Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Therapy Options For Kids Experiencing Past Life Regression

By Louis Cambell

Past life regression is quite common among young children. And usually children have a difficult time dealing with their paranormal experience and will need outside counseling. Therapy is used to help the child cope and understand the memories they experience. It helps them understand that nothing is wrong with them but instead they learn to live with and appreciate their unique abilities.

Parents of young children experiencing past life regression, at first believe it is the work of a very active imagination. But when the stories become more detailed and they begin to reference historical facts or mature levels of information then the parental concern tends to rise. It soon becomes clear that the stories are not made up and that the child is experiencing something beyond what is considered normal.

Oftentimes, children that experience this paranormal activity start to demonstrate problems or difficulties in other areas of their young lives. Problems in school may result in a child exhibiting anti-social behavior, becoming withdrawn resulting in a drop in their grades. Therapy is used to help the child get in touch with their deeper emotion which is often rooted in fear. They are taught ways to release their anxiety in productive ways that make them no longer susceptible to this fear.

Seeking therapy can be a difficult decision for parents with children that undergo this phenomena. But is is often necessary as problems in school or behavioral issues may get worse. The anxiety children experience may also result in self-destructive behavior and continued issues of acting out within the home. Therapy then becomes the only sound option.

Therapy is important for parents to seek especially when their children show signs of physical or emotional stress. Children may begin to feel different and wonder why they are experiencing these past memories. The stress may result in serious physical complications. Therefore, therapy is a viable option for children to learn how to cope with their unique situation.

Therapy sessions usually include the child's parents. Children that experience past life regressions need to know they are not alone. Including parents in the sessions helps the child to lessen their anxiety it also helps parents to better understand their child's condition. Parents are oftentimes asked to participate in various treatment exercises that help their child articulate their experience.

Parent's involvement is also essential because many of the child's added anxiety may be the result of issues within the family. Therapist will explore the family dynamic and may investigate any connections to the child's past life regression and their parent's life experience. Oftentimes, there is a connection that aides in the healing process.

There are several different methods used in helping a child cope with their condition. They may be asked to relive the life regression and talk about their experiences; who they are, what they do and see in this other life. What they like and dislike about their experience. And how it makes them feel when these experiences occur. The child is then allowed to focus on the regression which alleviates most of the fear.

Hypnotherapy is often used as part of a child's therapy session. It is important for the child to be able to connect to their experience without losing a sense of themselves. They are taught how to go into their deepest memory and recall the voices, sounds and smells they experience during a past memory. This also helps the therapist relate to the child's experience.

Therapeutic methods for children may also include drawing pictures of their past experience. Therapist may also use a technique called kenesiologic muscle test. During this test children are asked to recall how certain body parts felt during their past memory. To make the test more fun, therapist may ask the child to directly ask questions of their arm or leg. Asking their own limbs how they felt, what they stepped in, what they touched during a past life experience. This is a fun and interactive way to help children associate with their experiences.

There are several other techniques used during past life regression therapy for kids. Visualization is commonly used to help the child explore their past world and articulate what they go through. It is used as a relaxation technique to calm their anxiety. All of the methods used in past life regression therapy for kids are done so with the goal of helping the child find peace in their inner selves while they learn to successfully cope with the world behind and before them.

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