of abundance in terms of material possessions. But if someone has great material wealth but is miserable and can't enjoy it, they don't really live an abundant life. There are many stories of wealthy but lonely hermits who lack the warm relationships they desire. In fact, there are many well-off individuals who are depressed, anxious, and generally unhappy.

Developing abundance, then, needs to start with the way life is approached including beliefs, thinking patterns and emotional habits. If a person is willing to change the way they think (and speak) about things and to develop mature and positive emotional responses, they can turn their life around.

Everyone lives in an abundant universe but not everyone experiences that abundance equally. One of the most important steps in the process of developing abundance is to open up the channels for receiving it. Unresolved issues can block the flow of good into people's lives. Unforgiveness, anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, and other negative attitudes and emotions can actually blind people to the good available to them and even repel positive experiences.

So if you are determined to develop abundance in your life, you have to face these negative feelings first within yourself. You may have been a victim of cruelty before, but you don't have to remain that way now. The one who is really causing you harm up to this day is not those cruel persons, but you as you continue to live in the past. In order to open the way through which abundance may enter in, you have to help yourself heal inside by forgiving other people who hurt you and let go of the pain and bitterness you have in life.

As you develop your abundance, you also need to develop your personality. Assess yourself of whatever is hindering you from developing abundance within your self and your life. Try to be honest with what you feel, whether it is bad or unacceptable, so that you will better determine which aspect in your life needs concentration and extra time and effort for development.

There are many principles and therapies that you can use to help yourself experience abundance. The cognitive behavior and energy therapies with EFT and applied kinesiology are all helpful. All you have to do is to help yourself accept the fact that you need these tools for your self development and motivate yourself to do all the necessary steps in order to attract abundance in life.

However, developing abundance is not all about dealing with internal issues. Focussed action is also necessary. By setting goals and creating an action plan to achieve them, people can move from where they are now to where they want to be.

Developing abundance requires a combination of introspection (leading to personal change) and action. Often goal directed individuals are good at setting and achieving certain goals but they still don't live an abundant life because they are not living in harmony with their beliefs and values. Alternatively, their beliefs and values may not engender harmony. True abundance requires a holistic approach to life.

Everyone should set a goal of developing abundance because everyone deserves happiness and an abundant life in this world. Reaching for your goals of having an abundant life does not mean you have to be selfish, in fact you can be selfless and be abundant at the same time, because through sharing of yourself, your time, your effort, your affection, or your good personality to others you can experience the real abundance in life.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Soothing Nature of Blue in the Home

By Jim Slate

Slate and Artstone - Blue is the color of the ocean whose gentle waves rock back and forth in a quietly roaring rhythm. It is the color of the sky on a cloudless day, a color of peace, and serenity. When you stare into a blue landscape, you can see eternity, stretching on endlessly, live the waves of the ocean rolling on and on.

This is true of blue on both a societal, and a psychological level.

Our minds mimic the natural world in which they were developed. When we are exposed to the color blue, our minds automatically bring up memories of sky and ocean, and we feel more relaxed.

This is not an automatic, nor an overwhelming response. Instead, it is a subtle effect that occurs deep within our subconscious mind.

When you use the color blue in an interior, you are adding patches and swathes of serenity to your design. You are creating signals that cue up calm in people's minds.

For someone who is anxious, agitated, or quick to anger, this can be a great therapeutic step. The blue may not cure their problems, but it will create an environment where it is easier to avoid them.

On the other hand if you have someone that is lazy, lethargic, or unmotivated, blue is the worst possible color, as it will seduce them back into a malaise. Blue creates an environment where it is easy to relax. If you want to fire someone up, try red instead.

Another potential problem with blue is that it can depress the nervous system, slightly. This may reinforce person's negative emotions, making them depressed.

These color tips are broad suggestions for the way colors affect people's minds. You can always balance these properties by using contrasting colors in accent pieces. By paying attention to the way colors in a space affect the people within the space; you develop a strategy to achieve exactly the effect you want.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Discovering The Secret Law Of Attraction

By Stuart B Clark

Ever since the release of the movie 'The Secret', thousands of people around the world have wanted learn all they can about the secret law of attraction. Numerous books also followed the release of the movie. Even before this, there had been a lot of information on the subject, but people really did not understand the concept and people still do not understand how the process works. Here you will find some information to help so that you too can understand the power of the law of attraction.

A lot of successful people have used the secret law of attraction either consciously, or unconsciously. With this power, a person has the ability to access all that they desire and become the person in which they want to be. All of this is done through the power of the mind and the way it works in determining our destinies.

The full development of soul, mind, and body is contingent to the material things that we possess in life. From those things we contain the ability to give to others we love. We become happy ourselves from the happiness we bring to others. Material things are important not only to our comfort but to our full development as human beings which is why the secret law of attraction is so important.

You need to understand that thoughts lay at the base of the foundation in a persons life. You need to change the way you think in order to allow the mind to create your life differently. Thoughts are energy and matter at its smallest level is also energy. So thoughts become matter and it is this concept which is the basis of the law of attraction.

Reaching the things in life that you want is dependant on how much you really want it. Writing down the things you want in the present tense is something that will help you to achieve it. Every day you should look at the thing that you want and think about it, and imagine that you have it now.

The thing you want should be something that your really want. It should have the potential for making your life better. You also must contain a certainty that it is a thing that you want. While thinking of this thing, you should have your mind clear from any other thoughts. This will allow you then to focus on the true desire that you have. The best way to improve concentration and focus is through meditation.

While concentrating on the things that you want, you should be in a place that is quiet to allow yourself to go into a state of relaxation. This way you can get in touch with the subconscious mind in order to access the universe. After you ask, you need to believe that it will come to you and that trust will make it more likely to work.

Visualization helps to send a clear picture to the universe of the thing that you want and allowing your imagination to flow is vital. After sending out pictures to the universe of what you want, you should express gratitude, since you know you will receive the thing that you requested. Live life in a grateful mind, from that moment on.

After you make the request, do not hold onto it. Just have faith and trust that the universe has heard your request and will deliver. Faith and trust is the real secret law of attraction.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Seven Chakras - Circles That Change Your Life

By Jai Dahalli

It is surprising enough that every new dimension of human existence reveals a new secret and arouses newer aspects related to the successful existence of the human race. One such highly mysterious and quite unknown aspect that helps govern the human body and the human mind is the network of the seven chakras that are held in the human body as 7 circles of energy.

Apart from the physical energy that we get from substances that we consume as a part of our routine diet, the human body also requires a good amount of cosmic energy that is a result of the energy exchange between the seven chakra network in our body and the heavenly bodies above us.

The exact purpose and functions of these seven chakras are not entirely defined though there has been a good amount of knowledge that we possess about them. A strong belief suggests that it is the way that you feel that generates the kind of results, in case you are not confident about a particular task and feel very low before even trying you would come back with a negative result only where in if you have always been positive you end up getting the desired results and these things are important even when things are least/most likely to happen.

Each circle of energy is an active participant in the process of monitoring and enhancing a body part or its activities, the effect that these chakras have on different body parts and attitude is different, hence most chakras independently affect their respective body organs.

The various centres of energy which regulate various activities we perform can be understood better in the following way.

The first chakra that lies towards the end of the spine is known as the root chakra, its impact is clearly visible on the character of the person, while the chakra has positive energy it develops the characteristics of strong will and determination. This chakra helps to control the organs in the lower abdomen, especially the intestine and other organs.

Above the root chakra is the genital chakra, it assists the human attempts to avoid greed, lust and other things that are referred as worldly pleasures as well as helps you to get out of narrow mindedness. If the chakra is inclined towards the wrong end then cruelty and ignorance are features that develop.

Umbilical chakra is the third of the series of seven chakras and it has an impact on the mental stability and reactions that a person might have to certain situations. While there is an inclination towards the positive side the chakra inculcates will power and mental strength but when weakened it arouses embarrassment, idiocy, jealousy and represents an instable behaviour. It controls a good part of the digestive system.

The fourth chakra from the bottom is the heart chakra that is responsible for the generation of various emotions as well as inspires feelings of liking and admiration. As the name suggests it has firm control over the human heart and if filled with negativity can lead to feelings of hatred and hypocrisy.

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra, it has an impact on the functions of the vocal chords we possess. It is also said to have an impact on the language we speak, a negative throat chakra could mean the use of a lot of foul language. The chakra controls important organs like the mouth, neck and lungs.

The next is the third eye chakra. You tend to develop impressions and make perceptions due to the chakra referred as the third eye chakra and it is very important for a person!

The seventh and the final chakra is crown chakra which promotes the thirst for enlightenment.

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Start Living Again With Chakra Meditation

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

Meditation has been around for around two thousand years, it's been a way of life for mankind. In fact every religion that is practiced by men uses some sort of meditation as a way of achieving a higher form of spiritual consciousness.

At first meditation was used mostly by religious priests, but through the years meditation has been picked up by ordinary people when they discover just how the various benefits work.

If you are not really aware of what meditation is, basically you intensely focus on sounds, objects, ideas, a breathing rhythm, actions or even movements to be able to allow your perception to intensify, you will cut down on your stress levels, enhance relaxation, and gain personal and spiritual growth.

When meditation was first out it originally was only practiced along with some sort of religious traditions to build your spiritual belief higher, but now it is used by several people to help relieve different stresses and pains.

With the latest understanding by Western medical practitioners of the important role of the mind in one's ability to cope with health issues, more and more interest in meditation and its function in alleviating some physical ailments has made the practice an adjunct of traditional medical treatment.

It is interesting to note that medical clinics and hospitals across the nation have been offering the practice of meditation as a possible method for patients to improve their health. Meditation is currently employed as a method for treatment of some diseases, as an additional therapeutic process for a comprehensive treatment program and as a means of improving the quality of life of people with chronic, debilitating, or incurable illnesses.

There are three approaches to meditation, transcendental, relaxation response, and mindfulness meditation, which is the stress reduction way of meditation.

Meditation focuses on the seven major chakras, which also correspond to the body's major endocrine glands.

If you practice meditation for at least 30 minutes a day your body's functions will become more balanced and harmonious.

You will notice the energy flowing from the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and finally the crown chakras while meditating. Your whole body's biological, emotional, and spiritual aspects become more nourished and balance the body cleansing physical, emotional and spiritual toxins.

Since chakra meditation requires deep concentration the uninterrupted flow of energy into the body also gives a boost to the major chakras (and their corresponding endocrine counterparts).

You know how catalytic converters work? Well imagine your chakra meditation as a catalytic converter for your body. It gathers the energy outside of your body and channels it to the useful portions of your body's chakra system.

Since chakras are such an essential part of our body and its metaphysical and physical manifestations, the tuning of them is very important to our everyday lives. And it will also affect our lives in directly or indirectly, emotionally, physically, intellectually and even spiritually.

As previously mentioned, there are various ways to practice chakra meditation; regardless of the methods employed the initial and basic steps are almost all the same; to achieve concentration and allowing the state of focus to spread throughout the whole body.

Once you begin chakra meditation you are not going to notice an immediate change in your life. But with time you will find that you are going to experience a more positive outlook on life, and your perceptions will be sharper. Also you will be able to understand events and behaviors better. Meditation has been shown to be responsible for peoples overall better lives, and this is both physically and emotionally.

The biggest difference that most people notice from practicing chakra meditation is their ability to concentrate better and the awareness of things around them. This benefit will be noticed in only weeks of beginning, just imagine if you've been doing chakra meditation for years!

Commonly reported benefits of chakra meditation are heightened creativity, enhanced resourcefulness due to better perception of events, objects and the general surrounding of an individual in general. It is also proven that regular meditation helps people improve their sleep patterns and benefit from deep sleep. The advantages of deep sleep can not be understated since it helps to improve a person's overall health, restores the body's energy stock and makes you feel stronger.

With daily chakra meditation, you can willfully reduce the effect of stress (although you can do away with them) from work, family, inter-personal relations, in order to better control your emotions with patience. Besides, the ability to control stress, the number one cause of many medical problems, not only leads to a healthier lifestyle but also a more confident individual.

Normally one's overall health is greatly improved through the practice of meditation. It will help to lower blood pressure, which in turn will reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. Also with meditation stress of people who suffer from chronic health conditions has been lowered.

Even if you are only able to practice meditation for half an hour a day you will be able to notice a more healthy and productive life.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Remote Viewing Techniques - Why Not Try It?

By Peter Rivers

Do you know what remote viewing techniques are? Remote viewing is the ability to see people and places through your mind's eye, and not through your five senses. Not out of body experiences, remote-viewing experiences simply let you 'see' people, places or things in distant locations. What you might not know is that this is a power that you already possess. You can see people, places, objects and other things without being physically present to see them. Instead, you simply can use remote viewing techniques to do so.

The Remote Viewer - Misconceptions and Explanations

Remote viewing is not the ability to be in two places at once, contrary to popular belief. It's also not a manipulative tool whereby you simply have the end result of being able to spy on a place, person, etc.

However, remote viewing training is harnessing a form of ESP and psychic mind abilities to see whatever you want. In essence, the object or people comes to you, not the other way around. All of this can be achieved through careful mental preparation of what you want to achieve.

Using Inherent Mind Power

Remote viewing techniques teach you how to harness power you already have; you only have to access it in order to use it.

Did you know, for example, that experts have said that we only use about 10% of our brains' capacity? That means that 90% is left unused, and that's where you can access this incredible mind power you already have. Once you learn how to properly access and use the other 90%, you can then use remote viewing techniques to tap into this most amazing ability.

Accessing Your Remote Viewing Abilities

Your mind is vastly resourceful and has powers you don't even know about, but how do you use them to tap into your remote viewing abilities? There are remote viewing techniques that you can utilize, such that you can begin to harness this most amazing ability.

Perhaps the best way to start is to simply go someplace quiet and sit or lie in a relaxing position. For example, sit cross-legged on the floor or lie comfortably on a bed. The place you do this should be quiet and free of distraction.

In this quiet place, begin to do some deep breathing exercises, which will calm and relax you. Inhale and exhale deeply, pressing your tongue lightly to the roof of your mouth as you do so. Focus on breathing "in," and then "out," gradually clearing your mind of all thoughts.

As you breathe, suspend, just for a moment, any disbelief you have that you cannot do remote viewing. It is absolutely imperative that you believe, at least for the moment, that you can be successful at remote viewing in order to have it be successful. You must believe that you can see people, objects and things that you cannot view with your five senses.

As a first exercise, practice by viewing your own body sitting or lying there as you do this exercise. Just for a moment, truly allow yourself to believe that you can see yourself lying or sitting as you are, relaxing. For example, you may find yourself above your supine body looking down, or you may be looking back over your own shoulder at yourself, sitting there, deeply relaxed. It's important that you give yourself plenty of time to do this exercise and be successful at it, as it can be somewhat difficult to accomplish at first.

After you've successfully seen yourself outside of your own body with these remote viewing techniques, you can begin to try more difficult exercises, such as seeing familiar places or objects within your current house or apartment, but that that are remotely located. Beginning with simple exercises and then moving on to more complex ones will help you begin to truly believe in your abilities, which will make it much easier to do more advanced remote viewing exercises as you progress.

These remote viewing techniques should help you begin to see remote viewing as a natural, easy process that you have the ability to do. You just have to learn how to tap into it. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and you will find that these remote viewing techniques will let you access this ability when you most want or need it.

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