Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Preparing To Meditate

By Owen Jones

There is a great deal of rubbish talked about meditation. I do not mean what it can do for you because that is difficult to prove one way or the other. I have read people saying that they found all sorts of things in meditation and who am I to say that they did not merely because I have not had the precisely same experience.

I believe that there are numerous stages of evolution and so what one person experiences in one way another may experience in a completely different way.

No, I mean that there is a lot of rubbish talked about how one has to meditate. I am reading an piece right now by someone who says: '... for a successful meditation practice, everything has to be perfect ..... the room has to be set up in such a way ...' and so it goes on. The person who wrote that piece seems never to have even thought leave alone ever meditated.

Meditation has always been most frequently carried out by people with a spiritual bent. Of those people, most people who meditated were monks, because they were seeking enlightenment and had the time and tranquility to meditate. It was difficult to find the time or the peacefulness if you were a subsistence farmer with ten kids running around.

Anyway, lower orders of monks are not famous for living opulent lives where 'everything ... is ideal'. They live quiet lives and when they want to meditate, they will not be disturbed, no matter where they are but particularly in their cells.

My father used to drive out to a cliff top and meditate behind a bush gazing out 100 feet over the Bristol Channel. Frequently he did it in the middle of the night.

It is best that the people you live with understand that when you want to meditate that they should endeavor not to make a great deal of noise and certainly not call you by name or barge into the room where you are.

How you can accomplish this in your household, you know better than I, but talking to cohabitants and displaying a sign in a prominent position can help as can always meditating at the same hour of the day, but is not usually practical. Most of us have to take our free time while we can.

Turn off anything that makes a noise. Turn off phones and even the door bell, if you can. Open the window, if it is not unbearably cold or raining cats and dogs. Take a shower and put on loose-fitting comfortable clothes like pyjamas.

Sit on the floor, if you can; cross-legged, if you can. If you are nearly there, try sitting on a cushion or pillow. There are things called zafu or meditation pillows, which are small and thick.

Some are round and others are square, but a round zafu may be 12 inches in diameter and four to six inches thick. This is to raise you off the ground enough to take the strain off your hips and knees, if you are not used to sitting cross-legged.

It will encourage a good posture, that is a straight back. It is also softer on the behind and when you are sitting comfortably, you may begin.

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The Power Of Mind Is Everything!

By William J Stevens

All of us remember the United Negro College Fund commercials of the 80s; or at the very least, we remember its slogan: 'the mind is a terrible thing to waste'. While we're talking about something different than going to university today, the slogan is definitely on point here. Our minds have a lot of potential which most of us are letting go unused. The power of the mind is something that none of us should waste and when we know how to tap into these unused resources, we can change our lives and event the world.

You're certainly at least somewhat familiar with The Secret, whether or not you've ever read the book or watched the film, you probably know the basics of the law of attraction which is the central idea of the work. When you think about things, you attract them to you - whether you do so consciously or not.

One prime example of the efficacy of this idea is what is called the placebo effect. This is named for the clinical trials which use placebos for the control group while giving the actual medication to the other. Both groups think they're getting the medication, so both often believe them to be experiencing the effects that have been described to them.

You've no doubt seen the effect in your own life as well. For instance, you've no doubt woken up thinking that a particular day isn't going to be a good one. It shouldn't really be too much of a surprise when these days turn out not to be among your favorites. It has to do with the power of your mind - when you think a day is going to be a bad (or a great one) then your subconscious has the ability to make this happen.

The scientific evidence is starting to point towards the idea that there is a scientific basis for the power of the mind as well. One which is particularly intriguing is that matter exists only when there is an observer there to describe it (or rather, matter may be in one of several possible states until it is observed - or all of them at once). What this means is that human beings may be able to exert much more influence on their surroundings than has been previously thought.

It is thought by some scientists that many of the phenomena we have always thought of as supernatural (such as remote viewing, telepathy and the like) are actually perfectly natural and explainable phenomena, though science may be a few years away from understanding the precise mechanisms behind them.

You may not have really given it any thought until now, but the power of the mind is something which you can put to work to make positive change in your own life. Wouldn't you want to learn how to work with the universe to get what you want using your own thoughts? There are a few techniques which can help you to do just that; keep reading to learn more about these methods.

The first step is to have a goal; this has to be a specific, rather than a general goal. Instead of thinking 'I want to be rich', think 'I want three million dollars'. Having a specific goal makes it easier for you to focus your mental energies on achieving your objective. Learning to focus is the key here; most of the time, you may have dozens of different thoughts going on at once.

Many people already know about the power of the mind and use it every day to make their goals a reality. They are able to decide on a specific goal and put all of their mind power towards this objective - and this is exactly how some of the world's most successful people have managed to become who they are today. It's not difficult to do, though learning to focus your mind on your goal does take a little metal training.

When you learn to control this power of the mind, you can use it to make changes in your world; in fact, you can make almost anything you can imagine a reality. Let's say that you want to buy a particular house. You put all of your mental energy into it, imagining even the small details like the color you want to paint the rec room. You start expending effort into areas that will help you to achieve your goal (like working more so you can save up the down payment) and research how to get favorable mortgage terms.

After you've put your effort towards it, your dream starts coming true - the house goes up for sale, you are able to secure the mortgage, your offer is accepted and everything goes fine. It's all because you've been putting your thoughts and your energy into achieving your goal; this is what makes it happen for you.

Every one of us can do this. It's just a matter of understanding your own inherent abilities and believing in the power of the mind to achieve the things you want out of life. Start with a small goal and you can work from there to accomplish ever greater things.

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Mysteries Behind Extra Sensory Power

By Ian Callaghan

As the manning of the phrase indicates extra sensory is a skill to perceive knowledge in uncommon extraordinary style. In other words, gain knowledge in other ways than using five senses described by science. You may remember stills of movie 'Sixth Sense' where the hero talks to spirits and perceive knowledge that no one else can do. It is similar to that concept. Extra sensory powers are subjected to many debates over centuries. How ever, people find it is hot and interesting subject to deal with.

Every person displays or experiences psychic power now and then. These senses we obtain are unlimited. So free your senses and utilize it the most. People believe that these extra senses are obtained from spirits. This of course depends on the spiritual believes of people. Some can be wrong but some people are able to predict the exact future. This scenario led to many researches by the psychologist. Now almost all people believe in this through the experiences of several mankind. Let us see in detail.

There are mostly three types of extra sensory powers around. They are telepathy, psychic skills and clairvoyance. These three skills are same at the bottom level. But when we analyze them in deep, we will realize that they have some highly considerable differences. In some points, they completely differs each other.

Telepathy is one of the most famous extra sensory methods. Using telepathy techniques, you may well read one's mind. Experts can proper analyze information stored in other individual's brain.

Psychic power is another very important extra sensory skill. People who have enormous psychic ability can easily read others mind and reach their spirits to any destination they want. For example, if you want to know incidents occurring five miles away from your dimension, you may send your spirit there and it collects bulk information there and gets you in a blink of time. The skill is subjected to many controversies. Still, agents claim that people who have extra sensory psychic skills had been widely used during Second World War to spy other nation's top secretes.

Gaining psychic skills have multiple benefits. You may attract people around you using your psychic skills. You can guide your friend manifesting their minds with new hopes and give them confidence about their future.

Most interesting and mysterious form of extra sensory is clairvoyance. It is another form of psychic skills. Clairvoyant people can converse to late people's spirits and perceive knowledge about past time and dimension. They can successfully connect that information to future also. Knowledge perception style is even interesting.

Clairvoyant people decode symbols and images gives off from spirits body and decode them to their languages and predict! Thus, this kind of extra sensory becomes most accurate more often.

You can also develop extra sensory skills lying dormant within you. All you need to do is proper and systematic exercises with huge passion. Once you are done, you will be able to collect knowledge in short time in uncommon style. You may reach your ambition and help others to reach their goals and become very successful of their lives.

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Understanding Psychic Power

By David Willerby

Do you sometimes have a premonition that something bad will happen which later turns out to be right? Do you sometimes suddenly come to know of how another person is feeling or what he/she is thinking of? If yes, then chances are that you are a psychic, rather than these incidences being just normal coincidences. I once knew of someone who could close her eyes and concentrate for sometime to see her mother working in the kitchen from a thousand miles away, and its just not her, there are many such people in the world who have such psychic powers.

The special ability to see, hear, feel or know about things which are otherwise hidden from the five sense organs is what is known as a psychic power. Psychic powers help a person in knowing about things which another ordinary person cannot perceive. Generally something which is born with, psychic powers can also develop at a later date due to a near death experience of a person. Such near death experiences open up faculties or other senses not experienced by the person before.

Various types of psychic powers exist in the world. The most common being those of telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition. While telepathy involves perceiving and knowing the thoughts of another person, clairvoyance refers to seeing things which are far away or are otherwise not available to you or anybody else. Precognition on the other hand is the psychic power of predicting future events.

If you are a person who can tune in to another person's mind and their thoughts and understand how they are feeling, then you have the psychic power of telepathy. If you have very well developed telepathic powers then you might also inject or infuse your own thoughts into the other person's mind.

If you have the special ability to see things which are hidden or are occurring at a distance then you have the psychic power of clairvoyance. A clairvoyant person is capable of remote viewing of things, events or persons which are thousands of miles away. In contrast to remote viewing, if a person can hear or know about things which are otherwise hidden, the psychic powers are termed clairaudience and clairsentience respectively.

Precognition on the other hand refers to the psychic power to foresee future events and predicting the same. Since human beings have an innate desire to know about his/her future, this psychic power is the most popular and psychics possessing this are in great demand.

The existence of other psychic powers though less common than the three mentioned above, can be seen throughout the world. These include channeling, your ability to establish contact and communicate with spirits or outside intelligence; astral projection, your ability to leave your own body and travel in spirit to another place; aura reading, your ability to read or perceive the energy fields of another person; levitation, your ability to ascend to a level off the ground or psychokinesis, your ability to move things with the power of your thoughts.

Lastly, in the aftermath of this discussion it must be concluded that whatever psychic power one possesses should always be though of as a special gift and developed and improved upon responsibly to help fellow human beings.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Learn Chakra Meditation - What Are The Focus Points?

By Jodie Lion

It takes longer to perform charka meditation in comparison to perform other meditation methods. There are a total of 7 chakras and it may take up to 2 hours for a total workout. Let us first understand the seven chakras in our body, their locations and colors for complete understanding.

Root chakra is placed for your stability, balance and safety and is situated at the spine base. Sacral chakra is located at the lower abdomen and is positioned for sexuality, enthusiasm, and abilities for higher consciousness and psychic abilities. Color of this chakra is orange. Solar Plexus chakra is positioned to find our will power and is located just under the chest. This chakra is positioned for power and impulsive actions and its color is yellow.

The center for unconditional love and compassion is the heart chakra which is located in the chest and its color is green. Throat chakra is the place where our communication abilities and the capability to express ourselves verbally are positioned. Color of this chakra is sky blue and it is situated below the head on the throat. Third Eye chakra is our window to the world of spirituality and has the capability to see beyond the physical world. Color of this chakra is indigo and it is located on the forehead. Crown chakra is the direct channel to higher consciousness, color is violet and it is situated on top of the head.

There are two approaches that can be followed fro chakra meditation. Balancing of the body with chakra spots can be done or the colors can be seen as linked with chakra spots. Start the chakra meditation by thinking of a red ball expanding in size as well as strength when you breathe in and out.

Chakra meditation is useful in creating awareness and consciousness in life and focus can be done on one or more chakras with meditation. You also gain support in facilitation of energy fields rebalancing and it is suggested to begin chakra meditation with a position that provides comfort, after which you can relax yourself by taking deep breath and closing your eyes gradually.

When you are focusing on the color of the chakra, your rate of coming out of it must be slowed down, with the brightness of the color remaining unaffected. Once chakra meditation is done you must permit your body to come to this conscious world gradually.

You learn to open your closed chakras with chakra meditation and this helps you to embrace the world and feel secure. Since there are different skills and personality associated with all your 7 chakras if one of them is closed, disharmony will prevail and your chakras will get imbalanced. Peace of mind and confidence will get regained with chakra meditation.

You will not only open your closed chakras but eventually learn to embrace the world and feel protected. The seven chakras are linked with dissimilar personality and skills. If any one chakra is closed, there shall be disharmony and imbalance in the chakras. So go ahead and regain the lost confidence back and your peace of mind with chakra meditation.

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Living An Optimistic Vision In Life

By Bob Andrews

It has often been said that the way you think is what you are and what you will be. Whatever you think in your mind can be able to determine the progress you are going to make in your life in the near future. So it's important you engage in positive thinking.

If you want most of the time to be thinking positively, try to look for anything good in a very worse situation, even though it's hard to do it but it will be a matter of time and you will be able to know how to engage in positive thinking.

For example you are stuck in traffic jam and it seems the vehicle are not moving, the best thing is to look out of the window and see which stores are the best to shop in an which stores are full at the that time and why they are preferred by many.

This may assist you in future when your friend think of putting up a business and you are trying to locate a strategic position where you can place it.

Try to smile every time no matter how difficult the situation is, it will not only keep you in high spirits but will also make the people around you want to interact with you.

You can be able to turn a cursed day that seems terrible to you to a day that will appear as a day to remember through thinking positively.

Many publications such as books and articles have been written about positive thinking and how you can take control of your mind, but reading this publications has no effect on you unless you decide to practice what has been stated in the publications.

Remember through positive change, you can be able to determine and shape your destiny the way you want to be, so try to engage in positive habits today.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Free Lucid Dreaming - Is It Possible?

By Linda Luncie

The ability to sleep and dream being fully aware that you are dreaming, is called lucid dreaming. The phenomenon can be achieved by putting the body to rest while the mind being completely awake and conscious swims past the waves of dreams. To develop such ability is a very difficult process but by free lucid dreaming one can get what he desires, and can control ones' dreams to achieve the fantasies while sleeping.

Thus, a discussion on free lucid dreaming or even this article cannot be complete without a talking about the hindrances that one faces in lucid dreaming and the measures to overcome them thereof.

Maintaining the state of lucidity is the very first obstacle one faces while attempting free lucid dreaming. Again, other factors such as nightmare, losing the hold on the settings of the dream, suddenly waking up while tying too hard to attain something, etc are also present which hinder your experience of free lucid dreaming.

The first and foremost step you should take in order to attain free lucid dreaming is meditation. The practice of meditation is helpful in a lot of way. The negative thoughts are cleared from one's mind. Secondly, concentration and focusing power of oneself is improved. Thirdly, awareness of the subconscious mind and its abilities augments and thus the control over the subconscious mind also improves. These are the simple ways to enter the stage of lucid dreaming and thereafter keeping control of the situation.

In your experience of free lucid dreaming you might find yourself in the place of a Grecian Hero, completing tasks after tasks and suddenly you start losing grip on the dream setting. Your tasks become impossible and the dream setting fades away. This is a common problem that occurs when the grip is lost.

There is another type of problem in free lucid dreaming. Suppose you are dreaming that you are trying to fly like superman, but you are not being able to. You are trying very hard, very hard. And suddenly you wake up. The extra pressure has driven your dream away and has made you to open your eyes wide.

To overcome these two problems you need to master the techniques of dream spinning and verbal commands for attaining free lucid dreaming ability. In dream spinning you stand at a point and start spinning around like a kid while the focus is on the dream setting that you want. When you stop spinning you'll find yourself in the exact setting that you were so long trying to attain.

The second tool to free lucid dreaming is verbal commands. Whenever you find yourself in a tight spot, even during nightmares when the big beast attacks you, constant mental affirmation will lead to whatever it is that you so affirm. Thus, by constantly saying to yourself that the beast will smile at me and will be friendly will actually result in it being so in your lucid dream.

Thus, as a conclusion it can be stated that the above two methods along with regular Meditational practices is the path by which free lucid dreaming can be achieved for freely doing whatever that the dreamer desires having full knowledge that nothing that he does would ever harm him in the real life.

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Do You Know What Mind Over Matter Means?

By Kerry Blanks

The phrase mind over matter promotes the theory that the human mind is more powerful than the body and it has the strength to influence any matter that it so desires. Thus, starting from basic concentration power, will power for self development to a bit more advanced like focusing away your mind to bear pain and till the extreme end of influencing or moving physical objects with your thoughts, all fall within the scope of the power of your mind.

Psychokinesis is a term which is very closely associated with the phrase 'mind over matter'. Infact this phrase can be said to be the word meaning for the term in its extreme. Thus, if you can move a chair or a table by the sheer power of your thoughts or mind, then you can be termed a psychokinetic.

First coined as Telekinesis during the 19th century, this paranormal phenomenon was researched and experimented upon by parapsychologists in order to explain the extent of the power of mind over matter. The term was first denoted to explain the mysterious movement of objects by spirits or ghosts. Later on when the role of human mind was speculated to be behind these, the term psychokinesis was born.

This extreme form of mind over matter can be measured in two different ways. Firstly, the micro psychokinesis refers to minute atomic changes in matter that only a microscope or any such scientific instrument can pick up. Secondly, Macro psychokinesis involves the movement of large matter visible in the normal sense of sight.

Moving forward from the extreme level of mind over matter, it should also be noted that this plays a significant role in the doctrines of spirituality and philosophy. Moreover, with the new age spirituality, responsibility assumption is something where the concept of mind over matter gains huge significance.

An important aspect in the personal growth studies, responsibility assumption basically refers to taking responsibility for your own life and your own future. That is, it proposes that what comes off your own life or what you achieve is solely the function of your mind and its thoughts. Apart from this, concepts like the law of attraction or affirmations are also part of the new age spirituality that focuses around the concept of mind over matter.

The law of attraction states that if your mind focuses its attention on an object of desire and truly believes that it will come true with constant visualization of the final achieved state along with constant affirmation to the subconscious mind, then your mind power will affect the cosmos and ultimately result in the manifestation of the object of your want in reality.

It can be concluded that be it moving physical matter or manifesting desired events in one's life, almost anything and everything can be controlled, created, influenced or changed in the way you want to, with the power of your mind. With the tools of your thoughts, concentration, energy or faith, and a belief in the phrase 'mind over matter' you can create your own destiny.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

The Importance of Grief Bereavement Counseling

By William Sunny Rogers

Dealing with grief from bereavement is never easy. Some people have better capacity in recovering from grief, but there are also a few who find it more difficult than most. For these cases, grief bereavement counseling is necessary. For any kind of loss, be it from the death of a child, parent or spouse, the emotional effects could be tragic.

With the passing of time, people slowly accept their losses and cope with their new lives. However, this is not always the case. For some people, the loss is too big to accept, and they fall deeper into grief and depression that may continue for years.

Therapeutic treatments from counseling are beneficial whenever someone undergoes any complications that might take place during grief. And since no grief is alike, grief bereavement counseling is carefully designed based on each person's need. It would depend on the root cause of a person's problem, for example, the failure to express their grief.

Because grieving is not the same for everyone, there are tests that are being conducted to measure the amount of anxiety, stress and depression. The typical symptoms found in complicated grief is detachment, disbelief, and unnecessary rude behavior. There are three processes that take place during grief, according to cognitive behavior. These are, Ignorance and disbelief of loss, Unrealistic interpretations and anxiety, and then Avoidance.

For the grieving process to end, the two most important factors are patience and time. Grief is not a simple emotion, and even minor mistakes on counseling can end up bad for the grieving person. Grief bereavement counseling is also not for everyone. There should be enough comfort and trust between both parties in order to complete the process.

People undergoing bereavement due to a loved one's suicide are more prone to have psychiatric disorders. The grief bereavement counseling that they must undergo should be considerate and designed according to their mindset, comfort and attitudes. Any distress that is triggered can start up some harmful and shocking emotions that may make them difficult to handle.

Another common cause of grief problem is guilt. When there are things left unsaid or done before their loved one's death, frustration begins to grow unless resolved. When this is retained, it could be damaging to their future. Because of the many possibilities of grief complications, grief and bereavement counseling should be conducted by someone with the full understanding of possibilities, as well as necessary requirements to assist a person in grief.

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Signs Telling Your Man To Do A Marriage Proposal To You

By Daniella Price

There comes a time when you will have to ask yourself if he is the Mr. Right, with whom you are willing to spend your life together.

If he is really Mr. Right, then there are things you should start accepting as of now onwards. A simple relationship or dating scene is quite a different story from the next level you are about to get into. This will take a little more effort than a casual date. You need to work smart at winning over a person.

The best way to start is by sneaking in a few thoughts or ideas of a lifetime together. You can then watch out for what his reactions are. Does he shrug off the idea in no time or does he react positively? Go for a conversation if he is positive.

Do not overdo the marriage idea though. It is known to get people scared when you bandy them with issues about tying the knot. The best approach is to be simple and composed. Bring it up like an issue that is more of strategizing on what next rather than a demand. You will not have the same viewpoint on everything but you should not worry about that.

If you are trying to have a wedding in the garden complete with violins and wedding bells but your boyfriend is thinking of having a simple stay in together than you should agree on one thing and move on.

Again, focus also on your current state of the relationship. Do not think too far ahead such that it brings friction to the relationship.

By now, you should know that there are two outcomes, which include spending the rest of your life as one or him not being convinced at all. You should either notify him that it is a good choice he made agreeing to it or if it is to the nay, let him know that you are really worth it. Make him know that he is special to you.

There are no instant kits to get information about how to get your man to finally bow to the pressure and accept your hand in marriage. There are plenty of things you can do that will over time get the bells finally going off.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Closer Relationship with God

By Todd Rutherford

"We are one in our mind, our heart, and our soul," and off Rypma goes, leading you through your connection with the Lord. Joanne brings you her original prayers, a journey toward a closer relationship with God, and a humility that resides in our deepest thoughts. She wishes for us to find a deeper level within ourselves, and thus, the blessings the Lord has to offer. Prayer is one of these fulfillments toward this bond with God.

Using her unique prayers, she also involves the Liturgical Years A, B, and C taught in her church on the weekends and scriptures from the Old and New Testaments. Rypma attended Catholic schools for years, but it wasn't until she began focusing on her church's Bible study classes in later years, that she was inspired to write her prayers.

Her priest would ask the members of the group to volunteer morning prayers, and week after week none offered. So, she took it upon herself, after a particular class, to return home and write several prayers to God. With praise, class members told her how much they enjoyed her prayers and how meaningful they were. Rypma was surprised that her prayers were helping the group in a very personal way, enabling them to speak freely about their personal spiritual feelings. Her priest was inspired by her work; he wanted her to publish the pieces so that others could read them, too. In that moment, she knew the Lord had given her guidance and had inspired her to continue in the writing of her book.

Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan and happily living now in Florida, Joanne is a retiree from 25 years of business office employment. She is devoting her time to her new vocation and to her church. Rypma works for the Catholic Council for Women, as well as in a ministry that provides food to the underprivileged.

Prayers for Everyone: Prayers with Sacred Scripture is a gift to each of its readers. Rypma presents an eloquent and loving union between mankind and God-one that sets us free from doubt and into opportunity. The book can be ordered at and almost everywhere books are sold.

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In Considering Your Life Purpose: Are You A Human Doing, A Human Having Or A Human Being?

By Paul Saver

"What is my life purpose?" is a question that most of us have pondered at some point in our lives. If you take the time to cruise around the websites that are owned by successful business entrepreneurs including wannabe's you will notice a common refrain that goes something like this: "And you too my friend can have your cake and get to eat it as well. In other words, you can be, do and have to your heart's content"

Like a man with a mission, I give my unabashed thumbs up, to the above call to action. The dictates of my conscience tells me to fulfill my life purpose like there is no tomorrow. In other words, be , do and have to my heart's content. However one nagging question is begging for an answer. Are the calls to be, do and have all of equal value or should I be giving some priority somewhere?

What if world travel became my life passion and I was driven to just have lots and lots of cool experiences and this is what I lived for?

Or what if, acquiring lots of money that enabled me to buy lots of fine quality things and this became a key passion of mine?

What if, my monetary riches opened the door to a position of power and influence and this became a consuming passion of mine?

Or instead, what if becoming a person of great character became central in my life and in doing so, it open doors to meeting really quality people that became life long friends and this became really important in my life?

The more I think about my life purpose the more I realize that the things that human beings value the most are the things that are internal or intangible that money or power per se cannot acquire. Is there anything greater than love, trust, respect, compassion, generosity or good health?

Considering your life purpose, if you spend decades of your life accumulating money and things, it could all be lost in a moments notice. The economy could crash, technology could overtake you or your physical body, at any moment could be rendered unfit to pursue what you love to do.

But, the investment made to create the decent human being you have become can never be taken away. The quality of the inner person is priceless. Don't ever forget that people will truly come to love you for the quality of person that you are, not for what you have got or what you can do.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Powers Of Precognition - Are They Real?

By Jim Bowen

Psychic potential is something that is shown in many different ways but with all things considered all of the psychic powers come from an energy that is the same. There is extreme versatility in the power and there are several different names that it is referred to as. IN the end each of the powers are simply an expression of a particular ability. The circumstances that surround it are what make it seem different. Precognition is a psychic ability that is more elusive than other types.

This is the ability to see or be aware of what's going to happen in the future before they occur - a form of remembering the future. Just like a lot of other types of psychic perception, the power of precognition can happen while we're awake, but it's more likely to occur during sleep. It's easier for many people to let go of their conscious blocks and release their inner powers while they are sleeping.

When we are awake our conscious mind interferes significantly with the psychic powers that we have but as we slip into sleep the barriers begin to fall. The rational mind takes on a less active role in the thoughts that are being relayed. Our minds are open wider to the thoughts and psychic experiences that occur once we are asleep. Precognition is more likely to be effective during a deep sleep.

But why would we be able to experience a precognition at all? There are several things that may point to an answer. The existence or nonexistence of linear time is one solution. People believe that time is not linear and that our senses are simply eluding us to believe that time is linear. They believe that we are able to tap into our unconscious understanding of the nonlinear times.

Another of the theories is that time is actually cyclical, and that there are slight differences between each of the cycles. We are able to remember pieces of the former cycle and what occurred in it. This is what we are seeing as the future, actual memories from the last cycle. With this in mind, it is possible that precognition is actually remembering things that have happened in the future.

There is another theory that suggests that everyone and everything is connected with a powerful web of energy that crosses over all time and space. Because we are connected to that web we are able to see and know of things that are occurring in other parts of the web.

There are many examples of people proving that precognition actually occurs when they have predicted things that are going to happen in their own futures. The predictions are not always of extremely important things. It can be about small things like getting the incorrect order at a restaurant or a more important thing like the prediction of a bad breakup or a new job that is on the horizon. It is not uncommon for someone to be able to give very specific details about events that will occur in the future.

Making the process of precognition a conscious one can be a lot more difficult than simply having a precognitive experience, however. Many people need to study and practice in order to be effective. Concentrating on a specific target or goal is a good idea, since it focuses the mind and allows us to waste significantly less energy on getting to our goals.

Many people have a precognition experience in their early lives but they choose to ignore it and believe it could not really be true. It actually makes their precognitive powers to dilute because their skill is not being exercised. They may see an occasional dream that will give those details of the future but they never take it to the level that they are capable of and they push the images to the back of their mind and move on.

This doesn't have to be the case, however. It's not necessary to be asleep to experience precognition, and this skill can be developed through careful study. Usually, a relaxed state, such as deep mediation, is required, and for some, little conscious knowledge about the information they're seeking can be a big help.

The logical mind makes it difficult for someone to get to the details if they have too much information to begin with. By practicing in the right way, it is possible to have a conscious precognition.

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Past Regression - Why It Is Vital To Your Future

By Lesley Lockwood

Past life regression teaches different techniques, which when learned and put into practice, will help you to recall your previous life or lives. Of course you will need to decide which of the available methods is best for you. With more and more people beginning to be interested in reincarnation people are needing to find out about these different techniques.

One way to start is in keeping a journal. All it involves is writing down all of your thoughts including what is viewed as trivial experiences. Even your emotions. Emotions maybe the strongest clues to a past life. Like an unreasonable fear of bridges. This journal is helpful when you are starting to see patterns as you refer back to it.

To start with you should begin your journal by describing yourself thoroughly. Write about your likes and your dislikes. Describe what food you enjoy, what phobias (if any) that you have. If you find that you feel a particular affinity with a time period in history, or with a certain culture or even climate, write about that as well. Do not forget to write about what your talents are, and what you enjoy doing. Even writing about animals that you feel drawn to, or perhaps afraid of, can prove useful. Describe your personality and if you experience things like deja vu. If you do, record your experiences when you have them.

Your dreams also give clues in your past life. But keep in mind your dreams contain things from your present life as well but write it down anyway.

Another way to go is Past life Regression.

This involves a visit to a professional past life regression therapist. They are trained to guide you through the regression and then with your help interpret what information that came through. This technique involves the professional doing hypnosis. Sometimes this can be done by self-hypnosis.

Many people choose meditation as their preferred method.

Because this technique means that there is no professional in attendance, many people find it difficult to trust what they get during the regression. However, when it comes to meditation, you have to be able to trust not only your feelings but your instincts as well.

Many people, especially beginners, feel like all they are doing when meditating is daydreaming. But something of significance can still come through. Recording this in your journal can prove helpful.

If you need help with your meditation that can assist you to focus and relax then you might well find guided meditation audios particularly beneficial. If that is not for you then you might try music, or perhaps burning some incense, or even listening to the sound of water can be very calming. But if none of the above proves useful there is another tool that can help.

Binaural Beats

Binaural Beats is an audio recording that allows you to listen to different frequencies in each ear which aligns the two hemispheres of the brain. Using this tool can assist you in achieving the same meditative state that Zen monks reach. It is important that you choose somewhere quiet and free from distractions when you meditate. You need to ensure that whether you are lying down or sitting that you are completely comfortable and relaxed.

It is important that you are relaxed and that you are not distracted by thoughts about everyday things. Simply acknowledge the thought so that it does not keep recurring, and so that you do not forget it, then put it out of your mind. Remember that meditation does not just happen, it takes practice before you will reach a true meditative state.

Sometimes meditation can help with that which you are confronting in your current life. Many discover that the people around them are people they shared a past life with. Although this might seem strange a simple bit of research can confirm or deny the information gleaned from the regression meditation.

Reincarnation is a belief held by many of the world's religions. Some believe that we experience the consequences of that which we did in our past life or lives, whether good or not, in our current life. It is called Karma and is not that different from regression, in that once you have discovered information about your past life it can help you when faced with issues in your present life. It is all about learning from our mistakes in the past, and that can only enhance and enrich your current life experience.

Although it may be difficult for you it is important that you keep an open mind to enable you to accept whatever information about your past life that comes through. This information can be very beneficial to your present life, because you are able to learn from the past mistakes that you made and as a result enjoy a fuller, richer current life.

Sometimes it happens that the subconscious might be blocked but it can be unblocked successfully to receive the information that comes through past life regression. Despite the fact that some people experience a blocked subconscious, the experts still maintain that past life regression can be very beneficial to the present life. But besides the unblocking of the subconscious, there are other benefits as well.

Helping in deal with things from the past that will help in making better decisions. If the regression brings out something you have done in the past that was less than kind, then suffer negative results from it then you know that you can't do that in this life.

Another way that past life regression can be beneficial is that from it you may discover that you have talents and/or abilities that you did not know of and that will aid you in enjoying your current life that much more. It can explain talents or abilities that you may have that you never understood before. For instance, perhaps you are good at singing while the rest of the people in your family are tone deaf! The fact that you were a singer in your past life will explain why you ave that ability in your present life.

Past life regression allows you to get to know yourself better, thereby making better decisions and choices n your current life. Therefore it is beneficial to investigate it further, as it helps you to discover just who you are and why you are the way you are.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Remote Viewing An Introduction For Beginners

By Hugo Preis

Have you ever thought about having the ability to see things, people, even places that are not within the range of your five senses? The thing to remember is that we have more than just five senses and it is entirely possible to reach out with your own innate psychic ability and to make observations that are otherwise impossible!

Remote viewing is something that is different from an out of body experience. An out of body experience or astral travel, involves leaving your body in a spirit form to see what is going elsewhere.

On the other hand, with remote viewing, you are looking at a form of psychic dowsing, where you can use your innate psychic power to find out what you need. Essentially, you will be using ESP to find out what you need.

The truth of the matter is that all people are capable of it. While it is easier to develop when you are young, you will find that you can easily learn it when you are older as well. When you think about the fact that you only use ten percent of your brain, there is a lot of potential there that is going untapped.

For instance, think of how comforted you would be to check in on your kids when they are away. This kind of security and peace of mind is just one of the benefits that you can get when you are looking at remote viewing

The interesting thing about remote viewing is that just about anyone can learn how to do it. Even with people who do not show off psychic traits, the ability can be developed once they are taught to enter a trance-like state. After that, they could engage in remote viewing with the same positive effects as a psychic.

If you want to try remote viewing, there are a few tips you can look into.

*Start by sitting quietly in your room and closing your eyes. Make sure that there are no distractions around you.

*As you feel your body relax, start to breathe through your nose. You might want to make it easier for yourself by pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth; happily enough, this will also keep you from yawning!

*Remember that you need to believe in yourself and your ability to do this. As you get more and more relaxed, tell yourself that you are capable of seeing places, people or events that you are not physically seeing.

*To get started, you need to think about how to view something that you know intimately. One great way to get the results that you need is to picture yourself, but from an angle that other people use. Don't think about the way that you look in the mirror; instead think about how you look from straight on or how you look from above. This can be a little complicated, but once you have learned to do this, the rest should come more easily. Just remember to be patient with yourself!

*After you have mastered viewing yourself from a static remote perspective, try widening the lens, as it were. Think about a location that you know very well. It might be a place that you go regularly, or it might be a place from your past. Look for small details that surprise you or that might signify change. After you finish, try calling that location or visiting it, and seeing if you can confirm what you had seen. Reinforcement of your vision is essential and you will find that though you might not be completely right at first, you'll be closer than you think!

Remember that one great way to get some instant results is to have a friend help you. You and your friend should be positioned in two different rooms and you should take turns signaling to each other. As your friend makes a gesture like waving or stroking their hair, you should take a moment to consider what they might be doing. They can then confirm or deny it for you and you will have some instant feedback!

Once you have gotten some practice under your belt,you will find that it is much simpler to enter the relaxed state that you need. Getting into this state is much easier than you might think it is, and you can think of it as hypnotizing yourself. You might be wide awake, but your body is relaxed enough to allow you to access your full potential.

The truth of the matter is that it is much easier to get messages from your sub-conscious than you might think; consider how the remote viewing techniques might help you!

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Ways To Easily Get Away From Your Ex

By Grace Adams

A lot of us have been on different kinds of relationship but none is far worse than having a toxic relationship, a relationship that is one-sided and that you are thrust into a corner without any way to defend yourself. You end up being the abused one emotionally and maybe even physically.

But for others, it is very difficult to walk out of that relationship because of the emotions being invested over the time you two have spent together. There is also a possibility that your partner might be ready to let you go yet.

But, the best thing to do right now is to identify that you are inside a toxic relationship, a relationship that does not have any finish line or an end. You are trapped inside a place where you are used and abused.

Toxic relationships are usually one-sided meaning they only pertain to one person. They usually do not give any care for the person whether they are hurt or not. Identifying that you are inside this kind of a relationship gives you the power to walk out.

Most relationships have hit some bumps and it is in those trying times that you can prove to yourself and to your partner that you truly love each other. But for toxic relationships, it's every man for himself. Then if it comes to that, it is time to leave.

Do not try to compromise. There should be no negotiations or talks about getting back because he thought it was a mistake. When something happens, if you are abused, chances are, you will be abused again if you come back to that relationship.

Try to stay away from his friends too. The thing about this kind of relationship is that he will try to reach out to his friends for help in wooing you back in his wings. But, there will be times that even though you try to stay away from them they always pop up.

But, do this in a way that it will not offend them. Explain to them that their friend has become a stranger to you and that their friend is not the person you have met and fallen in love with. This will make your life easier by going out and setting the record straight.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Why You Should Get A Funeral Plan Today

By Dan Francis

Do you cringe at the thought of your own death? There is no escaping death that is why it is best if we start preparing for it, not just for ourselves but also for our loved ones. So if you are really concerned about the future welfare of your family, it is time that you consider getting a funeral plan today.

When the time comes, who do you think could best take care of your funeral expenses, not to mention the actual funeral arrangements? Even if you have loved ones who are currently financially capable of shouldering the costs, but that is speaking about the present. How about in the future? You could never tell if they would still have enough money to shoulder all the funeral expenses.

Another good thing about getting your own funeral plan is that you can make the choices for your own funeral arrangements. While this may sound weird, but it is a form of legacy that you might want to leave behind. For example, instead of a burial service, you may prefer cremation and the ashes being scattered to the sea. These can all be prepared to your specific instructions and choices.

Do you think your family will be emotionally prepared to deal with your passing and at the same time make the right funeral preparations? What if they could not think straight during that time and they end up with all the wrong choices? It would matter if all the mistakes that they would do are the selection of the flowers. However, what if they get tricked into selecting overpriced services or arrangements that are not really necessary? For these reasons, it would still be best if you make the preparations yourself.

Some people worry too much whether the funeral director would have the money to pay for their funeral plans should the time comes for it. There is nothing to be afraid of. Funeral directors are liable to the government in keeping their responsibilities to their funeral plan holders. They will suffer more should they neglect on providing the necessary funeral arrangements for their clients.

There are also a few people who think funeral plans are very expensive, but it really depends on what kind of plan they get. Of course there will always be expensive plans that include the most expensive arrangements and services. But there are also those which are more affordable and can provide at least the basic services.

You must also think about the funeral costs as these can go high in the years to come. But if you have a funeral plan already set in place, then you do not have to worry about it. Funeral costs will generally not affect most funeral plans. Your family will be able to save much money when the time finally comes.

Getting a funeral plan is something any responsible person should get, or for the time being, at least should seriously consider. It saves you and your family money, it prepares everything for them, and every preparation will be based on your preferences. What more can you ask?

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What Are Lucid Dreams And What Purpose Do They Serve?

By Simon Hearn

Dreaming and being aware that you are dreaming is referred to as lucid dreaming. While in the middle of a dream lucidity begins and that the dreamers completely understand that the occurrence is not taking place in physical realism and is just a dream. This realization hits the dreamer when he notices a lot of not possible or unlikely incidences in his dream like talking and meeting with a deceased person. There are occasions when people just realize that they are in a dream.

Lucidity quality varies a great extent. When you are at a level of high lucidity level you are aware in your mind that all experiences are taking place in the dream and that there is no real danger. Your awareness is also of the fact that you are fast asleep and will soon wake up.

However when it comes to low level of lucidity, you may be aware to a large extent that you are in a state of dream. Lucid dreaming refers to being conscious when in a dream. It is in lucid dreaming that you abruptly realize that you are dreaming in your dreams. It is at this stage that you get familiar with lucid dream, regardless of the fact whether you have achieved management of your dream or not.

You get some sort of indication in lucid dreaming which pushes this, an indication to the person that what is being experienced is a dream and not happening in reality. Yet it's not essential to get those signals to become lucid. It's very rare that people become lucid without any notice of something strange or distinctive of dreams. People who are unaware of the distinction between having a lucid dream and taking control of a dream are also present. When you take control of your dreams it is simply moving to the next level. This level is achieved by making and= effort to apply your will on your environment.

Rarely does it happen that people become lucid with no any notice of something odd or characteristic of dreams. There are some people who are not aware of the difference between having a lucid dream and taking control of a dream. You move on to the next level when you take control of your dreams and this level can be achieved by making an effort to apply your will on your surroundings.

Despite this, it may be possible that it may be not possible to put forward much control in the initial stage.

You should work towards changing your behaviors instead of changing your dreams. To take control of your dreams is the best at the time of nightmares. Instead of working on changing your dreams, change your own attitude. You are able to allay your fears just by the understanding that it is only a dream and that there is no physical damage. With this change in your attitude your nightmare will change into something more peaceful.

Making changes in your own attitude will usually change a nightmare into something more peaceful. This is just one of the many reasons why you should teach yourself to have lucid dreams.

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Prepare To Meditate

By Owen Jones

There is a lot of nonsense talked about meditation. I do not mean what it can do for you because that is difficult to prove one way or the other. I have read people saying that they found all sorts of things in meditation and who am I to say that they did not merely because I have not had the exactly same experience.

I believe that there are many stages of evolution and so what one person experiences in one way another might experience in a entirely different way.

No, I mean that there is a great deal of rubbish talked about how one has to meditate. I am reading an piece this moment by someone who says: '... for a successful meditation practice, everything has to be ideal ..... the room has to be set up in such a way ...' and so it goes on. The person who wrote that piece appears never to have even thought let alone ever meditated.

Meditation has always been most frequently carried out by people with a spiritual bent. Of those people, most people who meditated were monks, because they were seeking enlightenment and had the time and tranquility to meditate. It was difficult to find the time or the quietness if you were a subsistence farmer with ten kids running around.

Anyway, lower orders of monks are not famous for living opulent lives where 'everything ... is ideal'. They live quiet lives and when they want to meditate, they will not be disturbed, no matter where they are but particularly in their cells.

My father used to drive out to a cliff top and meditate behind a bush looking out 100 feet over the Bristol Channel. Frequently he did it in the middle of the night.

It is a good idea that the people you live with understand that when you want to meditate that they must strive not to make a great deal of noise and absolutely not call you by name or barge into the room where you are.

How you can accomplish this in your household, you know better than I, but talking to cohabitants and displaying a sign in a prominent position can help as can always meditating at the same hour of the day, but is not usually practical. Most of us have to take our free time while we can.

Turn off anything that makes a noise. Turn off phones and even the door bell, if you can. Open the window, if it is not unbearably cold or raining cats and dogs. Take a shower and put on loose-fitting comfortable clothes like pyjamas.

Sit on the floor, if you can; cross-legged, if you can. If you are nearly there, try sitting on a cushion or pillow. There are items known as zafu or meditation pillows, which are small and thick.

Some are round and others are square, but a round zafu may be 12 inches in diameter and four to six inches thick. This is to raise you off the ground enough to take the strain off your hips and knees, if you are not used to sitting cross-legged.

It will encourage a correct posture, that is a straight back. It is also softer on the behind and when you are sitting comfortably, you may begin.

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What Do You Mean By Lucid Dreams?

By Simon Hearn

Lucid dream is a state when you are dreaming and are also aware of the fact that you are dreaming. In a lucid state the dreamers understand that they are dreaming and this state begins while you are in the middle of a dream. When an incidence which is unlikely takes place in the dream, this realization hits the dreamer; this unlikely incident could be flying or talking and meeting with a deceased person. On different and numerous occasions people realize that they are in a state of dreaming.

Lucidity quality varies a great extent. When you are at a level of high lucidity level you are aware in your mind that all experiences are taking place in the dream and that there is no real danger. Your awareness is also of the fact that you are fast asleep and will soon wake up.

You are also aware that you are sleeping and will wake up soon. However when low lucidity level you may be aware to a large extent that you are dreaming. Being conscious while dreaming can be thought of as lucid dreaming. When you are dreaming you suddenly realize that you are dreaming, then a lucid dream has been experienced by you, irrespective of the fact whether you have been able to achieve control of your dream.

There is some kind of indication in lucid dreaming which triggers this, a suggestion to the person that it is a reality and not a dream that the person is experiencing. But remember it's not necessary to get those signals to become lucid.

Rarely does it happen that people become lucid with no any notice of something odd or characteristic of dreams. There are some people who are not aware of the difference between having a lucid dream and taking control of a dream. You move on to the next level when you take control of your dreams and this level can be achieved by making an effort to apply your will on your surroundings.

However it may be possible that even then it may be impossible to put forth much control in the beginning. Its altogether experience, your confidence and control that pays an important part in you taking control of your dreams. But just incase you lack confidence in your dreams you may not succeed to control them.

You should work towards changing your behaviors instead of changing your dreams. To take control of your dreams is the best at the time of nightmares. Instead of working on changing your dreams, change your own attitude. You are able to allay your fears just by the understanding that it is only a dream and that there is no physical damage. With this change in your attitude your nightmare will change into something more peaceful.

Instead of changing your dream you can work on changing your behavior. Controlling your dreams is the best during nightmares. Change your own attitude instead of trying to change your dreams. Your fears can get allayed just by the realization that it is only a dream and that you are not able to maintain physical damage. Your nightmare will change into something more peaceful with changes to your attitude in such a manner. Lucid dreams hence are good to defeat nightmares.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Methods To Terminate A Romantic Relationship

By Anna Learmoth

There comes a time in life when one has to take some steps, which seem to be highly challenging and disturbing. Even though currently they may seem hurting and may cause a lot of pain, you may eventually realize that it is actually for your own good. One such situation is that of ending up an affair that was valued at one time.

When a relationship is in its initial stages, one finds it hard to imagine that anything may go wrong. Being in a state of ecstasy, people tend to only associate positive emotions with the new bond. They fail to realize that not everything may go as smoothly as they want, unlike fairy tales in which they seem to be imagining themselves.

In life, there comes a time when one has to end a relationship either due to a number of reasons or just one reason which is big enough to change everything. When such a situation occurs, one has no option other than taking the essential steps of ending an affair. If you have any such doubts in your mind about a current relationship that you are having, it is sensible to consider a few aspects of it before taking the huge step.

Firstly, do examine what factors are making you think that the affair should be ended. In case if it is a romantic relationship, do you think you do not feel the same for that person anymore, or that both of you cannot carry on with a serious long-term relationship?

No matter what the reason is, it should be important enough to keep you determined and consistent in your decision. If one keeps going back on his/her word after breaking up and returns to the same person a number of times, this would only should inconsistency and indecisiveness.

If you are thinking in the lines of ending a relationship, do that immediately because there would be no use of sticking onto a relationship that includes so many doubts and uncertainties. It may not be easy, as you may have gotten affectionate and emotionally attached to the other person, but you should know that it is the right decision.

Do not be abusive or hurtful towards the other person, that won't do any good when you are breaking up anyway. Be open about why you want to end it, explain where you think both of you have gone wrong and try not ending the conversation with harsh or bitter words. It does involve a lot of courage and you will have to be strong, but it will help you out of a relationship that was only hurting you.

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Qualities Of A Competent Funeral Home Owner

By Ryan Perry

A family home should be able to deliver a good service to families who are still mourning the loss of a member. If you plan to start a funeral home and have it running smoothly, you need to consider a lot of stuff.

Unlike many other businesses, the funeral home is a sensitive one. The patrons are people who have recently lost loved ones so they are suffering a lot of grief.

Therefore, the bosses of the funeral homes must ensure that their staff members are able to handle the clients with respect and assure them of comfort. The whole property has to be well maintained throughout.

Having a well-maintained property will help you make a good impression to the client. A loved one should be treated with utmost dignity and respect. If you have structures and facilities that have been well maintained, you are showing the clients that you mean business.

One of the tasks of a funeral home director will be exquisitely furnishing the inside setting of the funeral home. A well-manicured lawn will help raise the impression of all the stakeholders.

The state of the equipment used in the home is the docket of the funeral director. He answers to anything that goes wrong with the casket or gravestones. Do you know the old adage; everything that can go wrong will go wrong? That is why he has to ensure that the lowering machine is in good shape to prevent any eventualities.

When a family is still nursing the grief of a departed person, there should be a means of providing a cool environment for them to just reflect and go on. There is no need for stressing them with trivial issues. Let quality service flow in abundance. Do not let it be a matter of them demanding it. It should be the basic.

With that, you are likely to enjoy good remarks and a good word put in from the family.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Reality Of Manifesting Money

By Brian Long

The topic of manifesting money is one of the most talked about one in today's world. This is simply because money is the most important thing and all we dream of is that we have it in plenty. We do different kind of things in our lifetime to achieve money in abundance and most of our activities are controlled by the want of abundant money.

What it takes to own a palace like the Royal Arabs in this twenty first century? What it takes to own a private jet or may be ten BMWs? Its money that can buy magnificent things that we have ever wanted or craved for. Money can help us achieve things that we have always envied and desired for. As a result Manifesting Money is a thing that all men fancy for.

There are many things in this world that science has not yet been able to teach us. The power of the human subconscious mind is one such example. Since, there's no such scientific method established for manifesting money as such, it might be harmless to check out those avenues which provide a means to do so, rather for manifesting any object of desire for that matter.

The first and foremost thing to recognize and accept in this regard is the power of positive thinking. We have always been told that we should do away with negative thoughts and that whatever we think is what happens to us. Positive thinking leads to a happy and positive life. But have we ever paid any heed to these statements which we have always considered the ending lines in a moral science book? Well, what if I tell you that this is exactly what will help you in manifesting money that you have always dreamt of?

If thoughts create destinies, then it can be safely concluded that the state we are in now has been created solely out of our own deeds. If we want to manifest abundant money, then it is abundant money that we should always think about, and not its scarcity as we generally do. But what we always do is think about how less of it we have, and not necessarily the other way round.

Negative feelings like thinking always about what one doesn't have will never change the future. Hence, in manifesting money, we cannot concentrate on the former negative facts and need to focus more on things that we already have. If we are happy with whatever we have, and let our positive thoughts like being grateful flow, then only good things will get manifested in our near future. The more we remain content and try to manifest something good, the more we remain happy and Manifesting Money will never be a concept ,rather a truth in the days to come.

The Laws of Attraction gives testimony to the authentication of the Concept of Manifesting Money. They say that if we truly and continuously think of the fact that money will happen abundantly to us and succeed in channelizing our positive energies into these thoughts, then this flow will attract the desired event from the universe that we crave for result in manifesting money.

Again, you can also order the manifestation of money from the universe. Thus, to use the tool of cosmic ordering you need to imagine yourself already with abundant money and let your emotions flow freely thereof. Your emotions and energies will tune themselves with the infinite energy of the cosmos to facilitate manifesting money in your real life.

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Making The Conscious Decision To Lucid Dream

By Rory Gallagan

A lucid dream refers to a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he is dreaming. A person who lucid dream's has the ability to vigorously contribute in and influence imaginary experiences in the dream environment.

Most of the lucid dreams are concerning things you want to happen. These dreams generally take place when a person is in the center of a regular dream and abruptly become conscious that he or she is sleeping and must be dreaming. It is at this time that the person is known to be lucid and could enter one of the many levels of lucidity.

When a person is known to lucid dream at the lowest lucidity levels, there are bleak chances that he recollects that he is in a dream, and may not be able to logically think or be able to recognize that anything that happens in the dream is not real. When a person is known to lucid dream at the highest lucidity level, then the dreamer is totally conscious that he or she is sleeping and have complete control over things occurring in the dream.

Your attempt to lucid dream should be superseded by an attempt first to work on improving dream recall. Incase you are able to retain some dreams a night, this will be good enough. There are different techniques by which you can induce to lucid dream and there are chances that you may even come up with your own personal techniques with time. Following is one of the techniques that shows how to lucid dream.

Reality Testing Technique is one technique to lucid dream is very simply and involves making an effort to decide whether you are awake or in a dream. You can find this out by looking at the world around you and to decide if it is real. One of the ways to achieve this is to become attentive to the world around you and look for dreaming signs.

You must also carry out standard reality checks through the day. It's a simple concept behind this method which is that you are able to determine that what you witness is just not possible, then in all likelihood you are dreaming.

Training yourself to be attentive for signs of during the waking hours is the first thing towards this. This is essentially done to recondition yourself to the acceptance of the world around you. This is not limited in the hours when you are awake only; these should be followed into the world of your dream as well.

Incase you are absolutely convinced that whatever you have witnessed is out of the ordinary and is fairly possible, you should perform one more unconnected test. Glance at a digital clock or watch or read some text. Repeat this after few seconds. If the time or text changes mysteriously, then you are for sure dreaming. As you get more consistent with performing reality checks, your chances get better of being able to encourage a lucid dream.

For lucid dream you simply need to understand that you are dreaming. A reality check needs to be carried out to check that you are dreaming.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Incredible Out Of Body Experience!

By Peter Richards

Out of Body Experience or OBE in short is an experience in which one's subtle within, his inner self, soul, or in other words his perceptual existence separates from his physical body and travels out to other conscious realms. Simply put, it is the phenomenon in which you keep your physical body behind and move out of it towards higher ethereal realms observing yourself and the world at a distance.

There are five stages to an out of body experience. They are withdrawal, cataleptic, separation, flexibility and return to the earthly body respectively after the end of the venture. These are the five stages comprising of moving out of the body, floating celestially and then returning to the physical body after completing this journey of a lifetime.

The first phase of out of body experience sees the human body showing the signs of rigidness and the physical body stops responding to any external impulses. It seems as if the body is asleep and will not show ant response to effects to stir it up. The sense organs during sleep stops responding and a similar situation happens in this stage.

The body under the state of prolonged rigidness is known as cataleptic and in this condition the body becomes sluggish as if drugged and unconscious. There will be rigidness in the muscles and the body refuses to move even a minimal distance due to this. The sensory organs seem to stop functioning. But at the same time the extra sensory perception become very active and this gives rise to things like shivering, visualizing bright light and even seeing with the eyes closed.

The third stage which comprise of the soul separating from the physical body is the most important in this type of practice. This feat to separate is strongly resisted by our body in the way that even a small amount of doubt or fear regarding the after effects can bring the soul back to the body and the individual may return to consciousness with a jerk. The solutions to such suction and so that the soul can successfully move out of body are by completely relaxing ones mind and keeping absolutely calm in such a stage.

Then as the soul is successful to leave the physical body the suction powers of the latter tend to end and the mind and soul feels the happiness of ultimate freedom and can view the world beneath.

The last stage of this miraculous journey is the return to ones own body. But it might happen that an individual's soul may suddenly pull back into his or her body if he retains some amount of anxiety regarding the pros and cons of the out of body experience. However without such fears the return tends to be smooth and after the soul comes back to where it belongs he or she awakes form a dazed sort of a feeling and the person feels as if everything he experiences was a dream.

The out of the body experiences can be made a reality through mental, technological and chemical methods. In case the procedure is mental the individual needs to follow advance techniques of meditation achieve the feat. The technological methods involve charging up our mind through waves of certain forms such as electro-magnetic or sound and in case the method is chemical the individual is given drugs that create hallucinations and hence take him or her to a dazed state to have such an experience.

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Different Ways To Achieve Chakra Opening

By Jayne Springer

Our chakra system consists of eight main chakras with each chakra situated at a different body points. If you need to check the health of the chakra, it is reflected by the health of body region where chakra is positioned. The chakras are connected with our personality traits and are centers of energy within our body. Our body consists of eight main chakras, each located at different positions and associated with a color.

To begin with at the top of the head is the crown chakra, thirds eye chakra is positioned at the middle of the forehead, throat chakra is positioned at the throat, at the palms is the hand and feet chakra, at the solar Plexus is the solar plexus chakra, heart chakra is positioned at the heart, sacral chakra positioned below the belly button on the right, root chakra is positioned at the spine.

Surrounding our chakras are some unwanted emotions and feelings as well as unwanted thoughts due to which arises mental as well as physical stress. This is the reason we need to open our chakras. Some of the ways in chakra opening proves to be useful are improvisation in energy flow and awakening of natural psychic abilities. It is imperative to awaken the chakras to achieve the benefits discussed.

Chakra opening is done in a number of different techniques. There are energy healers who help in opening of the chakras, balancing them as well as putting energy in them. But there are some other ways too to achieve the same. In the preceding paragraphs we will learn different ways to open up the chakras.

Binaural beats are utilised to help open the chakras. First let your imagination flow and see a light radiant around each chakra, starting with the root chakra or the base. Since this chakra is associated with red color, you should be able to see a red color around it. With the help of binaural beats the effects can be felt instantly. You need not practice years of extreme meditation training for opening of the chakras. Some other techniques for opening the chakras are making use of Isochronic tones and monaural beats.

Meditation is another way to achieve chakra opening. Anyone can do chakra meditation. Generally our three chakras located at the bottom of the spine are already open. Those who have all chakras opened are the spiritual master. The fourth chakra is closed for many people and this is the heart chakra. If heart chakra is opened it gives out love and compassion towards others. Meditation is needed for opening of the higher chakras or energy centers.

To practice chakra meditation requires your time and dedication. This needs to be practiced regularly, starting with at least 30 minutes. Post the practice there is a feeling of balance and break from stress or any kind of emotional worry. You will be able to eventually see an improvement in the health of the mind as well as the body.

A well balanced chakra system is achieved and you will also feel fit and healthy. When the chakras get opened up the level of energy gets pushed out and this helps in opening a spiritual communication.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

How Do Humans Survive?

By Mark Gosby

History shows those, who cannot change in accordance to the circumstances, usually perish. That is the reality of life. Pause for a moment and look around yourself. Every second something is changing around you. Take the example of seasons. They change throughout the year.

Using the same old techniques will not serve your purpose. In order to survive, you would have to make adjustments.

Life itself presents a continually changing challenge. You cannot name one constant thing. Seasons, weather and our environment, everything varies. There are many processes going inside your body to adjust to this change.

Some adaptation occurs on the subconscious level without us being aware of it. For example, our heart is pumping blood as required; our digestive system is working as per the amount of food taken in, and our immune system is fighting against germs to protect us from current infections.

Adaptation is not a static thing. It requires constant interaction between you and your ambiance. If life were a static affair, then success would not have been so hard to achieve. There would have established rules to be successful.

Adaptation ensures survival. If you are very strong but cannot adjust to a changing environment, then that strength would be of no use. It goes for intelligence too. If you are intelligent yet unwilling to alter yourself, then you are prone to lose the battle of your life.

According to his theory, the quickly we adapt; the more probable is our success.

In conclusion, apply this theory to your online business. You will definitely succeed.

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