Death is coming

The closer death creeps up upon me the less I am able to understand the reasons for life or living.

Yes I have experienced a close family member dying and unlike television it takes decades to handle such a thing. To think I am going to put my family through such a thing when I finally leave is more horrific to me than the thought of death itself.

My life was and is still a learning experience but when all said and done what am I to do with all this accumulated learning over my lifetime if I just die. There is no logic or reason to this.

Long ago I became aware that the God story that is sold to the majority is just a nice story to give mankind with a message of a basic layout of how nice life could be if everyone followed these ideas. Not many in life do and if one thinks about it the good and evil structures actually depend on each other. The good that can be experienced in life is only understood as good when there is it's opposite to compare it to. This is not rocket science only common sense in reality. I am not saying we need to experience bad but understanding in it is needed to appreciate the great things many of us can have in our lives. From birth to death there are many ways mankind helps his fellow man. How many ways can you help?

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Zodiac Compatibility Information About Gemini And Virgo

By Gilbert Karlis

"What will probably be your signal?Inches, will be the principal issue that has been inquiring. Several could see this question like a pick-up line however, quite a few persons are actually considering understanding the Sign. Most likely because our unique Sign is claimed to help us all better comprehend each other's character as well as features. There are 12 Indicators in the Ancient greek Zodiac. Horoscope signifies "circle of animals" inside Ancient greek, although the 14 symptoms are made involving wildlife and also human beings, apart from Libra. It comes with an enjoyable Ancient greek language Mythology guiding your Symptoms. Your Ancient greek Favorite myths at the rear of each from the Southeast Hemisphere Astrology signs, which include Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius in addition to Pisces, are normally as adhere to:

Libra : your Libra Signal is represented by scales, that Egyptians thought have been applied so that you can look at the specific men and women of the deceased. Even so, throughout Greek Mythology, Libra genuinely displayed your gold chariot associated with Pluto (Hades). Pluto was the genuine close friend of Zeus as well as ruler within the underworld. Some day they observed an attractive girl known as Persephone, whilst driving in towards the Upper Globe together with his golden chariot, that was ripped by merely four jet-black race horses, Persephone ended up becoming your daughter of Zeus along with Demeter, the goddess on the collect. Pluto was captivated by her attractiveness that he effortlessly pressured the woman's into their chariot in addition to maintained the woman's away for the particular Underworld generating the girl, his California king. Demeter became thus depressed concerning the kidnapping with the girl daughter that they couldn't follow along with her godly obligations. Zeus commanded that this sibling Pluto delivered the woman returning towards Upper World. Pluto arranged, provided their Full would most likely partition your ex period among your A couple of cellular phone industry's, 4 months of the year.

Scorpio -- the specific Scorpio Sign represents a large Scorpion. The true fantasy begins using a big hunter known as Orion. They have been incredibly fine which produced him or her believe very very of himself. He previously zero respect for your immortals along with begun to brag about how exactly much better in the factor he has been as compared to Artemis and exactly how however control to wipe out every single animal he or she experienced. Artemis ended up being your goddess in the forests and she began being incredibly irritated in Orion and chose to call his / her choose to bluff. The lady routed a big Scorpion to cope with Orion. Your dream had been very extreme but the Scorpion could conquer Orion. Zeus, the specific full from the gods, am impressed while using complete the numerous that they put the specific Scorpion inside the high atmosphere.

Sagittarius : the real Sagittarius Sign is presented by a Centaur called Chiron. Within the Ancient greek Mythology, Centaurs were half-man along with half-horse. These had been seen to bring about fantastic problems, apart from a mild Centaur called Chiron. This person was extremely kind in addition to an superb anchorman and physician. Regrettably, Hercules acquired wrong Chiron for 1 inside wicked Centaurs he had been fighting and suddenly picture Chiron inside cardiovascular by using a diseased arrow. The particular arrow brought on Chiron these kinds of great soreness that they wanted to arrive about of an man known as Prometheus and turn out to be human. Prometheus was a Titan whom got stolen flames through Zeus and were reprimanded drastically because of it. Prometheus were chained as much as a rock and roll via Zeus each morning hours the novelty helmet would definitely take his / her hard working liver. Your liver would re-grow during the morning and when once again be consumed. Chiron determined that a couple of minutes of pain was as good as being a new life-time associated with pain and so he or she got the spot associated with Prometheus.

Capricorn - the Capricorn Indication is represented by the goat known as Pot. In Mythology, Griddle have been chased of the god of damaging winds, Typhoeus. Griddle got zero alternative but to leap towards the Nile River. Tiny do Pan understand, your Earth Water had been quite powerful. The actual Earth River undoubtedly could turn Pan's reduced half to some fish while his spouse continued being any goat. Griddle ended up getting capable to quickly go swimming apart and also avoid Typhoeus.

Aquarius - the Aquarius Signal is presented by the real Cupbearer. There is a smaller daughter son referred to as Ganymede. He or she have been boy associated with Tros, the true King of Troy. Zeus required any liking for your youthful young man along with decided to kidnap Ganymede and also eat your ex on the air. 1 day whilst Ganymede were attending their dads lambs, Zeus converted into an eagle and also swooped your boy apart. Ganymede after which took more than as Cupbearer for your gods.

Pisces -- the specific Pisces Indication implies a pair of bass. Typhoeus yet once more ended up being terrorizing the particular gods in addition to ended up getting searching to scare them. The real gods quickly become animals, planning to escape such evil huge. Aphrodite as well as her boy Euro leaped for your lake and also quickly converted into a set of seafood utilizing wires attached to their specific tails. The specific cable stored each the collectively and they swam absent uncomplicated safety.

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Three Energetic Shifts to Make By Early 2012

By Gia Combs-Ramirez

Like getting ready for moving day (from old energy paradigms to new energy paradigms), there are things that we need in place as we move into 2012. Here are the top 3 priorities on the transformation" to-do list" for this time:

1. Align every last drop of your energy and dedication to your largest dream. In our move from the "Old Earth" to "New Earth" there's a narrow active doorway that requires a minimalist position to move thru so that transformation can happen with grace and ease. At the beginning of the current year, I was focused on growing my individual business while my organization, Crystalline Consciousness Methodology, was a bit rudderless. Yet my organization was the bigger dream. In February, I extremely quickly considered disbanding it as I questioned if any organisations were intending to make it through the shift at all. Sometime between Feb and May, I did a complete 180 psychological shift and decided to let go of my individual business and put all my energy into growing my organisation, as it is my largest dream. If you have been a multi-tasker up to this point, take a look at what your biggest dream is and align everything in your life to it.

2. Step into your Soul Purpose. Whether you know what your soul purpose is or not, step into it. Attest that you're operating from soul purpose even when your life seems the absolute same as before. It's a vibrational difference that will attract all types of novel possibilities and potential for you. Let go of any sense of "but I must do XYZ before I'll step into my soul purpose." Live that bigger vision of yourself NOW!

3. Go on from your wholeness, not your fears. Or an alternative way to claim this is to manifest from "My life is enough." When a person is in survival then they manifest from a place of lack. This is suitable in survival. But many people have moved into flourishing (when you have more than enough to cover your basic living wants) and they operate from a place of lack. I'm able to manifest a boat from a place of lack (my life is not enough unless I have got a boat) or I'm able to manifest a boat from a place of expression of my life as whole and complete. If we continue to operate from "never enough," we're going to use up all the resources on this planet, the moon and any other planet we can land on. If we begin to recognize "I am enough, my life is enough," we're going to build and create from a very different space. We consume a lot less from this place because there isn't any hole to fill up.

As you end 2011 and begin 2012, ask yourself: What is my largest dream for myself and is it aligned to my soul purpose and expressing my wholeness and completeness? This one question will guide you to right action within the transformational shift we are experiencing.

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