Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Spiritual Life Coaching - The Physics of Consciousness

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

Quantum mechanics asserts that nothing really happens in the physical world unless a conscious mind observes it. In other words, consciousness must perceive what it creates in order for that creation to exist. This assertion can be corroborated in the dream world. When we dream, we create our dream and perceive our dream so seamlessly that we are unaware that we, are in fact, the dreamer.

Physicist Fred Wolf believes that the holographic principle of string theory explains the phenomena of lucid dreaming -- where the dreamer awakens to the truth that he or she is dreaming and then continues to dream along. Wolf proposes that these dreams are indeed visits to parallel realities. He also believes that the holographic model will eventually lead to the development of a "physics of consciousness" that will initiate the exploration of other dimensions.

So what is consciousness anyway? Conventional scientists tell us that it is nothing more than electrical signals bouncing around in our brains. But new evidence suggests there there exists a global mind. In the Global Consciousness Project, random number generators placed around the world have tracked the minds of millions of individuals for the last 35 years.

The network of random number generators is designed to record and display any subtle, but direct effects of our collective consciousness reacting to global events. When uncommonly large numbers of people share an emotional experience, the random number generators consistently display more ordered, less random variations. The recording of these number anomalies are mathematically beyond chance.

The funeral ceremonies for Princess Diana and the international Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, generated shared emotions and a consciousness coherence that resulted in an anomaly in what would otherwise be random data. On 9.11.01, the random number generators eerily recorded non-random, ordered numbers beginning at 4:00 a.m. EST and peaking at the time that the second plane collided into the Twin Towers. What was interesting is that the anomaly began five hours prior to the first airplane collision. It was as if the Global Mind somehow sensed that something very terrible was looming on the horizon. It was as if the Global Mind somehow sensed that something very terrible was looming on the horizon. Clearly this proves that human consciousness does not just react to major events but it is an inextricable part of it.

I agree with Fred Wolf in that we will soon be giving birth to a physics of consciousness. Science and spirituality are simply two sides of the same coin. Science, psychology, biology, philosophy, art, and spirituality each have a common Source. The ancients were well aware of this esoteric truth.

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