Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ideas On How To Reconcile A Lost Relationship

By Lita Howling

In relationships, the way you act towards your partner speaks louder than words. Right actions in most cases mend the rifts and put out fires. The end results of a break up are always bitter and the most effective way to get back with your ex, is by being nice. This can lead to an everlasting reconciliation with your partner.

Some examples below can help to show you some of the things which have to be done;

You can give him a short "nice "call which can be a casual way to say hello though it has to be short.This can help you ask what he's doing.

If you were helping him out with something continue doing so even if you don't have to be there and when the situation is too difficult, a friend can take over or bring your messages.

It's never good to punish yourself for what has already happened instead be nice to and try to look pleasant.

To get him interested in you again, some attention has to be shown in case it has been lacking via that department. You need to portray strength to overcome the weakness experienced from the breakup.

In order to carry out whatever approach you have in mind with less resistance, just be nice for it will make him realize what a great person he has lost. This will be an advantage to you because it will be easier for the lines of communication to get re-established.

The only way to get back with your ex is being nice to them for this is a surefire technique that has been proven by many individuals worldwide. It's never advisable to be rude to your former partner yet you can make up.

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