Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Aries - Lover's Guide For Men and women

By Graham Flynn

Aries is an astrological sign that may be associated from the constellation Aries. Under the tropical zodiac, Aries is occupied by the Sun from about March 21 to April 19 (depending on a definite year) and is associated of the Spring Equinox. Under the sidereal zodiac, it's currently from April 15 to May perhaps 15. The opposite sign to Aries is Libra. Aries stands out as the very first sign of the Zodiac and associated with fresh vigor and new beginnings.

Urban Myths and Legends Aries includes a popularity to be a bit of an outlaw, but this is misunderstood, they stand for change and progress and as these kinds of is usually in conflict with the establishment and consequently the pillars of society do not often like them and keep them isolated or outlawed.

Once Aries has observed the mate or made their conquest, they get bored and then look around for anything else typically younger. These is because Aries requirements a quest and challenge once which is finished they then research another usually not recognizing the values of gentleness, patience and compromise. One thing they have to understand the difficult way! It is a myth how the female Aries is always the dominant sexual partner, dominance is usually an problem with Aries of both sexes the female tends to be much more of the pussy cat inside bedroom.

Greek Mythology In Greek mythology Aries is usually associated with the Greek myth on the ram which carried Athamas's son Phrixus and daughter Helle to Colchis to escape their stepmother Ino, and the mythological figure of Theseus, inside the Greek myth from the Minotaur. Aries is also associated in the Greco-Roman god Ares/Mars.

The Dark Side Ariens have a tendency being a bit of the sloth, not simply because they're lazy but since they're high-flown dreamers who believe that others should do the menial tasks of life, that's why they tend to become a bit tough on others below them.

Petty or meticulous is one more fault, although they don't necessarily want order or tidiness, they are extremely important of what's not done for them and in this context it's not flawless or spotless. That is on a personal level that develops into a macro scale of it being the fault the company, council, authority or government.

Ariens as Lovers Ariens adore the whole deal and just the individual who goes with it! To Aries it's the joy of the chase or pursuit that they adore instead of the conquest or catch itself. Not that they're incapable of lengthy word relationships they just get a bit bored with routine and get fidgety if its not kept alive, never changes or there's no new challenge.

As a fire sign Aries is often a real romantic with an urge for challenge, excitement, adventure challenge and change. They're not boring people so should you are searching for somebody placid and contented stay away from Aries.

The Aries Man Best described as a knight in shining armour with all the chauvinistic and aristocratic qualities that go with it, brilliant for charging to the rescue but not as well great on difficulties requiring sensitivity. They are ready of grand gestures and really generous but can be incredibly bad tempered and trample all more than the feelings of others.

The Aries man is quite passionate, he likes to sweep women off there feet and their sex life is far from routine, however, he perhaps much more passionate around the image he has of his partner instead of the reality. He is vulnerable with regards to women so expect some degree of defensiveness, but their principal top quality concerning improve is that they are prepared to alter themselves and are by no means complacent. Therefore, if the relationship requirements to grow and alter to stay alive then they would be willing to accomplish this for the sake in the partnership.

The Aries Woman The character with the Aries woman is finest described like a Joan of Arc searching for a crusade or a challenge and as this sort of tends to become really successful in firm or preserve positions of authority. They want to promote adjust and progress inside the globe so do not expect them to want menial work or occupations.

The Aries woman isn't that materialistic, it's accomplishment in a mans globe that counts rather than the funds or possessions. She isn't exactly a pushover and is also quite intimidating to some men; however, they sometimes make a much better mistress than a wife. Their main problem stands out as the competitiveness seeing men ad a fellow contestant in addition to a challenge. The Aries woman will fight for and defend those people she loves and capable of total dedication and commitment, but men using a shaky self-esteem must stay away.

Partnerships Aries discover their very best partners in the air and fire signs but unfortunately perhaps drawn towards the stormy and problematic relationships associated with earth and water signs.

With Aries As it says on fireworks light blue touch paper and retire, that is a really combustible mixture as each want to be in charge and neither are going to take a back seat. There's a serious danger that they will reinforce every others weaknesses specially in which finances are concerned and this could turn into a major issue. Sex typically gets off to an intense begin but as with fire signs burning passions are effortlessly be extinguished with a bucket of cold water!

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