Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Make Your Life Incredible - Start To Use Your Mind Power

By Charlie Walbank

Your mind is an incredibly powerful thing, and it's actually a magnet to things that happen in your life. What you think and see is eventually what you're going to attract. This is known as The Law of Attraction and is specifically the power of your own mind. Basically, the Law of Attraction says that, 'As you think, so shall you be.' In other words, if you think something is going to happen to you, eventually it probably will. You can make that work in your favor, because you can change your mind to the positive - but you have to think, envision, feel, literally embody it before it can happen. It's going to take some practice to do this, likely, but that's true of anything you're going to get good at. Once you know how to use it, though, you'll see that the power of your mind is just astonishing.

Every one of us has this power, but most of us don't think we have the capability to use it. In fact, it's been shown that we humans only use about 10% of our brainpower, but think about that for a minute. Isn't that crazy? We usually find something that's simple, and then stick with it. And in fact, that's why so many of us struggle with life. Our thoughts are negative because we don't think that what we want can truly be ours. So what this means is that we continue to attract negativity to us, which of course plays itself right out in front of our eyes.

But here's the simple truth. Reality first happens within your mind. Everything you've gotten to this point has been as a result of how you think. And while it's been said that everyone has some extra sensory skill or power, or that they are 'psychic,' in fact, these people really only practice an ability we have, too, which is using their advanced mind power capabilities. If you want something in life, you have to think that you can have it. And of course, if you think only the bad is going to happen, then that's what you'll end up with, too.

There are several things you can do if you want to begin to increase the amount of mind power you currently have. One of those things is the use of visualization. This very powerful technique will help you develop your current mind power state so that it becomes more powerful; this, in turn, should lead to results when it comes to you getting everything you want in life.

When you visualize, what you do is to sit down and create pictures and images inside your mind's eye. Doing so is going to bring these images to life in your own reality, but first, you have to start by thinking about it. You need to get your subconscious mind involved, too, because your subconscious mind is very powerful when it comes to creating your own real-life from the images you see. In fact, it can do this very powerfully. However, there's a caveat with this, and that is that you only think about positive things so that only the positive comes to you. So before you start with this exercise, think about how you really want your life to be before you sit down and visualize.

You might try this: Write everything down on a piece of paper, either as a list or as though you were telling a story. What goals do you have for yourself? Then, create what you visualize around these goals. Writing these things down will make it hard for you to simply ignore them another day. Try doing this several times a day at first until what you're doing becomes 'real' to you.

You can also increase your mind power by doing affirmations. Affirmations are simply little pieces of encouragement that you give yourself as you go throughout your day. It can be a bit of positive encouragement about anything. For example, you can say that you're going to lose 10 pounds in a month. Keep saying these positive things, and eventually, you'll see that these things just begin to happen. And it doesn't matter whether or not you're used to it at first, either. If you do something for 28 consecutive days, like any habit, it's going to become natural to you.

You can also develop your mind power by using brainwave entrainment. This is simply synchronizing brain waves through the use of different frequencies, by using audio technology. Our brains are very good at doing things, and one of them is that it can actually heal itself. Entrainment can actually help you tap into this even more. It may also be able to help you enhance your memory and bring already existent psychic powers into effect. The different frequencies can do a lot as concerns mind power. Although very advanced, this type of procedure does work very well, and can even be miraculous.

Hypnosis, too, is another powerful way to develop your mind's power. Many people have used it successfully, for example, to quit smoking. The way it works for this is that they simply went to a trained hypnotist who was able to help them access their subconscious and then 'feed' them suggestions that told them smoking wasn't fun anymore, they didn't crave nicotine anymore, smoking made them feel ill, and so on. Like any kind of subconscious 'training,' the hypnosis doesn't usually work instantly, but it does work as long as it's done by somebody who knows what they're doing. Eventually, after several sessions, smokers do indeed have success and can quit by truly really quashing the desire to smoke because their subconscious has also let go of it. The hypnotist was successful in doing this because they got in touch with the person's subconscious and enabled it to believe that the person in question could quit smoking.

Again, literally everyone has this power, the power of the mind. It's a matter of believing in your abilities and then working on developing them. Again, this isn't likely to happen overnight, but it will happen if you stay focused. You can have the life you want. You can change your circumstances from bad to good, or your luck from bad to good. As you work on developing your mind power, you can then train it out into the universe for good, so that what you put out will manifest back to you in the positive, and is what you desire. It all starts with your own mind's power. How powerful is yours?

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