Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Trust in the Universe

By Abraham Lopian

Many of us have heard the saying, "Trust in the universe." But what does that really mean? How can we trust in some unseen force that has been distanced from our awareness? What is it we are trusting in? When you trust in the universe, you are truly trusting in the Godliness that is "you." You are trusting in that part of you that is deeply connected to the One where limitless knowledge thrives. The One gives us what our consciousness projects. Furthermore, the One is unconditional and manifests scenarios in our world that most closely reflect our love and fear, and everything in between, within our "total" consciousness. The universe manifests experiences that reflect our awareness (our conscious mind) and our unawareness (our subconscious self).

For this reason alone, we sometimes don't understand why certain things happen to us. Know everything you face is "you," and your subconscious self (your hidden self) plays a huge role in manifesting life experiences powered by your hidden secrets, fears, pain, and trauma. Both aspects are "you" playing vital roles in your life's many experiences. Know that God is always communicating with your "total" self (your conscious mind and subconscious self). Never underestimate your subconscious self (the unknown part of you that harbors emotional pain) that vibrates from moment-to-moment and works to manifests "its" reality which becomes "your" reality. The secret to changing your reality lies not only in the vibratory force of your conscious mind, but through the unveiling of the vibratory force within your hidden self. Be aware, and know your hidden self plays a pre-dominate role in the experiences you face each and every day. Once the hidden is revealed, it transitions into your awareness resulting in a "new" you-a transformed consciousness that will manifest different types of experiences in your world. Be cognizant of what you are projecting and remember: If it surrounds you, it is you.

We are surrounded by many illusions, and we must work to align our consciousness with a higher truth. Know the universe doesn't manifest scenarios based on what you are "trying" to "become" in a "future moment," the universe manifests scenarios based on what you "are" in the "present moment." In other words, the universe "feels" who you "are" now, right now-not what you are "trying" to be in some far off distant future possibility. Let us give you an example. It is common to hear people say, "I am 'trying' to become a better person, a better partner, a better this, or a better that." We are always "trying" to do something. Our focus seems to be on the act of "trying" and not on the act of "being." To "try" is to merely project the vibration of succumbing to failure. Mankind has become a master at wearing a mask of "deception." When we say the word, "try," we tend to fool ourselves into believing we have somehow "become" through our "trying." Just the opposite is true. What is interesting, if you look up the word "try" in the dictionary, you will find the following description: Admission to failure prior to it happening. For example, we fool ourselves when we say, "I am doing the best I can." What we must deeply realize and should be expressing is, "I am 'being' the best I can 'be.'"

The universe knows best. Prior to beginning a new journey, know your "be-in-g" (be-in-God). Know who you are "now." Focus on your energy. Know what it is you wish to gain. Know what you want the end result to be. Don't tell the universe "how to do it," just enjoy the ride and trust that you will be given exactly what it is you "are." An example of "trusting the universe" follows: You are driving on a trip. Unexpectedly, you miss a turn that leads to your intended destination. Suddenly, you find yourself lost and confused. Instead of becoming angry, irritable, and blaming yourself, you do something different: You trust in the universe. This is the key: Knowing everything that is happening to you at the very moment is right for you at this particular point in time. You understand you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Again, it is an unfathomable basin of brilliance that is all-knowing. If the universe has led you astray, open your eyes and see where you are "lost." Trust in the universe, and know you were led there for a reason. Maybe this is a place that offers you something. Maybe it is a place you "find" a new level of enlightenment.

Even a small scenario can have a powerful effect on your energy consciousness. It could be a smile, eyes locking with a stranger, a bird you have never seen before, or laughter between friends along the way. Your wrong turn could be the "right turn" and the potential for a memory you will never forget and forever cherish. It is always up to you to be aware-to look for the enlightenment on your untraveled path. How you look at and react to your life's experiences will determine the negative or positive outcome it will have on your consciousness. You are the totality of your experiences. You are a combination of the choices you have made-as well as the choices you chose not to make. Every experience, every choice-it is all you! Trust in yourself, for it is all "you" showing "you" the way.

We can never run from ourselves, and there is nowhere to hide. Our consciousness must change, and that can only come about through higher understanding. Strive to know your true self, let go of your preconceived notions about God and creation, and walk through your fear that works to shackle your mind from the true reality that is "God in motion." For thousands of years, mankind has been wandering in his lost desert of self-misunderstanding his own being, as well as the Godliness that IS. We must understand creation prior to effectively maneuvering through creation. We must know its secrets and discover that which has been hidden from us. The time is now to remove the mask that has hidden the truth of the Godliness from humanity and held us back from our highest potential. Humanity, what we have become, is known throughout our universe.

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The Apple iPhone Can Help You Recite The Sacred Rosary Flawlessly Well

By Frankie Blackwell

The iPhone was designed to enhance our secular lives. While we go on our daily task as a people, the iPhone's effectiveness had made a huge difference in the way we live, especially when it comes to making contact with our family members, pals, acquaintances and colleagues. The Apple iPhone additionally supplied our temporary needs with wholesome fun and entertainment.

Nevertheless, here is one wonderful but vital feature of the Apple iPhone. This glorious super smart phone by Apple Inc. is likewise instrumental in uplifting our own non-secular lives. As mentioned, the iPhone really does things correctly well when it comes to making contact with others. The most wonderful thing is that, it is also the perfect instrument in making contact with God. This is, because that the iPhone has various applications that help individuals on precisely how to get connected with God by means of prayers.

If you are a Catholic, recitation of the Sacred Rosary is among the most revered and widely practiced form of prayer as well as commitment. Nevertheless, many Catholics frequently forget which secret of the rosary is appropriate for the day. The good news is that the Apple iPhone can direct you which secret of the rosary should be recited in the daytime. This is made possible if you have the iRosary App with you. This interactive however user-friendly prayer app contains the total mysteries of the rosary, specifically the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous mysteries.

As you open the application, an illuminated glowing cross will certainly reveal which mystery is to be used for the day. In addition, with this particular app, you should use the iPhone as a rosary since it consists of an interactive rosary inside. While you press each and every bead, it guides you which prayer to recite. By getting this app, you will never get lost while you attempt to complete the entire course of the Holy Rosary from beginning to end.

As you can see, the Apple iPhone can do something indispensable in our religious lives. It provides us the chance to momentarily free ourselves from all the load and worries of the world. Together with the other important attributes of the iPhone, it's a wise decision to give it the best protection available. The truly amazing news is that you can get one when you've got an iPhone insurance coverage together with you.

For all residents of the United Kingdom who has an uninsured Apple iPhone along with them, it's never too late to get the greatest leverage that you deserve. As a matter of fact, with an inexpensive premium, all iPhone versions bought within Britain as a first-hand model, are eligible for a detailed iPhone insurance support.

What makes this particular insurance coverage plan beyond the normal is its world-wide safety coverage as well as extensive warranty riders. As their names implies, the area and time period of coverage exceed what the competition can provide. So when you bring your iPhone 4 along with you outside of The UK, and it got taken, your covered unit is totally covered. Plus, its extended warranty support enables a longer protection coverage period.

Possessing this intensive iPhone insurance service is an opportunity that shouldn't end up being overlooked. Therefore, if you own an Apple iPhone yourself, then, have it insured as soon as you had completed studying this amazing news flash.

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