Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Can God Be Proven Scientifically?

By Daniel Eli

Is there tangible scientific evidence or even "proof" for the existence of God? If so, what is it?

Daniel the reincarnated prophet in the 21st century does not want you to be a blind faith believer. Rather, look at the evidence, both personal by the author and scientifically available to us in the modern era, where it was promised in the Biblical book of Daniel 2,500 years ago that many would "run to and fro, and knowledge increased." (Daniel 12)

That day has arrived with the advent of the internet at the end of an age with the overwhelming amount of information included for free on millions of websites around the world.

Using the current narrow scope definition of the term "proof," there is not any empirical proof as some impossibly and unrealistically demand. The truth or untruth of this statement is not based upon evidence or lack of evidence, but by definition alone.

While "Intelligent Design" skeptics may claim there is no evidence of God, the actual scientific evidence for God's existence is overwhelming, scientifically answering the question, "does God exist?"

What is it about atheists that they would spend so much time, attention and energy refuting something that they don't believe even exists? Many atheists are merely bitter ex-religious types who have become disillusioned by the behavior of "bad acting Christians or Muslims" or point to the atrocities and deaths attributed to organized religions in past centuries, or look at the fallibility of ancient scriptures thereby discarding them all, essentially "throwing the baby out with the bathwater."

Not everyone accepts the "Holy Bible" or Quran as being sufficient "evidence" for the existence of a Creator God, and this is perfectly understandable. There is some evidence contained in the Bible, such as the 300 or so Messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus the Christ, at least according to the gospels as they were written, but there exists many cynical atheists who firmly state there is no empirical "proof" of God. They will state,

"The reason why there is no empirical evidence for God is because God is imaginary."

Scientific-minded atheists do not, for the most part, accept personal experiences, spiritual epiphanies, circumstantial or anecdotal evidence for God or the afterlife; for them, empirical laboratory "proof" is the only thing that matters. Are these hostile, closed-minded unbelieving atheists asking for too much? Oddly enough, this author used to be one of these non-believing agnostic/atheists. How spiritually ignorant of me!

Now, the mathematical and rational case discerned from modern science is that life could not have just been an "accident." Mathematical probabilities that vastly complex organs such as the brain, the eyes, the organs etc. are just formed by "random chance" is negligible and even laughable to even suggest.

An amazing array of scientists are bewildered by the extravagant design of the universe and admit a possibility or probability of an intelligent designer. Most famous physicists and cosmologists have all gone on record as recognizing the objective truth of the fine-tuning of life and the universe.

There are many compelling quotes from prominent scientists in the modern era, including Albert Einstein, who are in complete awe of the intricacy and complexity of the universe, compelling many of them to conclude there has to be a divine hand and intelligence behind all that was created. In the year 1994 after a new scientific discovery about the universe, 30 astrophysicists said,

"What we have found is evidence of the birth of the Universe. It's like looking at God."

Design and the "anthropic principle" in the natural world has been acknowledged since the beginning of recorded history. Divine design is the message of each of the several hundred creation accounts that form the basis of the world's religions.

The existence of a non-material conscious entity, or the soul-spirit, responsible for operating the material body has also been demonstrated scientifically. The observations on which this conclusion is based are numerous and quite complex.

There indeed was a Beginning as the universe is not static, nor has it "been around forever." There had to be a beginning, but the Biblical account of a 6-day creation is - much to the dismay of Creationist fundamentalists - NOT divine reality or literal truth. This is just using logic and rational common sense, with an open mind.

The modern scientific evidence suggests the entire universe was created into existence through an event about 13.7 billion years ago called the "Big Bang." The National Geographic magazine has reported some of this "proof" for the Big Bang.

Indeed the Big Bang may be very clear evidence - or even "proof" - of the existence of a supreme Creator. The scientific evidence suggests the universe is expanding and is not static, therefore there had to be a beginning.

There is no logical explanation for the creation and formation of the universe outside of acknowledging God in some form.

According to revelations of modern near-death experiences, there is in fact overwhelming scientific evidence for the existence of soul-spirit survival after death. These are people who have clinically died, seen the Other Side for themselves and returned to tell all about their visions of the afterlife and in many cases, God. This is not some vague "hallucination of a dying brain" where chemicals are released giving some imaginary, delusive vision. The pseudo skeptics try to explain away NDE's in this manner. The NDE is the closest thing we thus far have to "proof" of the afterlife.

In fact, some of these atheist-skeptics have had NDE's, with the effect of radically changing their perceptions about God and the afterlife. Many of these life changing atheist experiences can be found here.

This author has had a Near-Death Experience/OBE in 1991 which confirmed the afterlife for him. The clearest - or at least most powerful - evidence of the reality of the NDE is the fact that it radically changes so many people's lives afterwords, making them more spiritual, less worldly, with a whole new outlook on life and a loss of fear of death. How can some "hallucination" have such profound after effects for so many people?

There also happens to exist overwhelming scientific evidence for reincarnation of the human soul-spirit between lives on earth, as opposed to "resurrection of the body" at the end-of-the-world which the Holy Bible apparently teaches and Christians believe. Soul is spirit and is invisible to the naked eye of most humans.

One of the best evidences for reincarnation and soul existence comes from young children - only 2 or 3 years old and barely able to talk - who remember extensive details of past lives, including their former spouse, job, place of residence and manner of death in their prior incarnation. How could such a thing be possible without reincarnation?

There does in fact exist much more tangible evidence for the existence of a Creator, but I think you get the point.

To read the author's profound, scripture quality, spiritual autobiography see this site:

About the Author:

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