Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Friday, February 26, 2010

How Much Life Insurance Is Too Much?

By Rodney Daniel Bolton

You need a certain amount of life insurance to protect your dependents in case of death. Your family will need enough income to cover the same living expenses they had before your passing. A younger man should have more coverage than a man near retirement age. Rule of thumb is twenty-five times the amount of money you earn in one year from age twenty-five and for ten years after that. After thirty-five, you can lower the payoff for each additional year of life.

The insurance company reserves the right to see proof of income in order to make sure you can afford the insurance policy. Another legal point to make is, the non-working spouse in a married couple is entitled to be covered for the same amount as his wife (or her husband). Equality rules, for equal premium payments of course. When monthly payments stop, insurance coverage stops.

There are different types of policies. The most practical one is term insurance. Most wage earners will cover themselves in case of death so their family left behind can continue the same lifestyle as when he was alive. House payments and other expenses keep his family safe in their home and school without leaving the familiar neighborhood.

Select your policy from term, which is fixed-length insurance if you want coverage till your children finish college and they'll do so within four years. For term coverage to cover from five to twenty years, buy a policy with a level premium. Term insurance is always temporary albeit it does stay in effect for up to twenty years.

Some companies give their workers the chance to buy a group life policy term insurance. If you can buy this you'll save a lot of money. This is the best bargain in any case.

Everyone automatically think insurance always has a lifetime coverage until death. That isn't true of term insurance. It is true of whole life. It stays active even when you no longer must pay premiums. Conditions vary as will be explained by an insurance agent.

You can borrow money against the value of your whole life policy. It's a good benefit to have in case of emergency. You cannot borrow the entire value, only a portion. You pay interest on the money just as you do with any other loan. When you die, the amount of the loan that has not been repaid, will be subtracted from the death benefit your survivors are entitled to. The life insurance benefit will be reduced.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Dealing With A Split - 3 Brilliant Prescriptions for Taking Care of it Quickly

By Tim Nelson

How Long Does it Take to Deal with a Split?

Mensurations and survey results variegate a lot. Sometimes it takes no more than 48 hours. Others find it can take approximately half the duration of the relationship. It would take 12 months to heal if, for example, the relationship lasted for 24 months.

Why does it alternate so much? Simply because it depends on you. It is determined by the one who is trying to get on with life after the end of the relationship. How we get on after the dissipation of a relationship, combined with our attitudes towards the events has a huge imprint on the duration of the hurt, 'sorrow' and sadness lasts.

The ones who are good at getting over a dissolution of a relationship have the same philosophy. They want to move on. The want to avoid feelings of regret over having wasted time by being anguished over a relationship that didn't work out, besides they just want to start enjoying life again.

Smart Ways for Getting Over a Break Up

In addition there are smart ways to approach getting over a break up that will help you to move on much quickly. The top three smart actions that you can undertake to get over a break up quickly are:

Use Your Support Network: Reach out to close friends for support. Intimate friends will help you deal with it. They excite you, discuss it with you so that you can process everything.
You emotions fill up with joy when you're with them (make the correct choice - make sure they have positive or optimistic characters). Thanks to this counsel you will feel much better and it will help you to....

Have Pride: You do not let others affect your life to the degree that you are not getting on with your life. Please explain why you would give someone permission to make you feel like this?
You are in control of your mind and your choices. Your ingenuity is the only thing you have totally in your hand in this life. Glorify in yourself. Do the right thing and make the most of your life and get on with it. No matter how things stack up.

Paint a Negative Image of your Ex: This is the nuclear firepower solution to put an end to your bad feelings and to move on. You can use it to lesser or greater degrees depending on how bad you feel. It's time to be a little narcissistic so that you can forge ahead with your life and make the best of it.
To do this you need to remove the fake ideal image you created in your mind of your former lover. No one is pure perfection, additionally there are thousands of potentials lurking out there, and some are surely much better than your ex. However at this moment, your mind is befuddled. It is intolerant. So to fix it, and create a better perspective that will enable you to move on, you need to make some adjustments.

Write down what aspects of the relationship weren't right for you. The reasons for which it was not what you needed after all. What factors didn't your ex possess resulting in imperfection? If they were unfaithful, why did they do it? How were they impolite to you? What were their maddening routines? What were the things you didn't have in common? Figure out what it is that you are looking for in a relationship. Think back on the things that your ex was lacking and that you wished she had?

When you have this tally. What we call the 'Ex's Jaundiced List'. Review it daily in the morning before you star the day to remind yourself why you will be better off without them. This will alter that mistakenly 'flawless form' that you made of them. What will come out of it is that you will appreciate the world with all its flaws and you can move forward. The length and details contained on this list will determine how ruffled your feelings still are and how often you find yourself thinking of them.

This set of tips are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many other really effective strategies to getting over a break up.

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Bipolar Mood Disorder Reviews & Guide

By Anne Durrell

Bipolar disorder is also called BPD or perhaps called manic depression and it is a disorder that is known by extreme mood shifts. Mood swings occur in most people; but, an individual with bipolar disorder suffers from extreme conditions of both major depression and intense elation as well as over optimism.

This is dangerous since the depression may be so extreme they cannot function normally during those cycles and also think about or even act out suicidal thoughts. However, the excited (upswing) can lead to dangerous behavior such as over spending, and activities they may not otherwise engage in.

Lots of individuals with bipolar mood disorder will also have periods of normalcy between the moodiness where they act and come to feel much as everyone else. Some persons with bipolar disorder may encounter mood swings often and of short duration and others sometimes have lengthier durations of both moods.

Bipolar disorder may start as early as the teen years but a diagnosis may be delayed because the moodiness could be ignored as being normal teen moodiness or even attributed to ADHD. By age 25, the symptoms are more definite and a diagnosis made less difficult.

Further complicating a proper diagnosis of BPD is the fact an individual might experience mixed states and have signs and symptoms of both depressive and manic states present at the same time.

The causes of BPD are not known, some scientists suggest there might be a genetic link but study results are not consistent. Even so, people who go on to have bipolar disorder may well exhibit symptoms in childhood. Based on some research the symptoms tend to be so subtle as to be very easily mistaken for standard behavior or even another issue like ADHD.

Older people suffering from bipolar disorder could have issues in many areas of their life. The high intervals cause them to be overly optimistic, engage in risk taking behavior, as well as become financially indiscreet or sexually promiscuous. These issues could be never-ending.

Throughout bouts of depression, someone struggling with bipolar mood disorder might not be able to function or to maintain a job. Suicide is often a risk also.

There's a lot of drugs that might be used to deal with BPD. The explanation for that is that though certain prescription drugs are effective on some individuals, other people show absolutely no signs of improvement.

Lithium is the only medicine proven to reduce the chance of committing suicide in despondent BPD patients. The medication Lamotrigine has proven to be effective in preventing depression symptoms in some BPD sufferers. Antipsychotic medicines might be used to combat agitation of a BPD individual in the manic stages.

When symptoms are relieved and emotional swings are in remission the patient must still keep on using the medicine or a relapse is likely. Some sufferers with bipolar disorder describe the impact of the drugs as causing them to feel flat or drugged. That reduces medication compliance with individuals with BPD.

There are successful treatments for persons with bipolar disorder and mood stabilizers can be a major portion of the treatment plan when helping stabilize the patient with bipolar disorder. Because the moodiness may be so harmful to personal relationships, financial status and job performance BPD is going to be treated aggressively in most instances.

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Going Crazy With Clocks

By David Artsmith

Slate and Artsmith - Clock lovers are a peculiar breed. Precise, sharp, direct, and regular, they fall naturally into the most efficient patterns they can find. This is not to say that they are boring, many take this precision to new and exciting realms using the full force of their creativity, it is just that clock lovers tend to like knowing how things will work out, and so they follow patterns which they find to be successful.

A clock is a constant companion. Its steady ticking occurs in tandem with everyday life, like a quiet beat keeping rhythm, it suffuses itself throughout every event that occurs.

Sometimes, if you get really obsessed with clocks, you will find yourself creating a museum to your collection. You will look around and your house will be filled with shining faces, staring out at you, ticking quietly in their stolid precision.

The problem is that such an environment will perpetuate itself. As your collection grows you will be forced to synchronize the various timepieces, or risk living in a chaotic din of rhythmically warring noises. With synchronization will come power, and the tick will grow stronger, insisting upon themselves until you become a slave to the precision, to the order.

That is why it is always important to focus on balance over any other attribute. Even if precision tends to lead to excellence, over doing anything will eventually lead you to ruin. Be selective with your clocks, choose one or two per space, and be willing to take a clock down when you have found its replacement.

Also, be willing to let a little chaos into your world. The clock is a harsh task master, that doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for free thinking. Make certain that you maintain your ability to change, adapt, and grow as necessary.

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The Prophetic Functions of the Church of Christ

By Christian Wong

When talk about prophets, we may think of the weird man wearing strange clothes scolding people for their sin and warning them for the judgment of God. This impression obviously came from the Old Testament. But there is a different expression of prophets and the spirit of prophecy in the New Testament. All believers are called to operate in the spirit of prophecy.

God speaks through His servants. In the bible we see a lot of men chosen by God who spoke the will of God. This is enough for us to see that the main function of a prophetic ministry is to reveal God's own heart. An angel who appeared to John the Apostle told him that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. All prophecies are spoken to witness or to reveal testimony of Jesus Christ, His identity, His work and His heart. We must know Him and encounter Him personally before we could do that.

As a follower of Christ, by the grace of God and through faith, we are able to know God intimately. To function prophetically, we experience God's heart and reveal it according to His will. A prophetic ministry reveals the heart of God in different aspects and in different levels. God is love. He loves all man equally. He does not discriminate. He is just and true. He hates sin. He is joyful for His sons because of Jesus. We may speak of the affection and the wrath of God at the same time without contradictions.

So the essence of prophecy is to make known God's heart. Each time we prophesy we speak the heart of God. Every time He reveals His characters and attributes, we know Him more and are imparted with His life in us. When we know His affection for us, we are empowered to love Him in return.

There are some common misconceptions among the churches. Some experiencing prophetic events like dreams and visions immediately claim themselves to be prophets. Others refuse any prophetic encounters with reason that they are not called to be prophets. There are clear distinguishments between being a prophet and operating with the spirit of prophecy according to the bible. The Lord promises to pour the spirit of prophecy on all of His sons and daughters, while only a few chosen people are called to the office of prophets.

An example of a prophet who revealed the heart of God according to the will of God is John the Baptist. He was called the greatest man born of a woman by Jesus. He was the forerunner prepared for the first coming of Jesus who also symbolize a group of God's people who are being raised up in the end of the end time to prepare the second coming of the Lord. They will be revealing the heart of God, His mercy and His judgment and warn people of the coming crisis. The prophetic anointing will be operating mightily on them. Some would even call fire from heaven and beyond. Let's follow the teachings of the Bible and desire earnestly for the spirit of prophecy.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Your Past Explained With Regression Hypnosis

By Richard Lumb

Regression hypnosis is a type of hypnotherapy that can help you go back into your past and discover things that, although known by your subconscious mind, are not accessible to your conscious mind. Oftentimes, it can help you figure out negative things from your past. You can also use it in some cases to discover past lives you've lived.

What is past life regression and how does regression hypnosis work?

Regression hypnosis works similarly to other types of hypnosis. The subject of the hypnosis is put under hypnosis by a trained therapist. The subject is then led back through a past life with careful suggestion, done by the therapist.

Hypnosis can allow you to access your subconscious mind because it allows you to quiet your conscious mind and basically "uncover" it. Hypnosis can let you see what may be present but covered up in your mind.

Healing trauma with regression hypnosis

Regression hypnosis is often used to help people work through a traumatic experience in their past. People who have suffered from something traumatic may feel a lasting impact that can cause problems for them throughout their life.

With regression hypnosis, a trained hypnotherapist will hypnotize you and take you back to the time of the traumatic event. At that time, you are guided to work on the event so that you can adjust to or otherwise accommodate what has happened to you.

Regression hypnosis can also help you build your self-esteem, fix emotional problems from past events, heal from abusive an childhood, release emotions that you carry around with you and even cure phobias or entrenched fears. This type of therapy can be very powerful and can help you come to grips with unfortunate things that have happened in your past.

Past life regression

Regression hypnosis can also help you find out more about past lives you've lived. Called "past life regression," some therapists don't accept this as a mainstream therapy, but it's still relatively common among therapists as a practice.

In some cases, you may want to take a look at your past lives to help you understand what's going on in your life. If you believe in past lives' existence, you may think that they are somehow connected to your current life and may therefore influence what's happening to you at the present moment.

Perhaps you also feel that by discovering past lives, you can learn what you should do in this life to avoid any mistakes, or simply to discover how you can avoid any problems you've had in those past lives. Regression hypnosis can help you explore these past lives so can learn about who you were and what has happened to you in the past.

Regardless of why you find regression hypnosis interesting, there's lots of proof that it is in fact very helpful. Regression hypnosis may help you uncover things that have happened in your past, or in your past lives, and then may use this information to improve your life in the present.

Hypnosis may still not be completely accepted as a form of therapy, but it has been shown to be very beneficial and is well worth considering if you feel that your past holds the key to making a better future life for yourself.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mastering Remote Viewing How-To Methods

By Russell Jordan

Are you interested in learning remote viewing how to techniques? It's quite an interesting concept. Remote viewing is the ability to see something that is happening or will happen without actually being there.

After you learn remote viewing techniques, you'll be able to know about things that you never would have known until a later time.

Learning how to master remote viewing can help you to enhance your mind power on many different levels. For one, it can help you to discover that you have the ability to accomplish amazing things in your life and help others do the same, if that is your goal.

You will gain more of a sense of who you are and what type of person you are. This is the effect that remote viewing has on many people.

Practicing remote viewing how to techniques can bring enlightenment and good luck into a person's life. Believe it or not, everyone has the power to see objects, events, and people that aren't directly in front of them. It's actually very simple to understand.

One example of remote viewing would be that deja vu feeling that so many people have had. Just about anyone will admit to having it. The subconscious mind is very powerful; perhaps the most powerful force on earth.

The mind is what gives everything its power, but the power ultimately begins with the person. It is you who allows that power to become manifested in another person, belief, or thing.

Learning remote viewing how to techniques are just one of the ways you can unleash the extreme power of your subconscious mind. A simple way to get started is to set up a very private and personal area inside of your home that will allow for deep concentration and relaxation.

Each day you'll have to sit down in this room and meditate. It needs to be absolutely quiet, because the goal is to lower your brainwaves to one or four every second. The average person, when completely conscious and aware will experience brainwaves of fourteen to thirty times in a single second.

To slow your brainwaves down, relaxing your body and mind is a must. What you will want to do is try to count in reverse starting at ten while breathing slowly. After every breath, think of all the different things that are bothering you. Then think of them simply exiting your body.

This particular remote viewing how to technique will allow you to get deep inside of your own mind. Spend about 30 minutes getting really calm and relaxed. Allow thoughts to pass through your mind, but don't pay them too much attention if you are still tense, just imagine them passing by and leaving. Try not to fight any thoughts that enter your mind once you start to become very relaxed because those are more than likely messages from your deeper consciousness.

The next step will be to focus on yourself and where you are. Pretend for a moment that you are standing somewhere else in the room staring at yourself. Observe everything about yourself and your surroundings down to the tiniest detail. Do all of this while keeping your eyes closed.

Practicing this particular technique will allow you to become familiar with visualizing other people, places, and things that are not in immediate view. Practice makes perfect, so make sure that you do this at least a couple of times per week.

Once you have become well versed in your remove viewing how to methods, you can set some time aside to mediate. Your mind may take you somewhere completely different. When this happens, look at where your mind goes. It might not make too much sense at first, but later on it will start to make perfect sense as you learn tot trust your vision more and more.

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Bouts

By Agniveer Agni

(Read my frank confessions here. When faced with danger, an ostrich digs its face in ground. I am no different. Whenever life posed that daring question in front of me, I found the ostrich within me seeking excuses to close the eyes to the question. But the few visions of the question that I could catch during those fearful moments were sufficient to change my life forever. The ostrich had to take its face out of the ground! Read on...)

I woke up in the night and found myself sweating profusely. I felt like being choked. My mind felt all blank in fear. It was again one of those bouts I recall having since my early childhood. The same fundamental question engulfed my mind - Is this all going to end?

Death will eventually win the race. All my dear ones will die and so shall I. Suddenly there would be no thoughts, no feelings, no sensation and only blankness. Even peace will not be there. Even if I extend my life to mythological limits, yet this is one race I would finally lose. And in case I continue the race so long, it only means that all those loved ones who make this life so worthwhile will no more be there besides me. Thus, I am doomed in any case.

There is nothing certain in life. There is no guarantee that I would accomplish any of my plans or dreams. But one thing is certain - death. No one could bypass it and nor could I do it. I could feel everyone and everything around me already dead and meaningless. Life and living is all so meaningless. All my successes, all my failures, all my friends, all my enemies, all my fame, all my blames, everything will abruptly end for me as it has ended for every creature born.

Success, failure etc are so temporary. Further, if we look at expanse of the universe in space and time scales - we humans are nothing more than a pencil dot on surface of earth. Universe is 14 billion years old. Even a middle-aged star like sun is 4.5 billion years old as per scientists. How does a life of few decades matter here! The earth we live in is not even a speck in the vast size of universe. Thus, I am only an insignificant point in this infinite space-time. I did not control my birth. I cannot do anything about my death after a short glimpse. My memories, feelings, emotions all are meaningless. Finally they all would extinguish as I extinguish under the wind of death. This is the only ruthless truth.

I recalled a faint memory from childhood. I was around four or five years old. In the night, I asked my mother, "Mummy, will I die one day?" She did not know what to answer. She tried to deviate the topic, "No, nothing will happen to you. Go to sleep now. You have school tomorrow." I again asked, "Does everyone who takes birth die? Will grandma, grandfather, you, papa also die?" She said, "You should not talk like this about your elders. You should respect them. Now go to sleep." I did not ask anything more. But I was far from satisfied. This was my first experience of this bout that I can recollect. Next day, I asked papa, "Papa, how long will I live. Please see my hand." He smiled and brought my palm closer. He pretended to analyze it carefully and replied, "You will live for 102 years. Don't worry!" I shot back, "That means I will die after 102 years. And will you, mummy, grandma, grandpa also live with me for 102 years?" He tried to deviate from the topic, "You should currently focus on your studies. This is your immediate priority. 102 years is very far off." I was not convinced, "But that time will also necessarily come na! And then I will die." He said, "If you study hard, you will never die."

I almost forgot that incident soon after. But it did make me a bright student though. After all, I had no other alternative to escape the brutal grip of death. Soon, I even forgot the reason, but got addiction of studying. But now, I was having a much clear recall of this forgotten incident. I recalled that this is one question for which no satisfactory answer has yet been deciphered by me. And even if that reply of father made me a good student, it hardly matters. Because with death, everything and everyone shall end forever - including what I studied and learned.

In a snapshot, my entire life came before me. The theme was my frantic search for solution to this most fundamental problem of escaping death. I recalled how this recurrent bout will suddenly open my eyes each time to a reality that I could not face or understand. And how it would make me even more frantic. (To continue, visit my homepage)

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Amazing Secrets Of Chakra Meditation Therapy

By Nisal Karuiyaratna

According to the ancient Vedic thought, there are seven circles (Chakras) of energy referred to as energy wheels in the human body. These are present along the meridian of the body.

Certain mystical practitioners even believe the number of these wheels to be fourteen.

These begin at the lowest base of the body (thought of as either the base of the spine or the genitals) and extending in their order to a person's crown (tippy top of the head).

In between are the orange colored chakra situated in the stomach area, the yellow colored chakra known as the solar plexus just above this, the green colored chakra in the heart region, the blue colored throat chakra, the indigo colored chakra in the center of the forehead known as the third eye. The root chakra is colored red with the crown chakra thought of as being violet in color.

In addition to being associated with colors (wavelengths of light), the chakras are numbered in order one through seven, with the base chakra being number one.

Chakra one controls sexual health, physical strength and vitality

The second chakra commands our creative powers.

The third chakra is responsible for our desires and what we want.

The fourth chakra is responsible for our emotions and helps us to both give and receive love.

The fifth chakra gives us communicative power, loops our emotions in with our thinking, and gives us personal magnetism.

The sixth chakra is responsible for our intuition and extra sensory powers, which is why we call it the sixth sense.

The seventh chakra is used to take us on astral voyages and connects us with cosmic awareness, some of which is what is captured and brought back down to the second chakra during artistic practices and which is also accessed on shamanic journeys.

It is observed that people, who have divine interventions, are actually focusing the energy of the seventh chakra. This chakra focuses on cosmic awareness. It is this cosmic awareness, which is annexed and passed onto the second chakra during artistic practices. It is accessed on shamanic journeys too.

The chakra wheels naturally want to spin. If they are healthy and clean, they are spinning, and then they are providing you with the strongest, healthiest energies you can have. But if they become clogged, then they cannot spin and you will have problems or sickness in one or more of the areas outlined.

No chakra should be more developed than the others, either. If this happens then addictions, neuroses, obsessive-compulsive disorders, or unintentional cruelty will result.

Chakras can become unbalanced or clogged as a result of neglect or bad lifestyle. If your diet is bad, or you have a negative attitude toward sexual relations you will have problems with your first or root/base chakra. This is likely to lead to ill health and broken or difficult relationships.

The seventh chakra is prone to disruption in people who are forever thinking of negative actions towards others like working black magic. When this purple-white wheel is disturbed, the cosmic connection is hampered. Consequently the person feels bitter, fearful, and empty.

A healthy, rapid spinning chakra is extremely flexible and is able to open and shut when necessary. This gives it the ability to receive energy from a source which is good, but close when a negative force is attempting to transmit its own bad energy. If it is not healthy however it will be unable to prevent you from receiving this bad energy.

Chakra therapy means basically that you focus your attention and concentration on each of the seven main chakras in turn. This should really be done on a daily basis.

Take each major energy category and at some point each day meditate upon how its aspects are manifesting-or not manifesting-in your life, and as you do this visualize your body's energy residing in that particular chakra. If you find your energy waning in any category, meditate on the steps you can take to make that category healthy and cleanse the related chakra.

Some people find that meditating on a gem stone the same color as the chakra wheel allows them to get a clear image in their mind of what actions they need to take to make it healthier.

Recently it has become possible to just listen to the individual chakra sound frequencies. By listening to the particular frequency of each chakra your own chakras resonates at this frequency and become completely balanced.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Are After Death Experiences In Fact True?

By Aaron Harden

There are more and more documented cases of after death experiences. Because of serious injury or illness, people have been pronounced dead by the medical profession and then been revived later. These same people have also told of their experiences during the time they were considered to be no longer alive.

It is fascinating to note that most of these people tell very similar stories. Remember, at the time of the events they are dead as far as everybody around them is concerned - they have no pulse and are not breathing.

More often than not, people claim to first see visions of lights, followed by pictures of loved ones and family members, all of whom flash before their very eyes. They claim that it's peaceful, and they characterize it by the vision of a tunnel.

There are many documented accounts that say exactly the same thing. For this reason, a lot of people are convinced this is what must have really happened.

But the medical community tends to be disdainful of this theory. They explain the vision of a tunnel as a lack of blood in the retina. Also, the brain is dealing with a crisis and this might explain the flashing images before the eyes.

Those who have been through this kind of experience, however, have no problem believing it all to have been quite real.

It seems that this is to remain a mystery as it can't be proved either way. Unless science and spirituality manage to somehow come together in the future, we might only know the truth when we meet our own end,

Either way, this is a very interesting phenomenon that doctors continue to explore, as it may shed some light on the functions of the brain.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Millionaire's Secret - Give A Piece Of Straw

By Masami Sato

A millionaire made easy through giving!

Given below is a mythological story from Japan about the beauty of giving to others and it tells us how we can receive the most perfect gifts when we're giving and grateful of what we own.

This is the folk tale.

Once upon a time, there was a poor young farmer. Everything he did in his life never seemed to produce any wealth for him. He was totally broke with no money, no family and no food. So one night he sneaked into a temple and sat by the altar and in desperation asked the Gods what he was supposed to do.

"I have always been honest and hardworking, but all my hard work never produced any reward for me. What am I doing wrong?"

He slept at the feet of the deity after having put that question. In the morning, just as he woke up, one of the Gods of his dream appeared before him enveloped in a brilliant golden light. The voice of the God resounded in his mind.

"After you wake up in the morning, value that which you have in your hand and keep giving it fully to others as you move forward," the God told him.

The farmer opened his eyes. There were many things that he wanted to ask but he managed to pull himself up and tried to remove the confusion of the strange dream. But there seemed to be a piece of straw in his hand. It must have remained stuck on his dress while he worked in his land.

He almost threw it away, but stopped short of doing it recollecting what God had said about it. He seated himself again and stared at the straw in his hand.

He sat for a long while wondering what that meant. He had no idea how a broken bit of a straw can be of any use to him. Suddenly he saw a wasp buzzing around. The wasp soon alighted on the tip of the straw. He caught hold of the wasp and bound it to the straw with a piece of string from his dress. Thus with a piece of straw with a wasp at one end, he proceeded.

He had proceeded only a bit when he saw a woman and her child coming from the opposite direction. The child was crying. When he wished them, the boy saw the straw in the farmer's hand with a wasp dangling at the end. The child was curious and asked the farmer if he could have it. He was about to refuse when he remembered how God had told him to cherish what he had and also at the same time to give to others what he had. So he offered the straw to the child. The mother became happy since the child stopped crying because of the gift. In return for the straw the lady gave the man three tangerines.

The man continued on his way. After a while he started feeling hungry and wanted to eat one of the tangerines. But he stopped short of doing it and remembered that he had to gift things to others, not give it to himself.

He had to climb a steep hill and there he saw a trader sitting on the earth under a tree. Near the man was a wooden box. The farmer wished the trader who seemed to be very tired. The trader saw the tangerines the farmer had and asked if he could have them. The trader said he was very thirsty.

The farmer was also quite thirsty having walked for a long time during the heat of the day but he offered all the tangerines to the merchant. The merchant ate the three tangerines and regained his strength. He was very grateful for the kindness of the farmer and opened the wooden box next to him. There were rolls of hand dyed silk fabric. The merchant handed him one roll, thanked him and walked off.

The farmer walked again and continued on the same path. After a while he found a river from which he drank water. He felt recharged. He went forward with more energy and a feeling of ease.

He walked for some more time but did not come across anyone else. He felt that the silk might be that which would bring him something good. So he chose to go to a town in the vicinity and trade the fabric.

But just as he went around the corner, he saw in front of him a band of fighters. One of the fighters who looked liked the head of the band stood near a horse that was lying on the earth. The farmer heard the leader talking to his men.

"This horse is not likely to live long. We will have to abandon it here. Just look after it and follow me." Saying this, he climbed on to another horse and rode off and disappeared.

The fighters who remained there conferred among themselves as to what to do. They had no interest in putting it to death but there was no other option. Finally one of them drew the sword.

The farmer ran to them and requested them to refrain from killing it. He opted to care for the animal. In return for that he gave them the bolt of silk he had. They were happy of the offer and went away fast.

With the dying horse by his side, the farmer just remained there. He wondered if he had done things wrongly and whether he would never become rich. Suddenly he remembered the river he had seen on the way.

He turned back and went to the river, removed his shirt and immersed it in the river to get water for the horse. He went back to the animal lying on the earth and pressed the water out of the shirt gently into its mouth. As the water went inside drop by drop, the animal slowly got recharged and finally the farmer was able to help it stand up.

The horse finally stood up on its legs so the farmer could take the horse to the stream. As the horse took more water and ate some fresh green grass around the stream, it soon began to regain strength.

Now the farmer had a horse! They set off again together, this time the man had to run to keep up. The horse was actually leading the way. They ran together for miles. As the sun starting to go down, the horse finally stopped in front of a large house. As the farmer caught up, the horse pushed him with his nose to the entrance of the house.

As the farmer approached the gate, the doors swung open and to his surprise, an old man appeared. The old man was rushing outside and was looking a little pale. He noticed the farmer and the horse standing by the gate.

The man queried the farmer what he wanted. The farmer replied that he was in need of a place to retire for the night. The old man in his turn said that he had to go to the town on an important matter and requested the farmer to be in charge of the house till such time that he returned. He said that his returning might get delayed.

As the old man seemed to be in a hurry, the farmer offered him the horse. The old man appreciated the generous offer and took off with the horse. As he was leaving, he said something peculiar to the farmer.

"If I do not come back in three years' time, this house belongs to you."

As you perhaps inferred, the old man did not return.

The farmer lived in the large house for the rest of his life with a land full of crops surrounded by kind neighbors happily ever after. But he never forgot to always give away the things he had.

I am grateful to you for reading this story. And how did you feel about it?

Maybe there is a key to something. When we can turn our 'getting game' into a 'giving game', our life often flows bringing more abundance. But it is not always easy to practice the old wisdom in our real life.

Given below are the remarkable factors that we can glean from the story:

* When we are willing to provide what others want, their value for it enhances more than when we are trying to 'barter' it (as mostly we hope to get something out of it) since they compare the price with what we expect for it and would obviously pay less.

* When there is no lasting attachment to the things we own, we will see that we have wider chances since we are able to free ourselves from what we have.

* When we are down and out with the problems of life, instead of worrying about the negativities if we kept focus more on giving others and caring for them, life would surely bring glad tidings later.

* If we try to turn into cash what we have accumulated, because of the conviction that "this is all it would get" thinking that if we do not encash it, we will lose, our life will stand still. Instead, why don't we keep on giving more and more irrespective of what we have or whether we are actually rich or not.

Giving is part of many successful people's lives. When we give first, we have more chance of living a life of magnificence, ease and expansion.

About the Author:

Develop Powers Of Clairvoyance

By Declan Dunn

You have probably heard of clairvoyance a whole lot in psychic commercials and ads. But did you know that anyone can develop clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is an ability that everyone has, it is just a matter of whether or not one is willing to take the steps to develop it. It is like learning a new skill. It can be the same as trying to play the guitar. With practice, you will become very good at it.

However, if you arent familiar with the term, here's what clairvoyance is: this is the ability to know things which are not perceivable by the five senses and even the ability to know things before they happen. It's a psychic ability which all of us can use if we take the time to develop it.

There are many benefits to developing your natural clairvoyant powers. You'll be able to see the world in a new light which will make you a happier person and give you a sense of inner peace as well as releasing your creativity and giving you more mental clarity than you may have believed possible. However, once you develop clairvoyance you will need to be on guard against negative energies.

People who have developed clairvoyance are receptive to all kinds of energy; negative as well as positive. Do your best to avoid situations, people and places which are filled with negative energy and when you do encounter it, try to balance it out with your own positive energy.

Here are some simple ways that you can begin to develop clairvoyance right now:

Rid yourself of negative possessions. If you have possessions in your home that bring you bad vibes or feelings, then get rid of them. Get everything out of your life that gives off bad or evil vibes to you. It could be the clothes of a dead relative or the hat of an old boyfriend. Whatever it is, as long as it makes you feel negative, you do not need it in your life. Have a bonfire for everything that you do not want in your life and home and allow that to cleanse you of your negativity.

Meditation: Make 30 minutes every day for meditation. Choose somewhere quiet where you can sit or walk and clear your head. This allows you to catch your breath and think somewhere away from the pressures of your daily routine.

Since meditation can relieve stress, it's also helpful to you as you work to develop clairvoyance. A cluttered mind is not going to help; your daily meditation will make you more relaxed and at peace. Try combining deep breathing with your meditation and you'll see even better results.

Learn to trust your feelings and your instincts: When you're in touch with these aspects of your personality, it will be much easier for you to develop clairvoyance. Let your instincts be your guide. If something feels like the right move, then it more than likely is the next step you need to take on the path to unlocking your psychic talents.

Don't let self doubt get the best of you. Keep your self-esteem high and trust in yourself. Believe in your ability to develop clairvoyance. Believe in yourself and your abilities and you'll be on your way to success in using your natural psychic abilities.

Let go and let your feelings and instincts take you where they will. Children are often thought to be much more clairvoyant than adults are because of their no-worries and carefree attitudes. When they feel something is not right, they do not hold back, they express those feelings every time. We should all practice letting go of our rigid and negative personality traits and worries and just let go. You will be surprised at where your hunches and feelings will guide you.

Every single person already possesses psychic talents including clairvoyance. These are things which are latent in all of us and with the right kind of preparation and training, they will come to the fore and you will benefit from these natural talents.

There are many things that can assist you to develop clairvoyance; regular affirmations and hypnosis sessions for example. These can be either with a trained therapist or self-hypnosis by listening to clairvoyance development audios. These can help you to communicate with your subconscious mind; once your subconscious mind realizes that it is okay for your dormant clairvoyant powers to be 'unlocked' you will soon start to notice a difference.

Properly caring for the energy centers of your body, the chakras, is also very important if you want to develop clairvoyance. Your chakras need to be cleansed of negative energy and kept in balance, especially the crown and third eye chakras which control your psychic abilities.

As you can see, anyone who wants to can develop clairvoyance powers. As a matter of fact, if most of us were not so tied down and inhibited by the responsibilities and tasks of this world and made the effort, we would find that we can develop clairvoyance powers very easily. All we need to do is to not be so negative, learn to cleanse our energies, and just relax!

About the Author:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Hell and Heaven Cannot Exist?

By Agniveer Agni

In plain words, the basic beliefs of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are as follows:

- God is just, kind, perfect - This life is our first and last life - God is testing us here - Based on the marks we obtain in this test, we will go to either Heaven or Hell.

The differences between the three Abrahamic cults lie only in - the testing criteria and the descriptions of Heaven and Hell - the level of blind faith required for passing this Test.

But the basic premise remains exactly the same - One Life which is first and final Test, God is best examiner, and Result is Pass (Heaven) or Fail (Hell) .

Let us evaluate this basic construct critically through a series of illustrations, and decide whether it is logically plausible.

1. Many children die in the wombs. Now where would they go as per this theory of Heaven or Hell? Most religious scholars say they go to Heaven because they never did anything wrong in their lives.

But the question is "Did they even have an option to do anything wrong?"

Is God not being partial by clearing one candidate even without starting his examination, and another one has to keep giving test after test continuously for 100 years!

2. Many children die young before they reach maturity. Even the wrong acts they do are not out of willful desire to do something wrong but out of innocence. Would they reach Heaven or Hell?

If they reach Heaven, then why does God not kill everyone in their childhood and ensure a seat in Heaven for them? Is God not being unjust and imperfect?

And if they are destined for Hell, what was their fault?

Let us say twins were born on earth. Both lived same innocent life for first 3 years. Then one died in an accident. He would go straight to Heaven as per religious scholars. The other remained innocent for next few years, then got distracted, became an Apostate/Kafir and died at age of 60. Now he should go to Hell, as per the Books.

Is this not God's crime that he made him live for 60 years and not his brother? Had he killed both at same age of 3 years, both would have gone to Heaven!

So one life and permanent Heaven/Hell thereafter proves God is unjust.

3. A person is born mentally disabled due to a birth defect. His mental faculties do not develop beyond age of five. But he lives a long life. Will he go to Hell or Heaven?

Again the same questions as above rise. And result in either God being unjust or concept of one life as test to enter Heaven/Hell being wrong.

4. One person is born in Hindu family, another in an atheist society like China, one as a Muslim and another as a Christian. Based on what they imbibe from their respective societies, they become a devout Hindu, Atheist, Muslim and Christian respectively.

But as per Islam, only those who believe in Quran and Muhammad unconditionally alone can go to Heaven. As per Christians, only those who surrender to Jesus totally without doubts alone can go to Heaven.

So who will go where?

Definitely the Hindu and Atheist are bound to go to Hell. Now my question is "Was God not unjust by not giving everyone birth in family of Muslim or Christian, whosoever is correct?"

What is my fault if I was born and brought up in a Hindu family and never got any reason to be convinced by Quran or Bible? Why has God planned my stay in Hell from advance?

5. A devout follower of Islam believes that children go to Heaven if they die. So as a charitable mission, he starts killing children. His logic is that, even if he has to burn in Hell forever, he should kill innocent children so that they get confirmed reservation for Paradise!

Thus he is doing a selfless philanthropic service. Will he go to Heaven or Hell?

If he goes to Heaven, then Allah or God is setting a wrong example for people to follow.

If he goes to Hell, then selflessness is bad.

Further, since no one will actually know who will go where until doomsday comes, it means God has already spread enough confusion to motivate many innocent selfless social workers to follow the path of infanticide and killing!

6. An unbiased testing environment will demand that - first the subject be taught to everyone with same facilities, - then they should be evaluated under same testing environment.

Accordingly, God should have first imbibed Quran or Bible, whichever is true, in hearts of all people, then given them birth in same types of family, allowed them to grow up in same place and in same conditions, and only then should have conducted the test.

But in this world, we find the testing environment to be as diverse as one can possibly imagine. And yet God is claimed to be perfect, just and kind!

Most religious scholars answer this paradox by saying that God or Allah knows how to decide the fate by whatever acts people have done in their respective lives based on whatever environment they had to live in. This seems to be like God having something like the Duckworth-Lewis formula which is used to decide winner of an interrupted cricket match.

Now this raises few doubts:

One, if indeed God is perfect and He has such a great scoring formula, why did he create the entire drama and wasted so many years? He should have used the formula in the very beginning and directly sent everyone to either Heaven or Hell!

Two, If the formula works on a stillborn child or a fetus, why did he unnecessarily bias against certain folks and had them face troubles of long lives? After all He had created everyone equal to start with!

Three, The test seems to have discrete results. As per Quran, all Heaven-goers would get 72 virgins each. There seems to be no concept of variation of results as per deeds. Some books do talk of several varieties of Heaven, but these merely increase a binary solution to a finite number solution (Instead of one Heaven and one Hell, there are now say 10 Heavens and 10 Hells). But still there is no continuous gradation. It is like a continuous function equation is giving a non-zero discrete answer, which is mathematically improbable.

7. People seem to be retaining their youthful bodies in Heaven. Now will they be able to change their looks if they want to? What about children and fetus who go to Heaven? Will they go as adults? Will they receive a training in Hebrew or Arabic which is supposed to be the language of Heaven? If indeed so, why did God not make only one single language in earth also?

8. What about animals - reptiles, insects, mammals and other creatures? Will they go to Heaven or Hell? The earlier belief was that animals do not have souls. But now that it has been amply proved that at least the higher animals feel pain and pleasure like humans, the opinion is divided.

Some claim that they will also go to Heaven. Others say that Allah knows the best!

In case they go to Heaven, why did God or Allah bias against others and not gave them birth as cockroaches and goats? That way they too would have got straight passport to Heaven!

In case they go to Hell, what was their fault?

Also, will they live like cockroaches and goats, or will they get human body? Will their intelligence be enhanced? Or they remain equally dumb as in earth?

9. Heaven and Hell seem to be permanent. It will continue forever, as per these religions. Now if that be so, God's injustice becomes even more prominent in light of above points.

Based on one single test, God put certain people directly in Heaven without testing them at all! Others he tested for so many years. Some he gave birth in homes of Apostates, some as children of Prophet himself.

Is this not gravest cheating?

God is the most unjust and biggest cheater of these stories of there being one single exam and Heaven/Hell forever be true.

A corollary: What would happen if people start fighting or cheating or adultery in Heaven? Will they be shifted to Hell? Or will they be permitted to do whatever they want and yet remain in Heaven?

The Holy Books seem to be silent on this!

10. Recently there was news that a 2 month old baby was raped.

Now who is being tested? The victim or the rapist?

If its test of victim, is it in a position to respond?

If its test of the rapist, why the hell did God make the poor little baby as a scapegoat?

God seems nothing more than a crazy, stupid, psychopathic dictator if these stories be true.

11. Almost all books of Eastern philosophies refute the concept of one birth. They believe in life being a continuous cycle not interrupted by death. Its broadly termed the Theory of Karma.

Now if this were not true, why did God act like a Kafir/ Apostate and confuse minds of people who were born in Eastern part of the globe, from very childhood.

As per Bible and Quran, God has done great miracles in past including burning entire towns and villages, and giving birth to prophets like Jesus without need of a human father. If He can do so much, why did he not burn these books of East forever? After all He himself laid the criteria that those who refuse to believe in Jesus or Muhammad will go to Hell! Ideally he should have stopped the creation of these books in the first place!

12. In Muslim texts, Muhammad has foretold that he sees Heaven full of men and Hell full of women. This means that there is already reservations made on basis of gender. Is this not match-fixing by the whimsical dictator named God or Allah?(Refer KITAB AL-RIQAQ, Chapter 1, Sahih Bukhari Book 36, Number 6596, Book 36, Number 6597, Book 36, Number 6600)

13. Also, as per Islam, each male will get 4 faithful wives in Heaven. But if Heaven if full of only men, as per previous claim of Muhammad, does it not mean that Heaven would be a homosexual paradise? Because with majority being males, it is mathematically impossible for everyone to get 4 female wives each. And if homosexuality is the only way in Paradise, why condemn it on earth?

Perhaps the only women who go to Paradise may be the lesbians (because straight women cannot enjoy 72 virgins that would be allotted to them!)

14. What about terrorists who were brainwashed from very childhood to do Jehad? Will people like Kasab who killed many in Mumbai attack go to Heaven or Hell? They were simply brainwashed by fanatics to take up arms to seek Allah!

15. If indeed there is only life, why did God create so much of confusion about His original message.

The original Bible is simply not available. Quran was compiled after death of Prophet. And those who compiled were fighting each other to death. How can only rely on such blood-thirsty people to have had the capability to reproduce the original message of God? Further certain verses seem to have been added in Quran out of Satanic influences on Prophet.

If Allah or God is so just, and is giving only one life to compete, why did he create such confusions which no human being can decipher. And then he lays the criteria that unless you are out of this confusion, you will burn in Hell! Not satisfied with this, he further went to condemn certain people to remain away forever from his message!

16. Both Islam and Christianity believe that God forgives the sins of one who agrees to accept the respective religion! This means that regardless of whatever you have done, if finally you say sorry, you will go scot-free in Heaven! And if you have been a devout believer but at last moment you say, "I refuse to believe", he will give you ticket to Hell.

This raises further doubts:

One, Does it not render the entire life and all its multi-dimensionality and complexity wasteful? The entire life, its efforts, its studies all go for a toss, and what remains is a final yes or no. Is this not against nature?

We all know anger is bad. But still we succumb to anger at times, due to limits of our understanding and our neural programming.

So if someone has been a believer throughout but out of confusion, in last few days of his life, became an apostate, why should he be punished so severely?

And another one, who was apostate forever, why should he be rewarded Heaven despite all the nonsense he thought and did for decades?

No decision is without confusion. The only way to take a right decision without confusion is to know everything and be able to analyze everything. This is impossible for any human. Thus no decision of human can be considered reliable and final.

Thus regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with Quran/ Bible, the decision is full of confusion and based on extremely limited knowledge.

Is God not crazy then to curse one to Hell and another one to Heaven forever, based on a momentary decision which was taken out of ignorance?

Is God not stupid to have designed such a faulty testing mechanism that relies on ignorance of people which will decide the fate of all souls forever?

Two, Does it not provide an inbuilt motivation mechanism in the system to keep doing all sorts of nonsense throughout the life and say sorry at the end?

We thus, see many becoming saint-like as old age comes to say sorry and go to Heaven. More careful ones do the nonsense, and then confess the same, and go scot-free!

Three, Why does nature work opposite to God's method then? Was nature designed by God when he was imperfect, or what is a joint-venture with Satan?

Because in nature, if you commit a mistake, you cannot go scot-free without paying the price.

If you eat lots of sugars and get diabetic, you do not get cured by saying Sorry! You need to undergo the entire treatment process and even then perfect cure is not guaranteed. We do not get strong by saying, Sorry! We do not get back our teeth by saying, Sorry! We do not become scholars by saying, Sorry! We do not master skills by saying, Sorry!

On contrary, in nature, everything happens in a continuous process as per definite laws. There is simply no escape from it. Why does God suddenly become so dismally and so confusingly discrete then! God must be crazy!

17. If God is just and kind, why does He demand belief in things we can neither see, hear, analyze or feel, for booking our permanent future?

Neither we see God, nor see Him doing the kind of miracles we read in Bible or Quran, nor we witness any Prophets or messengers around, nor we have ever seen any Holy Spirit or Angel, nor we ever see any virgin giving birth to any baby, nor we have seen even trailer of Heaven/ Hell, nor we ever saw the Garden of Eden, nor did we discover the seven/ four skies etc etc.

Yet belief in each of these is necessary to book a seat in Heaven!

And if we do not, we are doomed to Hell forever!

On top of it, God gave us the intelligence to be able to test what is fraud and what is right. In this world, we respect those people more who have more of this intelligence.

But in God's kingdom, this intelligence is the greatest cause of sin.

Only the blinds will enter the Heaven. Rest shall burn in Hell!

The God's world is indeed very confusing.

God must be crazy!

(For a critical evaluation of these beliefs, please review Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 of Satyarth Prakash (Light of Truth)

About the Author:

Simple Ways Of Experiencing Amazing Lucid Dreams!

By Colleen Rikke

If you are not yet familiar with the phrase, Lucid Dreaming is a relatively simple concept. A Lucid Dream is a dream where you are aware that you are dreaming, even while in the middle of it. The degree of lucidity depends on a few things - how much control you can exert over events in the dream, how much of the dream you can remember upon waking and how stable the dream is.

Having control over the dream is the most important part of a Lucid Dream. It's an amazing thing to be in a dream yet to know that it is in fact a dream. You are in the driver's seat of your dream and you can experience anything you have ever wanted to.

Just consider that for a moment. Lucid Dreaming looks, feels and engages all of your other senses as if it were really happening but you know that you are only dreaming and will be totally safe no matter what you do. This is the kind of virtual reality experience which computer experts can only dream of creating!

A growing number of people are mastering Lucid Dreaming and trying it for themselves. While most of us have an experience with Lucid Dreaming at some point in our lives, just imagine how great it would be to have a Lucid Dram any time you choose!

A Lucid Dream can be a doorway to some amazing experiences! Meeting and interacting with your favorite celebrity, having untamed erotic fantasies, taking a trip to distant planets, visiting fantasy worlds and touring them, conversing with a lost loved one, in fact anything at all; there are no limits to your imagination!

Being able to experience Lucid Dreaming on a regular basis is something which used to take a long time to be able to do. Some people spent months before they could have a Lucid Dream - and some were never able to master the technique.

So are there any simple ways of experiencing a Lucid Dream?

Some people report that certain foods can encourage Lucid Dreaming if consumed shortly before sleeping - Mustard, Orange Juice and dairy products among them.

Others recommend popcorn, pickles, fish and ice cream. While these people say that these foods prepare your mind for Lucid Dreaming, it should be noted that many of them are also high in salt and fat, which won't necessarily help you to get a good night's rest.

Can Technology Help You?

Technological developments have made it easier than ever for people to have Lucid Dreaming experiences. Devices which can assist you in having Lucid Dreams include sleep masks and eyeshades which flash a LED when REM sleep is detected, reminding the dreamer that they are dreaming and lets them take control over their dream!

Another of the new developments is an audio technology known as binaural beats. Different frequencies are played in each ear of the listener; this has been found to be helpful in achieving Lucid Dreams.

What this process does is to synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain. And almost instantly, just by listening to these special frequencies, puts the brainwaves into a state known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep which is the state needed to achieve a lucid dream.

If you have always wanted to try Lucid Dreaming for yourself, binaural sound presents the quickest and easiest way to begin.

About the Author:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Finding Cheap Wedding Bands

By Sally Oldham

Have you had the idea of possibly hiring cheap wedding bands? Did you think it might make a better alternative than a DJ spinning some lousy records? Having a wedding band play at your wedding can really give it some swing however if you book a low end band it can have the same sad affect as a DJ not making the night worth remembering.

You may even be able to find cheap wedding bands through some of your family or friends who will play for you at a low cost. However, if truth be told any cheap band you hire is more than likely to be a pub band with not much experience for big events.

Good wedding bands and also cheap wedding bands can be found on the internet using powerful large search engines like google or yahoo for example. A good wedding band will have its own website or social networking site like face book where you can look through all their videos or songs that they have posted up.

The more professional the site appears shows how professional they are and how much they care about their work as a cheap wedding bands to the very last detail.

If you are still unsure about the cheap wedding bands you are looking to hire and still feel nervous about it any good band should have on their website a list of places they have played at. You might want to give them a call and ask what they thought of the band, because after all they do not have any reason to lie do they?

Alternatively why not go to one of the band's future gigs if they are listed online a cheap wedding band will not have that kind of credibility or professionalism about them. So the saying about you gets what you pay for really rings true.

Especially on a big night like your wedding, it defiantly is not worth the risk to cut any corners when it comes to hiring cheap wedding bands since you are going to remember this day for years to come.

How much should I be paying for cheap wedding bands? It will undoubtedly depend on the quality you desire in your band and also how much they are willing to travel.

Most likely, your best bet is to go with local cheap wedding bands that have good quality and will be a lot cheaper than a band that has a large travel expense. In reality, your budget will reflect the band. In essence, "cheap" does not mean bad quality it means you have shopped around for the best deal you can find for a quality local band.

About the Author:

Read This And Discover Your True Potential

By Agniveer Agni

Question: What exactly is the Theory of Karma?

Answer: Put simply, theory of Karma states that 1. Your thoughts become reality. 2. Inversely, your present reality is nothing but a cumulative manifestation of whatever thoughts you decided to think of till date. These include both the conscious and unconscious thoughts. 3. The purpose of this reality is to help you rise above sorrow and achieve bliss. And you can change your reality to higher bliss by changing your thoughts.

Thus, life is not an unplanned random chemical reaction. Instead, life and world around is a well-planned system built to guide you towards bliss. And the way to use this system effectively is through directing the thoughts towards achievement of bliss.

Question: Does it mean happiness alone is goal of life?

Answer: Exactly. The only goal of life is to achieve happiness or bliss. And the way to achieve it is through proper understanding of the mechanism of the life system and directing our thoughts towards most optimal use of this system.

Question: What about those people who sacrifice their own happiness for sake of others?

Answer: They do not sacrifice their happiness, they merely sacrifice their short-term conveniences in pursuit of higher levels of happiness. The satisfaction derived from selflessness is way above the happiness derived from mundane activities. You can compare it with our own lives. As children, we enjoy many activities like eating soil. But as we grow up, we seek higher levels of pleasure and will never be eager to exchange these pleasures with many of the childish pleasures.

As you will realize, the way the world has been designed, we are all closely interdependent like various molecules of water in a pond. We cannot maximize our individual happiness without maximizing the happiness of the world. So smart people trade-off their short-term conveniences for significantly higher levels of happiness derived from thinking about and acting for betterment of the world.

Question: Are thoughts everything? What about actions?

Answer: Thoughts are not everything. But they are the only starting point we have in our control. Everything else including our actions are next steps of the process that starts with each thought. All we do and achieve starts with a thought in the mind. Even the thought of 'empty thinking without action' is a thought we decide to accept that leads us to the resulting consequences as per Theory of Karma. And decision to act is also a thought we decide to accept.

And as we would realize, thoughts that do not culminate into actions, in general, lead us away from bliss. In complete framework, three aspects of this thought should go hand in hand - Knowledge, Actions and Contemplation. A thought system that encompasses all the three is necessary.

Question: How do we decide what thoughts will lead to happiness and what thoughts will not?

Answer: There are various ways to decide it. But the fundamental principle is that Truth=Bliss

Consider two forces to be operating in our lives: Knowledge and Ignorance. Knowledge leads us to truth and Ignorance away from truth. And they are controlled by our most fundamental thought - the Will or Sankalpa in Sanskrit. This Sankalpa or Will leads to further thoughts which result in consequent actions and these result in the reality we face. If we direct our Will to pursuit of Truth, we will move closer to Bliss. And away from Bliss otherwise.

The rest of the ways are merely expansions of this basic principle, Truth = Bliss

Question: How do we decide what is truth?

Answer: There are various ways. Basically its an evolutionary approach. Decision of truth demands exclusion of all sorts of blind beliefs and an openness to change the stand as and when we get new information and facts. The essential component is again, a Will or Sankalpa to accept the truth.

The various methods include: a. Process of elimination. Like a smart CAT or GMAT aspirant, one should immediately reject those choices which are obviously false, based on reasoning and fact. For example, when we know that earth is round, all theories based on hypothesis of earth being flat, including so-called religious books should immediately be rejected. b. Testing for internal contradictions in an hypothesis. For example, a theory says that God is just. And then it says that He shall put more women in Hell. Now both these statements contradict each other. Hence they are worth immediate rejection. c. Internal analysis and reasoning. d. Verification of facts etc.

This is a science in itself requiring detailed analysis and contemplation. But the only prerequisite to understand it is a Will seeking truth.

Question: How does Theory of Karma works?

Answer: It works instantaneously. Each thought in the mind produces a a certain pattern of neuron firing in the mind. Based on this, various physiological changes start taking place including change in hormonal levels, heart-rate etc. Further, even the neurological patterns start adapting to this thought. Thus, if you think of same thing again and again, the neurons create a pattern that next time it is easier to take that thought process ahead. That is why we see people getting into good or bad habits. These thoughts define one's thinking patterns, and hence his or her personality, health and actions.

Thus, each thought influences who we are. And by changing this thought, we can decide who we would be. Further, the same process is happening among all humans. And when we interact with them, based on our thought patterns we produce a myriad of social patterns and behaviors, which further influence who we are.

Not only humans and society, this influence is also extended to nature in general because we are designed to exchange matter and energy continuously with nature. Thus we would see that merely by will-power, at times, unbelievable miracles happen in medical science.

Thus thoughts become our destiny. We, the souls, are different from our body and mind. And when we die, the body and mind (brain) stop having sustainable exchange of matter and energy with nature, and hence the system decays to death. But the soul, who was controlling this system, is unaffected.

Now it gets into another emerging system (mind-body) and starts its journey again. Because memories are part of brain cells, they get destroyed in this migration process. But the soul carries a vital body with it which carries the Sanskaars (traits) with it. God ensures that the new system provided is the best fit for uninterrupted journey ahead for the soul. Now, based on traits, the soul develops its personality again. It also continues interaction with the world outside in the same manner as it was doing earlier and continues to evolve itself.

At each moment, God ensures that situation we face in the world is best suited for our pursuit of ultimate bliss. This is a continuous optimization process. If we exercise our will to do stupid things, stupid situations emerge and we start a descending to unhappiness. If we exercise our will to do things in pursuit of truth, we ascend. This process is uninterrupted by death.

Question: What about animals and lower species? How can they exercise their will?

Answer: Broadly speaking, only humans have the potential to exercise their will. Other species can only accept what happens to them and cannot exercise their will? When a soul descends too low that it no more exercises its will as a human, then it gets birth as animals where these tendencies that it had collected can be purged out. Same is case with those born insane or terminally ill.

Please note that it is a multi-dimensional world. So depending upon the thought patterns in these various dimensions and aspects of life, the potential combinations are virtually infinite. It is not a discrete system but completely continuous. Thus conditions vary for birth of each soul - in different species, conditions, health, society etc.

Question: What about accidents and events on which we have no control through our thoughts?

Answer: Critically analyzing, on most of these events we have a control through our collective intelligence. Thus, collectively we all are responsible for terrorism and environmental damage. And we all can do something about it even individually. We can never absolve ourselves of any responsibility on pretext of we being one single individual, as per Theory of Karma.

The birth we got on this earth was best suited to our future growth (as bliss seekers) given our traits and tendencies so far. These include our exercise of will in social aspects as well. So the events we face are also consequence of our actions.

There are certain events we face without any control of ours. They may result out of our past actions. In any case, none of the events hamper our eligibility to seek further happiness ever. At best, there may be a temporary delay, based on theory of Karma. And even this delay can be used to further elevate ourselves on certain other aspects that we may have missed so far. Remember, its a multi-dimensional world with variety of aspects to look into.

Question: Why do we not remember our past lives?

Answer: Because in general, they are unnecessary to fulfill our goals. Remember that this is a completely optimized process with no scope for redundancies. If we remember our past lives, we would not be able to look ahead. Thus, most of the events of even this birth are not remembered by us, forget about past life. Its a natural law that only what is relevant is remembered. And when people try to break this law by living in past, they get into a variety of mental problems because of indulgence in an unnatural act.

The maximum pleasure we derive in life is by living in present and directing our efforts to future. That is why, perhaps the common word to mean Ghost and Past is Bhoot in Sanskrit. (By the way, there are no ghosts as per Theory of Karma!)

Question: Why we get punishment for acts of past life we do not even remember?

Answer: There is no concept of punishment and reward, in the sense we normally understand, in Theory of Karma. There is only a continuous self-correcting optimization process directed towards maximization of bliss or happiness. Unlike commonly believed, it is never that suddenly a disaster happens in life out of blue. There are no discontinuities in Theory of Karma.

An example is case of diabetes. It does not happen suddenly one night. On contrary, due to bad lifestyle habits, we keep accumulating diabetes. And when symptoms start manifesting in middle age, we term ourselves as diabetic. But in reality, this did not happen in one single day. We were always diabetic from first time we did something contrary to good health habits. And each moment that we lived healthy, we moved away from diabetes. But each moment, we ignored health issues. we were a step closer. The final manifestation of the disease represents cumulative effect of the entire journey. Now we may not remember even 1% of the acts we did to cause our diabetes, but still we turn diabetic, because our tendencies were diabetic.

Similarly, even though we do not remember our past lives, our current tendencies are a cumulative summary of our entire history. Details of specific events are not important. The so called punishments that seem to come out of blue are nothing but continuation of those traits that got manifested into visible symptoms presently.

And the way out again is simple- refine our thought process. As we refine our thought process and start learning how to use our Will for increased happiness, we shall stop accumulating tendencies that cause grief. And then these so-called punishments will cease to erupt.

Question: Why do good people have to face so many miseries when they have good thoughts and good actions?

Answer: 1. Happiness is a state of mind. What we often consider as misery is nothing but short-term inconveniences that anyone would gladly trade-off for higher levels of happiness. For example, when we play sports, we pant, get injured, get exhausted, but we still keep playing. Because the happiness we derive is much higher compared to these petty pains. In fact we enjoy this pain!

2. Many of these miseries are due to cumulative tendencies of past which start showing symptoms now.

3. Many other are similar to what happens when we start exercising after a long time. It pains for a few days because our system is not adapted to the healthy habit. But in a few days, the pain vanishes and we start getting the benefits.

4. Many other are those natural troubles which we can never get rid of in life. And one of the goals of using our Will is to learn how to ignore being affected by these mentally.

5. Some miseries are because even good people are not good in all aspects. Thus, one may be a very honest person. But he does not have a strong body and did not learn how to defend himself. He is killed by goons because he was weak. This is because of his lack of right Will in matters of health and self-defense. Remember, being powerful goes in sync with knowing truth.

Question: Why we see bad people getting so powerful?

Answer: The inverse of above is true in most cases. 1. These bad people are never at internal peace. Nature did not design us to tolerate being corrupt, cheat, criminal, crooked etc. Even if we learn to ignore symptoms, these do cause their adverse effects. Despite having material power, these people are the most unhappy ones we know - always insecure, tense, trusting none and facing mental troubles. Bad habits or bad traits are like unhygienic or junk food.

2. Again, the world is multi-dimensional. Good or bad is not a singular adjective to give to anyone. One maybe bad in almost all aspects of life, but has great confidence, self-belief and tactfulness, which are positive traits. Accordingly, he would succeed in certain areas of life including material aspects, but would fare miserably in other areas.

Question: What is the purpose of Theory of Karma?

Answer: So that we all can achieve the ultimate levels of bliss. Its a complete meritocracy with no favoritism or whimsicalness. As we think, so we become. It all depends on direction and intensity of our thoughts. If we examine life critically, we will get enough clues to see this theory at work. And we can then use it to gain our happiness, without depending on others' whims.

Question: Why does God test us?

Answer: No, God never tests us. Thats a false notion. God only manages this system as per Theory of Karma for us. and has given us complete liberty to decide our fate. What we think to be a test by God, is nothing but our own previous traits that we are battling.

Question: What is the goal of life?

Answer: To gain ultimate level of happiness, by using this Theory of Karma.

Question: Even Sex, Boozing, Sensuality et al give us happiness? Is it right as per Theory of Karma?

Answer: No, they do not give happiness. Instead they create illusion of happiness by numbing our senses and intellect. Anything that causes us to act without using the faculty of thinking, is actually a surest recipe for miseries. Our happiness increases only when the source of that happiness is less and less dependent on external sources. This can happen only through knowledge accumulation and acting with full-control over mind. Another way to look at it is by asking ourselves, "What is the purpose of this act?" If answer is merely entertainment or habit or other vague excuse, thats not the right act as per Theory of Karma.

The goal of life is to liberate ourselves from these false excuses by enhancing our knowledge. And any act that dumbs us moves the vehicle in opposite direction.

Question: Does God not forgive all our past sins, if we seek apology for our misdeeds?

Answer: Does that happen in real life? Do we get healed after an accident due to careless driving by saying sorry? If one could get away so easily by saying sorry, people would get lazy and simply say sorry when troubles come. Nature and its laws are nothing but physical manifestations of God's system. The rules that apply here are applied elsewhere also. In Vedic parlance, it is called, "Yat Pinde, Tat Brahmande" - Whatever happens in micro-system happens elsewhere also.

There is no place for apology in Theory of Karma. There is scope only for improvement. And this is exactly like starting to exercise after years of laziness. It will pain initially. System will take time to adapt to it. But the more the will-power, better we come in shape. No miracle will happen out of blue. But sure-shot progress will definitely happen with right Will.

Question: Is there a framework to understand how to start using this Will properly?

Answer: There is indeed the framework of Vedic Yoga for this. This has nothing to do with the so-called acrobatic exercises and poses you see. This is an approach to master the Self and master the art and science of living each moment as per Theory of Karma. It is extremely intuitive and based on sound principles that anyone can appreciate. Its the only system that works. But its a practical science and needs practice like martial arts or gymnastics.

Question: Where can I learn it?

Answer: You are already learning it if you are resolving to be on path of Truth and Happiness. Its an automatic internal process. Experts can help you provide distilled knowledge that you can start applying in your life and get results faster. But remember, unlike other arts, this is a process of internalizing. No teacher or guide can help you provide absolute knowledge. They can provide directions and you will have to decide as per your own intellect. In Theory of Karma, there is no transfer of responsibility. That remains 100% yours.

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dreams from God conforms with truth and reality

By Thomas Wong

To sleep perchance to dream. Dreams happen to everyone almost every night. But there are people who experience supernatural encounters in the format of dreams. These encounters can happen in many different level of intensity. God choose His way to communicate with people according to His sovereignty. Our responsibility is to recognize His voice and follow His way. While divine dreams happen in many different manners, there exist some common points which we could use to recognize the true divinely inspired dreams like their conformity.

The content and the message in a divine dream must conform to the messages in the Bible. If the message of the dream is a prophecy, then the prophecy must conform to the event that happens in the future. This is the conformity of dreams from God.

Sometimes dreams may even come with supernatural phenomenon, signs, wonders or accurate predictions. But as long as the dream contradicts the written word of God, we must be clear that it was not from God. This is well illustrated in Deuteronomy chapter 13. The law even commands to execute such person who dreams dreams with signs and wonders but speak contradicting messages to God's word.

The Lord lives outside of space and time. He sees the past, present and the future. It is amazing to see the prophecies in the Bible to fulfill. The bible predicted several thousand years ago that the nation Israel will be reestablished. It came true in 1948. If a dream predicted something in the future and if it was from God, then the prophecy should come true because God never makes mistakes.

We know that God is infinite. But we have to know that the principles to judge a revelation are finite. Therefore, we must not limit the way God communicate with us. Of course, we must test each and every claimed prophecy or dream with biblical truth. We must not accept some messages as the word of God casually or according to ourselves. But at the same time, we must stay tender and open to God. We welcome the new work of God. We welcome God to speak to us and encounter us in whatever ways He wills.

It is our responsibility to discern prophecies and revelations. But we must not be extreme and try to limit the work of God with manmade principles. It is important that we do not casually claim a dream to be a divine one from God. It is as important not to judge someone else and say that their dreams were not from God. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. substance: or, ground, or, confidence. It creates tension in our existence. It also creates tension in our discernment of prophetic dreams. We must be cautious and at the same time open to God.

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Surprising Health Benefits By Clearing Your Chakras!

By Gina Sherman

We live in a world where it takes an awful lot of energy just to make it through your day. We have overscheduled calendars and need to remain on the go constantly; it can be exhausting! You need to recharge your energy from time to time so that you can keep going for your goals and achieving them.

This is about more than your physical fatigue or your physical health. Your mental and spiritual condition are every bit as important. All three parts of your being have to be healthy and working together in harmony.

There are energy centers which are spread throughout our bodies, called chakras. Our chakras are responsible for maintaining the proper flow of energy. They are also what links our physical and non-physical beings.

Your chakras allow you to take your inner potential and manifest them as action as you work towards your goals. However, these internal energy centers can be depleted when you do not take the time to regularly clear and refresh them. Chakra clearing is something which should be a part of your life; it restores your inner stores of energy and makes you feel like a new person.

The primary chakras are located along your spine, but there are a large number of secondary and tertiary chakras which are located all over your body. Each has its own particular function, corresponding to a different physiological and psychological aspect of your being. By working on your chakras, you can bring them into proper function and make them work together harmoniously.

Clearing chakras is a simple idea: you remove the negative energy which can block your chakras from working properly and allow positive energy to fill them.

By making counterclockwise motions, you can eliminate negative energy from your chakras; clockwise motions will invite positive energy into your chakras.

It is common to feel slight discomfort or pain while clearing chakras; this is the negative energy leaving your body so that it can be replaced by positive energy.

Chakras are receptors for the positive energy of the universe. They take this energy and make it available for you to use.

After chakra clearing, you will feel energized and refreshed. This practice is something that a lot of people choose to make a regular part of their lives. How frequently You'll need to do chakra clearing yourself depends on you as an individual.

After clearing your chakras, You'll find yourself with increased self awareness, better coping skills and new ideas. Clearing and balancing your chakras can give you renewed energy and a different, more positive outlook on life.

If your're new to the concept of clearing chakras, you should start by working on them one at a time. Clearing one chakra at a time recharges each chakra as you go and lets them start taking in positive universal energy. After you are done clearing your chakras, You'll feel relaxed and refreshed in body and mind.

You should learn a bit about which chakras correspond to which parts of your body and which personality traits so that you can work on the chakras in the greatest need of clearing.

You need all of the energy you can get in our fast paced world. By keeping your energy centers in balance, you can make sure that your're ready for the challenges of modern life.

Remember that just like physical and mental health, spiritual health is an important part of your well being; clearing chakras recharges your entire being including the spiritual aspect.

Regular chakra clearing will make you refreshed and re-energized. You may find that you actually have more energy than you ever thought you did! Chakra clearing can help you to achieve ever better things in your life.

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