Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Green Peas and Mustard Seeds ... The Decline and Fall of Error, from a Spiritual Perspective

By Revs Bil And Cher Holton

Our capacity for good is mind-boggling. Our wish towards error is, well, mind-boggling. The most notable difference between good and error is the most important difference between a green pea and a mustard seed.

We have arrived at this observation based on what we know about quantum physics and the New Testament. Mainstream scientists today believe the universe began between 13 and 20 billion years ago with a large explosion. In 1951, astronomer Fred Hoyle coined the term for that huge explosion. He called it the 'Big Bang. '

Scientists have worked out that just nano-seconds before the Big Bang took place, our entire universe was compressed into a mass they think to be about the dimensions of a green pea. (Why a green pea? Could it have been a marble -- or a chocolate malt ball?)

Models suggest that the temperature within that pea-sized mass of energy was an unthinkable 18 bn. million million million degrees Fahrenheit. I will guarantee you that it took more than a pea-sized brain to come up with that figure. 18 billion million million million degrees Fahrenheit is many times hotter than the sun. Inside a tiny part of a second following the big bang, research simulations show the temperatures might have cooled to a calm 18 billion degrees, giving birth to our present universe. From a pea-sized lump of super-compressed energy came a physical universe composed of millions of planets millions of light years apart.

According to Hubble's Law, all of the galaxies in the universe as we know it are moving away from us. The universe is not earth-centric. That suggests we aren't at the centre of the universe just because everything is receding from us. The universe has no "edge." It is endless. And we Earthlings are just a speck of cosmic dust in the design.

But here's the thing, the galaxies aren't heading away from us through space. They're moving away because space itself is expanding and taking them, and us, with it. Think of a loaf of unbaked raisin bread you've set in a warm place to rise. The raisins are like galaxies or clusters of universes, and the dough represents space. As the dough rises, the raisins move further apart, but they're moving with the dough, not through the dough.

Many researchers believe the universe is moving back to its cosmological origins. As metaphysicians, we are inclined to agree with that assessment.

Other researchers accept that at some point the universe will reach its limit and begin receding again, squeezing itself into a pea-sized pile again. As metaphysicians, we are inclined to agree with that assessment too. And here's why: What if the universe is just the outgrowth of an error thought? It can continue to grow, to grow, to be inexhaustible. Or it can implode on itself.

What's this have to do with the title of today's blog post?" Our answer is: it has got EVERYTHING to do with it! The fall and fall of error is the difference between a green pea and a mustard seed.

Imagine a green pea represents a boo boo thought. Before we get into difficulty with you vegetarians out there, We are using the green pea analogy because the scientists we mentioned 1 or 2 seconds gone believe our complete universe was compressed into a mass the dimensions of a green pea. Remember!

Hence imagine, metaphysically talking, a green pea represents an error thought. A thought that binds us, and compresses us with the weight of its debilitating negativeness.

In metaphysics, that would be a valid analogy because"are you ready for this from a Non secular, metaphysical interpretation, God did not immediately create the universe.

There we revealed it. From a Spiritual Growth, metaphysical interpretation, God didn't directly create the universe, or create the chair you are sitting in, or the auto you drive, or ANYTHING physical.

In Talks on Truth, Charles Fillmore said: "We are by birth a religious race, and we would never have known matter or material conditions if we hadn't wandered from our higher consciousness."

In Jesus Christ Heals, he says: "Ages of thought upon the reality and solidarity of things have developed a psychological atmosphere that has produced the present material universe."

What we believe he is suggesting is that as religious beings we created the universe as a safety-net to catch our. Fall from grace. The Buddhists call this safety net the Net of Indra. The Hopi Indians call it the Spider Grandma's Web. In Andy and Larry Wachowski's smash hit flick by the same name, it's called 'the matrix. '

Somehow it came into the collective mind that we are separate beings from God. That thought is so far removed from the Truth that it imploded on itself. It shut out the Light, turning into a 'black hole of error'. The boo boo was so great that it collapsed on itself, compressing its illusion into the dimensions of a pea.

But Truth prevails. And as great as our primordial blunder was it will only take a mustard seed of religion to pull ourselves out of the black hole we've put ourselves in.

It only takes a mustard seed of faith to realise we are divine beings having a human experience.

It only takes a mustard seed of faith to realise that since we were given ourselves into this mess we can get ourselves out of this mess.

It only takes a mustard seed of faith to realise we are the Christ expressing at the point of us.

It only takes a mustard seed of faith to stand in our truth.

When we do, we will see 'the decline and fall of boo boo ' on our journey from compressed pea to expansive mustard seed.

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